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Music Performance

Student playing the french horn


About the Program

Students pursuing the Bachelor of Music (B.M.) degree with a concentration in Performance may choose from a wide variety of performing areas, including voice, brass, woodwind, percussion, jazz guitar, and jazz or classical piano. Students complete eight semesters of one-on-one lessons with the faculty member in their performing area along with weekly masterclasses with the other students in their area. Other requirements include a junior and a senior recital, ensemble participation, and foundational studies in musicianship, music theory, and music history.


All music degrees require an audition performed before a panel of music faculty.

Read more about the audition process.

Students interested in receiving a scholarship must complete the University's application for financial aid and audition by February 1 in order to be eligible.  Music scholarships may be renewed for up to four years, but a student must reapply for scholarships each year.

Music studio faculty members bring their extensive experience as teachers, performers, composers, and producers directly to you! They are committed to teaching the individual student, whether in lessons or in larger courses. Because developing skills in music performance involves one-on-one teaching, significant mentoring relationships often develop that last well beyond a student's graduation.

Meet our faculty