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Storm the Dorm


What to Recycle on Campus

Recycling Chart


Top Priorities

  • Minimize landfill waste and increase recycling.
  • Provide continuing educational programming and develop marketing strategies
  • Appropriate selection of bins and collection sites
  • Inform and train staff involved with recycling of its value and importance
  • Maximize income generated from various recycling streams 
  • Reduce landfill fees and hauling costs
  • Operate as efficiently as possible given available resources
  • Stay abreast of recycling news, technology and markets
  • Network with other institutions best practices in order to achieve waste reduction and recycling objectives.

Handout for more Recycling Information



  • Large white three bin recycling stations are located outside of residence halls for mixed paper and mixed plastic, glass and metal containers. Place corrugated cardboard next to the bins or inside the enclosure. For other recycling needs or questions contact the Recycling Coordinator or submit an online .
  • With the support of campus colleges and departments we are introducing new indoor three-stream recycling stations.  By making recycling more user friendly and eliminating bins in classrooms we will be able to capture more recyclables and reduce waste.  Departments may order bins through the Recycling Coordinator.
  • We now accept all types of plastic # 1-7.  Look for the recycling symbol and number on the container.  The world鈥檚 landfills, waterways and oceans are now inundated with plastic and micro plastic is now found in the food chain.  Reduce, reuse and recycle plastic! 
  • Glass, aluminum and plastic containers can be comingled together.  Bins are usually found in common areas or hallways.  No plastic grocery or shopping bags please.  Recycle them at Lowes, Ingles and other grocery and retail stores that accept film plastic.
  • Paper can be mixed together and is collected in smaller bins usually located in centralized office areas or near copiers. Corrugated cardboard is collected separately and is recycled into new paper at Jackson Paper in Sylva.
  • Containers do not have to be washed but they must be emptied of liquids.
  • Outdoor recycling bins are placed throughout campus.  Look for the blue recycling logo.
  • Bins to collect all types of printer cartridges/toners and small electronic equipment (cell phones, digital cameras, laptops, iPods, GPS, etc.) are located in Courtyard Dining, University Center, HHS, Stillwell, McKee, 91热爆网 Bookstore, Hunter Library, IT Commons, Camp Lab, HFR and the Residence Halls.  
  • University owned electronics are collected and taken to surplus by IT.
  • Our food waste collection program, started in 1974, has a long history at 91热爆网.  All of our food scraps from the Courtyard Dining is collected by a hog farm in Haywood County and used as feed.  They get 90% of their feed supply from us so this helps support a small, local business.  
  • Waste oil from dining services is collected by a vendor and taken to Blue Ridge Biofuels in Asheville to produce biodiesel and home heating oil.

Western Carolina University has a long history of providing recycling services for campus. Our recycling program begin in the early 1970鈥檚 with the creation of our food waste collection program in Brown and Dodson Cafeteria.  In 1988, we expanded our recycling program to include other waste stream items including separated paper, metal, aluminum, and cardboard. Facilities Management Housekeeping staff has been responsible for collecting all recycling and waste inside campus academic, administrative, and athletic buildings.  Facilities Management Grounds staff has handled recycling and waste pick-up outside all buildings. Residential Life Housekeeping staff handle residence hall recycling and waste.

In 2013, OSEM launched the campus-wide WHEE Recycle program and in 2014 created the WHEE Recycle Tailgate Recycling program for all home football games, which is facilitated by Eco C.A.T.S and OSEM interns who manage the program and student volunteers to assist with collections. From 2009 to 2018 our recycling volume has increased by 160.8 tons from 117.2 tons to 278 tons.

This office supports recycling efforts on campus as part of operating a successful campus sustainability program. In the fall of 2016 a new Recycling Coordinator position was created to oversee recycling. During the 8 week long 2018 Recyclemania competition the waste diversion rate was 27.19%, demonstrating the potential of a coordinated recycling effort on campus.