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Financial Aid Information

Financial Aid


A post-secondary education isn't out of reach, financial aid can help you or your student achieve their higher education dreams. What is financial aid? It is the financial support that covers the difference between what college costs and what you can afford to pay. This money generally comes from government or other organizations that give it to you or lend it to you.  To qualify for financial aid, you must apply for it.

There are three main types of financial aid available:

  • Loans, which have to be repaid
  • Grants and Scholarships, that don't have to be repaid
  • Employment Programs, such as work-study, that allow you to earn money and gain job experience while studying.

Below you'll find resources for financial aid, should you have questions please don't hesitate to contact your Project Discovery counselor at your school.

Types of Financial Aid

There is more than just one option. Whether you wish to pursue scholarships, traditional loans, or a federal work-study, you can find detailed information explaining the differences and what you'll need to do to apply.


NC Promise

The NC Promise Tuition Plan reaffirms the North Carolina's commitment to making the university experience affordable and accessible to all. NC Promise will reduce in-state tuition cost to $500 per semester and out-of-state tuition to $2,500 per semester beginning in Fall 2018.


Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

To be considered for financial aid from the federal government, state governments or many U.S. colleges you will need to fill out a FAFSA form. You can also see how much financial aid you will qualify for.

Parent FAFSA Workshops

Do you have a student in your life who is a Junior or Senior in High School? Every year we offer workshops at your student's school that help put you on the road to receiving financial aid for your student from a variety of sources. To learn more speak to a Project Discovery counselor at your school.

Scholarships and Grants

Providing an alternative to student loans, scholarships and grants can help cover or supplement your tuition costs. Most scholarships and grants have criteria and an application process.

Explore more Opportunities 

Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

This tool helps you to estimate how much you or your family is expected to contribute to your college education. It will aid you in determining how much financial aid you will need.

Saving Money for College

Explore the options of a 529 Plan and begin saving money for your post-secondary education. A 529 Plan is an education savings plan operated by a state or educational institution designed to help families set aside funds for future college costs.

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