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Economic Analysis

Man at white board.


What do Mick Jagger, John Elway and former President George Bush have in common? Each studied economics as their undergraduate major.  Economics is highly regarded by graduate schools as well as employers in both the public and private sector. Both are looking for students with analysis and research skills and critical thinking and writing ability. Courses in economics develop proficiency in these areas, along with an understanding of business, politics, markets and the global economy.

Western’s Economics Program offers an 18-hour minor for students that is designed to provide students with the understanding of economic concepts so that they can be applied in alternative paths that lead to careers in business, banking, government, nonprofit, development or education.

The B.S. in Economic Analysis requires 120 total hours including 42 , 43 and a second major or minor.

Plan Sheet

BS in Economic Analysis Plan Sheet

Eight Semester Plan

Students who wish to finish their Economic Analysis degree in eight semesters can follow a prescribed program of study:

For a B.S. in Economic Analysis

For dual degrees in Economic Analysis and Finance

For dual degrees in Economic Analysis and Management

Students who wish to receive a must complete 18 hours of study.

Economics Faculty

James Dean

Assistant Professor

Ph.D.; Economics

Angela Dills


Ph.D.; Economics, Gimelstob-Landry Distinguished Professor of Regional Economic Development

Inhyuck "Steve" Ha


Ph.D.; Economics, School Director

Edward Lopez


Ph.D.; Economics, BB&T Distinguished Professor of Capitalism

Sean Mulholland


Ph.D.; Economics, Director, Center for the Study of Free Enterprise

Dallas Wood

Assistant Professor

Ph.D.; Economics