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Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships

Study Abroad Scholarships


Explore External Scholarship, Grants, and Fellowships for Study Abroad!

Many external agencies offer grants, scholarships, and fellowships to help students study abroad. Explore the options below and expand your horizons without breaking your bank.

API awards approximately $400,000 in scholarships annually to study abroad students accepted to their programs. These scholarships range from $250 to $1,000 per student.


The International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) is accepting nominations from U.S. member institutions for student scholarships through The New York Community Trust-Annette Kade Fund.

Grants will be awarded to U.S. ISEP Spring semester participants in order to encourage students with a genuine interest in study abroad who do not have sufficient financial resources, to apply for placements in France, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The target audience for these scholarships is students wishing to pursue study at one of the German or French language programs within the ISEP member institutions. The award criteria for the scholarships include academic background, des

$2,000 Scholarships are available for semester and full year students ( 2 available per year)

$1,000 Scholarships are available for semester and full year students (5 available per year)

All nominations should be submitted to ISEP by October 27th. Scholarship recipients will be notified in November.


Undergraduate students majoring in any field of study are eligible to apply for these scholarships sponsored by the Association of Teachers of Japanese. Japanese language study is not a prerequisite. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and be enrolled in a college or university in the United States.

The Blakemore Foundation with the support of the Freeman Foundation offers fellowships and grants for the advanced study of modern Chinese, Japanese, Korean and SE Asian languages. Students pursuing professional, academic, or business careers that require frequent use of an Asian language may be eligible.

National Security Education Program (NSEP) David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarships and Graduate Fellowships competitions. Created in 1991, NSEP awards undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships to American students for the study of world regions critical to U.S. interests (including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East). Boren Scholarships provide up to $20,000 for an academic year's study abroad. Boren Fellowships provide up to $30,000 for language study and international research.


For mor information on applying to Boren Awards, please contact the Western Carolina Univeristy Office of National and International Awards.



The British Universities Transatlantic Exchange Association (BUTEX) offers eight $1,000 scholarships each year to students currently registered at US universities who will study abroad at a BUTEX member institution in the U.K.

The Center for Cross-Cultural Studies (CC-CS) awards several scholarships to students participating in a CC-CS sponsored program.

70% of all CISabroad students receive study abroad scholarship or grants. Between their scholarship programs and affiliate grants, chances are good you鈥檒l receive some aid from CISabroad.

The CLS Program is part of a U.S. Government effort to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering critical need foreign languages. CLS institutes provide fully-funded group-based intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten weeks for U.S. citizen undergraduates, Masters, and Ph.D. students.

The German Academic Exchange Service (Deutsche Akademische Austausch Dienst) offers many scholarships, travel, language, and research grants to undergraduates, graduates, and postgraduates wishing to study, research and travel in Germany. Knowledge of the German language requirements varies with each grant or scholarship.

If you're an undergraduate student, you can spend the summer working on a research project with a German Ph.D. student, who serves as a personal and professional mentor. You'll receive a scholarship to cover living expenses, and the Ph.D. student will help find housing. Get exposed to advanced research and learn about Germany from the inside. Make new friends and establish professional contacts, and spend your weekends exploring the heart of Europe.

Scholarships and fellowships are reserved for students with special qualifications, such as academic, athletic or artistic talent. Awards are also available for students who are interested in particular fields of study, who are members of underrepresented groups, who live in certain areas of the country or who demonstrate financial need.

Undergraduates who will study in a designated Asian country are eligible for this grant. Qualified undergraduates must show financial need, be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and have at least one more semester of study at their U.S. institution when they return.

Information on Fulbright Comprehensive Grants for U.S. citizens who are undergraduate or graduate students, doctoral candidates, young professionals or artists. Application deadline is October 20th.

The Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) is an independent organization committed to increasing opportunities for American students to participate in high-quality education abroad programs by reducing financial pressures through scholarships. FEA's goals include increasing the number and diversity of U.S. students abroad. Awards up to $5,000 per semester and up to $10,000 per year are on offer.

The Gilman Scholarship provides awards of up to $10,000 for U.S. citizen undergraduate students at two- and four-year institutions to pursue country-based undergraduate opportunities abroad of up to one academic year. To be eligible students must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant at the time of application and cannot be studying abroad in a country currently under a U.S. Department of State Travel Warning or in Cuba. Short-term programs are eligible provided they are a minimum of four weeks in length.

 The Glimpse Foundation and The National Geographic Society are seeking talented writers, photographers, and filmmakers. Each selected participant will receive a $600 grant and will see their work published in Glimpse and National Geographic Media.

$1,000 grants are available to Undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate members of the Golden Key International Honour Society who are currently enrolled in a study abroad program or will be enrolled the academic year immediately following the granting of the award. The study abroad program cannot have been completed prior the application deadline date. 

ISA awards over $600,000 in grants and scholarships to participating students each year. In addition to those offered by ISA, scholarship opportunities are available through several host universities and outside organizations affiliated with ISA.

The Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) offers enhanced support programs for international students studying in Japan. JASSO offers scholarships to international students who are accepted by a Japanese university, graduate school, junior college, college of technology(4th grade or upper)or Professional training college (hereinafter referred to as "school(s)") under a student exchange agreement on a short-term basis which is between three to twelve months. Scholarships are usually in the form of a stipend or around 楼80,000 per month.

An American liberal arts university based in Rome, Italy, John Cabot has as its mission to create a community of both degree-seeking and visiting students. To recognize the importance of visiting students a limited number of scholarships are available to visiting study abroad students who qualify. Scholarships range from $500- $2,000.

The NAIF has an annual budget around $1 million dollars. The NIAF awards scholarships and grants to outstanding students in the summer for use during the following academic year. These awards are based on two categories:

1) Italian American students who demonstrate outstanding potential and high academic achievements. Area of study is open.

2) Students from any ethnic background majoring or minoring in the Italian language, Italian studies, Italian American studies or a related field, who demonstrate outstanding potential and high academic achievements.

Awards range from $2,000-$12,000 and are awarded to undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, medical, dental, and legal students. Each scholarship award can only cover tuition and university-provided room and board. Scholarship recipients are eligible for one year of scholarship support.

Empowering people with disabilities around the world through international exchange and international development to achieve their human rights.

The Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society offers grants designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Fifty $1,000 grants for study abroad are awarded each year.