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Undergraduate Program in Middle Grades Education

As a student in the middle grades education program, you will study with an exceptional group of faculty and cooperating teachers who are dedicated both to improving education and supporting your professional growth. With successful completion of the program, you will earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and will be recommended to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction for 6-9 initial licensure.

We educate prospective middle grades teachers and teaching professionals who will work with early adolescent students, providing a solid foundation in instructional practices that research suggests best support student learning.

We offer several options for people interested in middle grades education. Undergraduates can enroll in a program to earn a Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.Ed.) degree along with an initial N.C. teaching license for grades 6-9. 

Middle grades teachers with earned undergraduate degrees in middle grades education may be interested in the Master of Arts in Education (M.A.Ed.) degree.

Middle Grades Education Curriculum B.S.Ed.

The Middle Grades Education degree requires 42 Liberal Studies hours, 24 hours in the Professional Education Sequence, 27 major hours, and one of the four Academic Concentrations: Math, Science, Social Studies, or Language Arts (26-29 hours in each).

Successful completion of the Middle Grades Education program will lead to a Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.Ed.) and an initial N.C. teaching license at the middle grades level (6-9).

Middle Grades B.S.Ed. Checklist

For additional information, please contact our Education Recruiter, Carla Beck