The M.S. in Experiential and Outdoor Education is a two-year hybrid program. Hybrid coursework is a mix of online (synchronous and asynchronous) and face-to-face weekend (Friday and Saturday) core class sessions during Year 1 and elective courses (offered online, face-to-face and hybrid) in Year 2. This format allows for students to remain employed full-time and/or pursue field-based coursework (e.g. internships) at regional agencies. The degree utilizes the philosophy of experiential education combined with the modality of outdoor education to provide students with necessary training to serve in a variety of educational contexts.
Through the Experiential and Outdoor Education program students will:
1. Develop a theoretical and philosophical foundation for experiential and outdoor
2. Understand research methods as they apply to experiential and outdoor education
3. Design learning experiences for diverse populations that integrate theory into
4. Demonstrate an ability to identify a need in the literature, propose and complete
a graduate level thesis or project to meet that need.
The Association of Experiential Education defines Experiential Education as: 鈥溾 a philosophy that informs many methodologies in which educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop people's capacity to contribute to their communities.鈥
The M.S. in Experiential and Outdoor Education degree works well for a wide range of professionals who work in outdoor and educational programs including: expeditionary learning schools, charter schools, independent schools with an experiential education program, community colleges, residential and day camps, environmental education programs, therapeutic experiential agencies and camps, university outdoor programs, and wilderness leadership programs. Some students enroll in the program as a part of a career shift while others plan to use the additional training to enhance their current professional work.