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Undergraduate Programs in Elementary Education

Undergraduate Student Teacher in an elementary class


As a student in the elementary education program, you will study with an exceptional group of faculty and cooperating teachers who are dedicated both to improving education and supporting your professional growth. The elementary education program requires admission to teacher education in the College of Education and Allied Professions.  Our curriculum combines challenging academic coursework with numerous opportunities to engage in field experiences in area public schools.  The capstone experience in our program includes a year-long internship experience in area public schools. 

With successful completion of the program, you will earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and will be recommended to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction for K-6 initial licensure.

Elementary Education Curriculum

Elementary Education, B.S.Ed.

The Elementary Education degree requires 42 Liberal Studies hours, 24 hours in the Professional Education Sequence, 47 major hours, and 18 hours in a Second Academic Concentration.

Successful completion of the elementary education program will lead to a Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.Ed.) and an initial N.C. teaching license at the elementary level (K-6).

Elementary Education B.S.Ed. Checklist

2nd Degree in Elementary Education, B.S.Ed.

This residential program is designed for people who have already earned a Bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year institution in a field other than education and are now seeking licensure in Elementary Education. Licensure requirements are completed at the same time the second degree is earned.

The 2nd Degree in Elementary Education, B.S.Ed. degree requires 27 hours in the Professional Education Sequence and 41 major hours.

Successful completion of the 2nd Degree Program will lead to a Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.Ed.) degree and an initial N.C. teaching license at the elementary level (K-6).

2nd Degree in Elementary Education Checklist