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Creative Commons Workshops

Creative Commons (CC) is a nonprofit organization best known for their CC licenses that encourage the remix, reuse, and sharing of copyright-protectable works. Join us in the library to hear more about CC licenses and how they can benefit your research. Participants will learn how to read CC licenses, find and provide proper attribution for CC-licensed resources, and consider how they can apply CC licenses to their own work. Contact , Scholarly Communication Librarian, at skapel@wcu.edu or 227-3416 for more information.

Poster Presentations Workshops

Are you planning to create a research poster? Are you concerned about including too much or too little information on your poster? Are you unsure of what to expect during the poster session? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then consider attending this workshop! Participants will learn poster layout best practices, explore resources available to customize posters, and gain insight into what to expect on the day of the presentation. Contact , Scholarly Communication Librarian, at skapel@wcu.edu or 227-3416 for more information.

Other Workshops

If you are interested in a workshop on some other aspect of the scholarly production cycle, contact .