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IACUC Membership

IACUC Chair: Dr. Barbara Ballentine, Biology

IACUC Membership

  • Dr. Joe Bill Mathews, Biology
  • Dr. Aimee Rockhill, Natural Resources Management
  • Kendall Rohovit Waldrop, Community member
  • Heather Baker, Legal Counsel

Meeting Dates

The IACUC meets monthly during Fall and Spring semesters, as needed. Protocols must be received at least 2 weeks in advance to be considered at the next meeting. However, not all protocols will require full IACUC review; many low-risk projects can be reviewed and approved outside of committee by the IACUC Chair. Whether a project requires full committee review will be determined by the IACUC upon receipt of the protocol. 

Please note: the IACUC does not hold meetings during the summer. Please plan your protocol submissions accordingly.

Spring 2025 IACUC Meetings:

Meeting Date Deadline to Submit for Full IACUC Review
February 4th January 21st
March 4th February 18th
April 1st March 18th

Reporting Concerns

The Western Carolina University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) investigates all concerns regarding the care, treatment, and use of animals for research at the University. Reports can be made to the following:

Barbara Ballentine, Ph.D., IACUC Chair, 828.227.2518

Joe Bill Mathews, D.V.M., IACUC Veterinarian, 828.227.2827

Harrison Martin , Research Compliance Officer, 828.227.2921

Mallory Ball, Ph.D, Director, Research Compliance & Integrity, 828.227.3172

Jeffrey Lawson, Ph.D.,  IACUC Institutional Official, 828.227.3831

Please submit your report in writing, either by email or memo in order to ensure accuracy and facilitate the investigation. If possible, indicate times, dates, place and procedure of concern. The more specific information provided, the more effective is the IACUC investigation.

Reports can also be made to any member of the IACUC.