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Response to a Student Concern

Upon notification of a Student Concern through the online reporting system, the Chair of the Team will triage the concern and assign to the most appropriate team member. Pending or previously discussed cases will be reviewed during regularly scheduled bi-weekly team meetings. These reviews will include confirmation that the services or referrals have been made and an assessment of their effectiveness. The Chair of the Team manages the SCRT incident reports. In the case of an extreme emergency, a special team meeting will be called. The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (or designee) will be responsible for communicating the situation to the appropriate members of the Chancellors’ Executive Council, when necessary.

While the primary mission of the Student Concern Response Team is to insure that students are afforded the opportunity to take advantage of University and outside services, students are under no obligation to cooperate. However, in cases where a student in a crisis situation impacts the University Community, in terms of safety, security, or the creation of an atmosphere of fear, this refusal can be considered in recommendations of the team to appropriate University authorities to limit the exposure of the remainder of the community to disruptive behavior.