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College  Bound

Below is a short list of the scholarships available. Some are based on merit while others are based on specific criteria, be sure to explore each in detail to find one that is right for you.

If you have questions, ask your Guidance Counselor. Be sure to check the specific deadline dates for each scholarship as they vary. If you would like to browse a full list of scholarships you can find them at

Must attend an N.C. private college/university and be a citizen of N.C. for at least one year; amount - $1800 ($900 each semester); (student receives NCLTG when he/she enrolls at a private N.C. college/university).

NC Reach is a state-funded scholarship offered for up to 4 years, including fall, spring, and summer school terms. The program funds up to the school’s full cost of attendance after other public funds and scholarships have been applied. NC Reach provides comprehensive student support, including Virtual Mentors, Care Packages, and internships.

must plan to attend one of these six universities in N.C.: Elizabeth City State; Fayetteville State; N.C. A & T; N.C. Central, UNC-Pembroke or Winston-Salem State; amount - covers tuition, fees, and books for the freshman year only and is non-renewable; no deadlines - contact financial aid office of the university you plan to attend.

Must be a Native American, admitted to one of the 16 UNC universities and have financial need; amount varies. Must complete the FAFSA.

Must be an American Indian who is a member of a tribal group; amount - varies; June 1 deadline; contact Director of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian Education and Training Department, P.O. Box 455, Cherokee, NC 28719 or call 828-497-7485

The amount varies according to financial need and the institution where you are applying. No separate application needed.

must have a learning, mental or physical disability which is a handicap to employment; amount-covers the cost of tuition, fees and some books and supplies; no deadline but must contact Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.

Must have an outstanding record of 4-H participation and achievement; contact your local 4-H Agent for details on this and other 4-H scholarships available; amount-varies from $500 to $2500. 4-H Youth Development Department at 919-515-2801 for deadlines and applications.

Various federal, state, and private scholarships/resources are available to assist students with special needs, including physically challenged and learning disabled students;  for specific scholarship information for Students with Special Needs.

Must be children of veterans who died or are permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-related disability while in active service in the Armed Forces as well as children of service persons missing in action or captured in the line of duty by a hostile force. Visit or  for more information; amount- varies; deadline ASAP.

Must be children of certain deceased or disabled veterans or of veterans who were listed as POW/MIA; (veterans must have been a legal resident of N.C. at time of entry into service, or child must have been born in N.C. and resided there continuously); amount — varies up to free tuition, room and board fees at state-supported institution or limited fees up to $4500 at private institutions; for additional information, contact your local office or the N.C. Division of Veterans Affairs. (325 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27603) at 919-733-3851.

Must complete the (FAFSA): amount - varies from $400 to $4300; the completed form cannot be submitted online or by mail until after January 1st.

Must be a student preparing for a career in the agriculture and food industry.

Must be 18 years old and willing to volunteer one year in a non-profit organization helping to build homes for homeless, helping children learn to read, restoring forests and streams in national parks and/or helping provide disaster relief with American Red Cross or state emergency management disaster outreach programs, etc.

Must reside in Swain County, be accepted to attend UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Greensboro, or N.C. State University and have a strong academic record, excellent character, leadership qualities, and financial need as determined by your CSS Financial Aid Profile.

Must be a high school senior with a GPA 2.5 or higher and working part-time an average of 15 hours per week (you do not have to be a Burger King employee) that demonstrates participation in community service and/or co –curricular activities with financial need. Learn More

Sponsored by the N.C. Public Maintenance Association. You must be child or spouse of a public school maintenance personnel and attending a 2- or 4-year college plus have financial need.

Scholarships are awarded to deserving students who display academic excellence, leadership skills, community service, involvement, activities, awards, and honors.

 Applicants must be residents of one of the following counties in WNC: Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison, Polk, Swain, or Transylvania. Applicants must demonstrate academic achievement and financial need, high personal character, leadership and demonstrate a musical aptitude.

Must have a high school GPA of 3.5+, be accepted at one of the 10 NCCE (National Commission for Cooperative Education) Partner College & Universities (see listing of schools on their website) and complete an essay why you have chosen to pursue a college cooperative education program; amount—varies; see website: 

Must be an FFA class/club member and plan to attend a college or vocational/technical college in a related FFA major/career; amount—application available at

 Students in grades 9-12 are eligible to submit an essay about a topic of global significance; amount—$2,500 and a trip to Washington DC

Sponsored by the Positive Choices Program which encourages students to make positive, life-saving choices about alcohol use and driving; everyone who signs the online positive promise is eligible to win one of five college scholarships to be awarded;

The 2015 Young Native Writers Essay Contest is open to Native American high school students currently enrolled in grades 9-12 only. All students participating in Young Native Writers Essay Contest should have a significant and current relationship with a Native American tribal community. First place scholarship of $2500; complete details, writing requirements and . Deadline: April