Western Carolina University has announced its roster of new graduates and released its dean’s/chancellor’s list for the summer sessions of 2019.
The university conferred degrees on 237 students who completed their studies over the summer. A total of 44 undergraduate students received academic honors, with 15 graduating summa cum laude (with highest honors), 11 graduating magna cum laude (with high honors), and 18 graduating cum laude (with honors).
Students in the summer class are listed at , showing the student’s name, city of residence, state of residence, zip code, type of degree received and major. Undergraduate honors also are shown, when applicable.
A total of 124 91ȱ students have been named to the dean’s list for summer, and 70 of those students also were named to the chancellor’s list, an additional designation of high academic achievement at the university.
To qualify for the dean’s list, students must achieve at least a 3.5 GPA out of a possible 4.0 on a regular semester’s work of not less than 12 hours, excluding remedial courses, with no grade of D or F. Students named to the chancellor’s list met those specifications while also achieving a GPA of 3.8 or higher.
A list of students named to the dean’s list can be accessed at . Those also qualifying for the chancellor’s list are indicated with a “CL” beside their names.