This policy addresses academic integrity violations of undergraduate and graduate students.
Students, faculty, staff, and administrators of Western Carolina University (91热爆网)
strive to achieve the highest standards of scholarship and integrity. Any violation
of the Academic Integrity Policy is a serious offense because it threatens the quality
of scholarship and undermines the integrity of the community. While academic in scope, any
violation of this policy is by nature, a violation of the Code of Student Conduct
(Code) and will be addressed as outlined in that document. If the charge occurs close
to the end of an academic semester/term or in the event of either party presenting
a reasonable need for additional time to gather information, timelines may be extended at
the discretion of the appropriate academic Dean.
Instructors have the right to determine appropriate academic sanctions for violations of
the Academic Integrity Policy within their courses, up to and including a final grade
of 鈥淔鈥 in the course in which the violation occurs.
Cheating 鈥 Using, or attempting to use, unauthorized materials, information, or study aids
in any academic exercise.
Fabrication 鈥 Creating and/or falsifying information or citation in any academic exercise.
Plagiarism 鈥 Representing the words or ideas of someone else as one鈥檚 own in any academic exercise.
Self-plagiarism Reusing work that you have already published or submitted for a class. It can involve
re-submitting an entire paper, copying, paraphrasing passages from your previous work,
or recycling old data.
Facilitation 鈥 Helping or attempting to help someone to commit a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy
in any academic exercise (e.g. allowing another person to copy information during
an examination).
Within five (5) business days of the instructor鈥檚 knowledge of the alleged violation of
the Academic Integrity Policy, the instructor will inform the department head in writing
(or associate Dean of the graduate school when applicable) of the allegation and sanction(s).
Within ten (10) business days of the instructor鈥檚 knowledge of the alleged violation of
the Academic Integrity Policy, the instructor will inform the student of the allegation
in writing, including the proposed sanction(s). In the written notification, the
student will be informed of his/her right to request a meeting with the instructor.
If the student requests a meeting, the instructor shall complete the Academic Integrity
Violation Faculty Resolution Form with the student. If the student does not submit
a written request for a meeting with the instructor within five (5) business days
of receipt of the written allegation(s), the student shall be deemed to have mutually
resolved the matter and shall be bound to the sanction(s) outlined by the instructor
in the written allegation. If the student does not request a meeting, the alleged
violation of the Academic Integrity Policy shall not be subject to further review
and/or appeal.
Within five (5) business days after meeting with the instructor, the student shall
either appeal the decision in writing to the department head or mutually resolve the
matter by accepting the allegation and proposed sanction(s). No action by the student
within five (5) business days after the meeting with the instructor shall constitute
a mutual resolution and waiver of the student鈥檚 rights to appeal, pursuant to the
Academic Integrity Policy and the alleged violation shall not be subject to further
review and/or appeal.
Within five (5) business days of receiving a student鈥檚 written appeal, the department
head must schedule a meeting with the student. The instructor may be present during
the meeting. During the meeting, the department head shall complete the Academic
Integrity Violation Department Head Resolution Form. Only information submitted during
the meeting with the student, or in the meeting between the instructor and the student, may
be considered by the department head. The evidentiary standard for making a decision shall
be preponderance of the evidence. The department head may agree or disagree with
the allegation(s) of the instructor. The department head may also approve, overturn, or
modify the sanction(s) proposed by the instructor. If the student does not attend the
scheduled meeting with the department head, the matter will be heard in absentia and
shall not be subject to further review and/or appeal.
Within five (5) business days of meeting with the department head, the student shall either submit
a written appeal regarding the decision or mutually resolve the matter by accepting
the allegation and proposed sanction(s). The student must submit a written appeal
to the academic Dean listed on the Academic Integrity Violation Department Head Resolution
Form. No action by the student within five (5) business days of the meeting with
the department head shall constitute a mutual resolution and waiver of the student鈥檚
rights to appeal pursuant to the Academic Integrity Policy and the alleged violation
shall not be subject to further review and/or appeal.
Within seven (7) business days of receiving a student鈥檚 written appeal, the appropriate
academic Dean must schedule an Academic Integrity Board hearing with the student.
The Academic Integrity Board shall consist of a minimum of two (2) currently enrolled
students and/or faculty members (with a minimum of one faculty member). A faculty
member will serve as chair of the board. The instructor may be present during the
hearing. Only information submitted during the hearing, or in the meetings between
the instructor/department head and the student, may be considered by the hearing board.
The evidentiary standard for making a decision shall be preponderance of the evidence.
The hearing board may agree or disagree with the allegation(s) of the instructor.
The hearing board may also approve, overturn, or modify the sanction(s) proposed by
the instructor and/or department head. If the student does not attend the scheduled
hearing, the matter will be heard in absentia and shall not be subject to further
review and/or appeal. Within ten (10) business days of the hearing, the appropriate
academic Dean shall review pertinent records and send the student written notification
of the decision of the Academic Integrity Board.
Within five (5) business days of receiving written notification of the decision of the
Academic Integrity Board the student may accept the findings and sanctions of the
board or submit an appeal to the designated academic Dean. No action by the student within
five (5) business days of the meeting with the department head shall constitute a
mutual resolution and waiver of the student鈥檚 rights to appeal pursuant to the Academic Integrity
Policy and the alleged violation shall not be subject to further review and/or appeal.
If the student elects to file an appeal of the decision of the Academic Integrity Board,
s/he must submit a written appeal within five (5) business days of receiving written
notification of the decision of the Academic Integrity Board to the designated academic
Dean. An appeal to an academic Dean must be limited to the following grounds; 1)
a violation of due process or 2) a material deviation from Substantive and Procedural Standards
by the UNC Board of Governors (as set forth in the UNC Manual 700.4.1).
If an appeal is heard by an academic Dean, s/he shall review pertinent records within ten
(10) business days of receiving a valid appeal. The academic Dean may agree or disagree
with the allegation(s) of the instructor. The academic Dean may also approve, overturn,
or modify the sanction(s) proposed by the instructor, department head, and/or Academic
Integrity Board. Within five (5) days of making a decision, the academic Dean shall
provide the student with a written decision. The decision of the academic Dean shall
be final.
The student must remain enrolled in the course related to the case, and may not be permitted
to withdraw from the related course until all hearing timelines, notifications, and/or
appeals have been completed.
Upon resolution of each level of the case (regardless of outcome), the instructor, department
head, and academic Dean must provide the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success
with all materials and documents related to the case (i.e. course syllabus, materials
in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, Instructor Resolution Form, Department
Head Resolution Form, Academic Integrity Board decision letter, academic Dean decision
letter, etc.). The Division of Student Affairs shall serve as the repository for
all records associated with allegations and violations associated with the Academic
Integrity Policy.
The Academic Integrity Board shall consist of a minimum of two (2) currently enrolled students
and/or faculty members (with a minimum of one faculty member). A faculty member will
serve as chair of the board. Students and faculty members serving on boards for each
college will be selected by each college Dean. The Department of Student Community
Ethics and Academic Affairs will train all board members prior to their service on
a hearing board. Each academic Dean will convene hearing boards as necessary, and
will determine a faculty member to serve as chair prior to a hearing.
The instructor, department head, Academic Integrity Board, and/or academic Dean may impose
academic sanctions permitted by the institution (not to exceed receiving a grade of
鈥淔鈥 for the course). The instructor, department head, Academic Integrity Board, and/or
academic Dean may not permanently remove the student from the course or suspend/expel
the student from a program or the University. Student behavior of the magnitude to
warrant consideration for permanently removal from the course or suspension/expulsion
from a program or the University must be referred to the Associate Vice Chancellor/Dean
of Students.
Upon receipt of materials associated with violations of the Academic Integrity Policy, the Associate
Vice Chancellor for Student Success will determine if a student has previous violations
of University policies. Students with a prior record of violations, or who commit
a gross and/or egregious violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, will be referred
to the Associate Vice Chancellor/Dean of Students for consideration of being subject
to hearing proceedings for a serious academic violation as defined by the Code of
Student Conduct. Students in this category are subject to course-related sanctions
imposed by the instructor, department head, Academic Integrity Board, and/or academic
Dean and University-level sanctions imposed by the Associate Vice Chancellor/Dean
of Students for multiple violations of University policies.