Editor's note: Due to wintry weather, our statewide star party event will be postponed for both Friday, April 8, and Saturday, April 9. Please join us Sunday, April 10, from noon to 5 p.m. at Science at the Jackson Arts Market in Sylva, NC (533 W Main St Sylva, NC 28779) for a safe solar viewing through telescopes with filters as well as activities to learn about the James Webb Telescope, stellar evolution and using astronomy to look back in time.
A “Science at the Jackson Arts Market” will be held on consecutive Sundays in downtown Sylva on April 3 and April 10 to highlight the science behind crafts and gardening, in a free, family friendly event.
The program is hosted by Jackson Arts Market in partnership with Western Carolina University and the North Carolina Science Festival. Local craftspeople and 91ȱ scientists and students will demonstrate the science of glassblowing, gemstones, pottery making, blacksmithing and herb foraging, and even the life cycle of chickens.
Other presentations will include self-guided tours to identify nutritional herbs, a Solar System Walk through downtown Sylva and, weather permitting, a safe solar viewing. Children also can design their own science mission patches and participate in a scavenger hunt.
“Science at the Jackson Arts Market” is one of hundreds of such events organized by the N.C. Science Festival during the month of April and is made possible through support by the Biogen Foundation. Learn more at .