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Human Subject Research



Western Carolina University recognizes the need to utilize human subjects in research.  Using human subjects in research is a privilege, therefore all research using human subjects as participants must be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board. The primary goal of the 91Èȱ¬Íø IRB is to protect the rights and welfare of individuals who participate as subjects while promoting and facilitating the research enterprise, and maintaining an open and cooperative relationship with the research community.

The IRB is registered with the Department of Health and Human Services – Office for Human Research Protections with the Federal-wide Assurance #FWA00010411. This provides assurance that the University will comply with applicable federal laws and regulations related to research with human subjects.

Sample InfoEd IRB Submissions

The following sample submission documents were created by Compliance Office staff and are meant to assist new researchers in completing their IRB applications.

These sample submissions are meant for training University researchers in completing a 91Èȱ¬Íø IRB submission in InfoEd. For any other use please contact the IRB office.

NOTE: Use of the content in these examples does not automatically confirm that your application will be approved. Each study and protocol is different and reviewed on a case-by-case basis under federal regulatory guidance.


Surveying Your Own 91Èȱ¬Íø Students

Adult Intervention with Pre & Post Survey

Intervention with Minors


Researchers utilizing human subjects in research should review University Policy 131 - Research Involving Human Subjects, and IRB procedures, prior to commencing research.

Before participants are recruited or data is collected, the IRB must review and approve all research conducted by 91Èȱ¬Íø faculty, staff, or students, regardless of funding source. Research may not begin until an approval or exemption letter is received from the IRB.

91Èȱ¬Íø's IRB uses  for all IRB submissions and the review process. 

Please visit the InfoEd training page for more information, or contact the IRB by emailing irb@wcu.edu or calling 828.227.2921.