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Implementation of edTPA

What is edTPA?

edTPA is a preservice assessment process designed by educators to answer the essential question: "Is a new teacher ready for the job?"  It is intended to be used for teacher licensure and to support accreditation.  edTPA was developed by the . edTPA is currently a requirement for completing Intern II and is required for licensure in NC as of Fall 2019.


The edTPA handbooks and rubrics are located in Canvas. 


Video Tutorial handout

For Windows Users

- available for free from Microsoft

For Mac

- recommended for editing on a Mac, free in the App Store

to trim and compress your video

Blurring Faces

If you have students in your video for whom you do not have consent to appear, you need to blur their faces. You have some options for help with this.

  • First, you can contact the Tech Commons and ask for an appointment for someone who can assist with video editing. If you can come to an in-person appointment, bring your already trimmed video and you will get help using Adobe Premiere to blur faces.
  • Second, if you have a Windows computer, you can use free software to add the filter yourself. Download the free and install it. You can then follow this to go through the process to blur faces.
  • Third, if you are a Distance student with a Mac and cannot come to campus, contact the Tech Commons. Someone will walk you through downloading a trial version of Adobe Premiere and how to use it via a Zoom session.

Compressing Video

If your video is not small enough to upload (i.e., the video doesn't upload to Tk20 after waiting a long time), you may need to use a tool called Handbrake to further compress it. Follow these directions to download and use Handbrake for Windows or Mac.

Student Consent Forms

Early Field Experience - Use these forms to gain consent from your P-12 students and parents to be video recorded during an Early Field Experience
English and Spanish

edTPA Implementation - Use these forms to gain consent from your P-12 students and parents to be video recorded during Intern II or Student Teaching for your edTPA portfolio
English and Spanish


edTPA Submission

to Pearson's Site. This is the preferred method and will be used at 91Èȱ¬Íø starting Fall 2024. Interns will receive a code via email to use during this process.

Use this website for this process:

Before you submit, we recommend you look carefully over the Evidence Chart for your handbook to confirm you have met the technical requirements.

To retrieve your score report, and click on the "View Your edTPA Scores" button.


If your overall score does not meet the cutscore from our policy on Scoring Criteria, you will need to retake all or a portion of your edTPA assessment.

Pearson has a website with information on . We highly recommend reviewing the document: .

We created a brief Guide for edTPA Retakes that may also help.

If you received a Condition Code, use Pearson's to identify your issue so you can resubmit and avoid the issue.

Supporting Students

- see the appropriate one for your program

- edTPA provided support information. See especially edTPA Guidelines for Acceptable Faculty Support


- See Myra Watson for access.

Guidelines for Supporting Candidates