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Teaching and Learning

The Coulter Faculty Commons exists to support a campus community centered on excellence in teaching and learning.  We provide a wide variety of services to support teaching and learning, including consultations, assessments, workshops, publications, and more.  These services are available to Western Carolina University faculty, staff, and graduate students.

Teaching and Learning Services


All consultations and services are voluntary, confidential and are conducted with high professional standards. Consultation topics include, but are not limited to, the following or click here to

  • Active learning
  • Course analysis
  • Course Design
  • Civil Discourse in the Classroom
  • Classroom Management
  • Faculty time management
  • Large classes (transitioning to, strategies for making large classes feel smaller)
  • Online Teaching and Learning
  • Rubric development and utilization
  • Quality Matters
  • Syllabus and schedule construction
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning projects
  • Student Learning Outcome (SLO) writing and alignment
  • Team-Based Learning (and other forms of problem-based learning designs)
  • Test construction
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Consultations may also cover work-life balance and other issues related to faculty support.  To request any of these services, please contact the , or visit our offices in Hunter Library.


The two main types of assessment at 91Èȱ¬Íø are Course Assessment and Program Assessment. Course Assessment evaluates the effectiveness of instruction whereas Program Assessment evaluates if a program serves its intended purpose. Making better use of assessment data improves the value of any course or program in the following ways:

  • Stronger course design
  • Thorough analysis of assessment data
  • Effective education about assessment tools
  • Improved program clarification
  • Better understanding of assessment processes
  • Increased usability of assessment results

Academic Integrity Support

Honesty is an important part of the education process and needs to be maintained to make college worth more than a degree alone. 91Èȱ¬Íø created the Academic Integrity Policy to uphold this standard, focusing on four main offenses that threaten the quality of student education:

  1. Cheating â€“ Using, or attempting to use, unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.
  2. Fabrication â€“ Creating and/or falsifying information or citation in any academic exercise.
  3. Plagiarism â€“ Representing the words or ideas of someone else as one’s own in any academic exercise.
  4. Self-plagiarism â€“ Reusing work that you have already published or submitted for a class. It can involve re-submitting an entire paper, copying, paraphrasing passages from your previous work, or recycling old data.
  5. Facilitation â€“ Helping or attempting to help someone to commit a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy in any academic exercise (e.g. allowing another person to copy information during an examination).

Learn More About our Academic Integrity Support

Additional Resources


Trying to write your syllabus? Explore our tools and templates to help you fulfill all the elements needed. Syllabus Resources

Other Resources

Other Publications and Resources