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Article I. Name
Article II. Members
Article III. Organization
Article IV. Meetings
Article V. Committees
Article VI. Parliamentary Authority
Article VII. Amendment of Bylaws


The name of this administrative unit shall be the College of Education and Allied Professions, one of the constituent colleges of Western Carolina University.


Section 1. Membership
II. 1.1 For purposes of this document, membership in the College of Education and Allied Professions is by virtue of appointment to the faculty or professional staff within the College. The faculty of the College of Education and Allied Professions shall consist of the persons who are approved by the Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University for faculty status at the rank of instructor or above, or as further provided by the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina.

Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities
II. 2.1 As provided by the 91热爆网 Faculty Handbook, the faculty of the College of Education and Allied Professions shall have primary responsibility, within broader policy guidelines of the University, for curricula, courses, methods of instruction, research, faculty status, and those aspects of student life that relate to the educational process.
II. 2.2 The faculty and professional staff shall consider reports from the Chancellor, the Faculty Senate, University and College Committees, Departments, Colleges, and other units of the University and make recommendations concerning these reports; discuss matters relating to the welfare of the College and the University; and amend or repeal, any part or all of the Bylaws of the College.


Section 1. Officers
III. 1.1 The officers of the College of Education and Allied Professions shall be a Dean and Associate Dean. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these By-Laws, the 91热爆网 Faculty Handbook, The University Code, and the parliamentary authority adopted by the College.

a) The Dean of the College is the chief administrative officer of the College of Education and Allied Professions and shall serve as Chair of the faculty of the College.

b) The Associate Dean of the College shall assist the Dean and shall preside in the absence of the Dean or at the request of the Dean.

Section 2. Duties
III. 2.1 The duties of the officers are as follows:

a) The Dean of the College is charged by the Chancellor and the Provost to plan, organize, direct, and control the affairs of the College as its chief administrative officer.

b) The Associate Dean of the College reports directly to the Dean and is responsible for assisting the Dean in matters relating to the operation of the College. The Associate Dean represents the Office of the Dean in the absence of the Dean, attends meetings on behalf of the Dean, and conducts all functions delegated by the Dean.

Section 3. Selection of Officers
III. 3.1 Nominations for appointment to Dean of the College shall be made to the Chancellor by the Provost after consultation with the membership of the College and a duly constituted committee appointed by the Chancellor. After consultation with the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor shall make a nomination to the President of the University of North Carolina. Review of the work of the Dean shall be conducted annually.

III. 3.2 Nominations for appointment to Associate Dean of the College shall be made to the Chancellor by the Provost after consultation with the Dean and a duly constituted committee appointed by the Chancellor. Review of the work of the Associate Dean shall be conducted annually.


Section 1. Calling of Meetings
IV. 1.1 The general membership of the College shall meet as needed. Meetings may be called by the Dean, and shall be called upon written request to the Dean of ten percent of the membership of the College. All members of the College shall have the right to vote. The presence of at least 25% of the members shall be necessary for a quorum. All meetings shall be announced and scheduled in such a way that maximum attendance will be encouraged.

Section 2. Presiding Officer
IV. 2.1 The Dean or the Dean's designee shall preside at all meetings.

Section 3. Purpose of Meetings
IV. 3.1 The purpose of College meetings shall be to advise the membership of and discuss with it the major priorities within the College and the University. The Dean may bring to vote items relating to the general direction of the College. Specific concerns may first be referred to appropriate committees within the College.

IV. 3.2 The Dean may call for specific committee reports to be presented to the membership for discussion.

IV. 3.3 College meetings shall supplement but not replace the work of the Faculty Senate and other units of the university governance system. Meetings should provide forums for discussion, shared information, and general policy direction. The goal of the meetings shall be to further the concept of a community of scholars working to improve the College and University.


Section 1. General
V. 1.1 Standing Committees

a) The College of Education and Allied Professions will have the following Standing Committees:

Academic Action Appeals
Botner Superior Teaching Award
Community Connection Committee
Faculty Advisory
Partnership Advisory Council
Nominations and Elections
Leadership Council
Student Advisory
CEAP Scholarship and Awards
Collegial Review

b) Additional Standing Committees may be constituted by the Dean upon the advice of the Leadership Council and/or the membership of the College.

V. 1.2 Ad Hoc Committees may be appointed by the Dean.

V. 1.3 All committee Chairs are expected to seek the help of faculty members, administrators, or others who have expertise in the area of their committee's responsibilities. Committee Chairs are to provide to their members copies of current guidelines or operational procedures promulgated for their committee. Committee Chairs are empowered to form subcommittees, either ad hoc or standing. Subcommittees may be appointed by the committee Chair, and may include persons not on the committee.

V. 1.4 Committee Members

a) Those committee members who are elected by the college as a whole will stand for election in the regularly scheduled annual elections held by the College. All committee members beginning a term will take office on the first day of the fall academic term.

b) The College Nominations and Elections Committee will maintain records of elections so that, should an elected committee member give up membership, the individual who was runner-up can be appointed to fill the vacancy. Should such an appointment violate a rule of representation or the runner-up be otherwise unavailable to fill the position, then the College Nominations and Elections Committee will appoint the most appropriate candidate from that election giving preference to the person with the most votes. If a suitable replacement cannot be found following these procedures, the Dean will appoint a replacement to fill the vacancy until the next annual election.

V. 1.5 The Dean or his designee shall call the first meeting of each committee and shall preside during the election of its Chair. The exception to this is any committee for which the Chair is appointed annually by the Dean.

V. 1.6 All committee meetings shall be scheduled and announced in such a way that maximum attendance will be encouraged.

Section 2. Academic Action Appeals Committee

V. 2.1 The purpose of the Academic Action Appeals Committee is to hear student appeals involving grades and/or academic integrity board decisions in accordance with university policy.

V. 2.2 The standing pool for membership will be comprised of three members from the School and each department. Members must hold graduate faculty status and will be appointed by the department heads. The names of individuals who shall be placed in this pool shall be forwarded to the Dean by the end of the first week of classes each fall semester. Each appeal will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. A three member committee selected from the standing pool and chaired by the Associate Dean will review all appeals. Members will not be selected from an appealing student鈥檚 department.

V. 2.3 The committee will not conduct hearings, but only review documents related to the appeal and/or any prior hearings and render a decision within the guidelines of the respective university policies.

V. 2.4 The committee will meet as needed within the timeframe specified in the respective university policies.

Section 3. Assessment Committee
V. 3.1 The purpose of the Assessment Committee is to oversee and support assessment work in the college and ensure communication regarding assessment between the college, programs, and departments.

V. 3.2 The Committee will be composed of two faculty from each department, the CEAP Director of Assessment, the CEAP Associate Dean, and the Director of Teacher Education of the College of Education and Allied Professions. Department heads will appoint program coordinators. Faculty will serve staggered two-year terms. 

V. 3.3 The Committee shall meet at a time determined by the committee chair, the Director of Assessment.

V. 3.4 The Assessment Committee will serve as an advisory board for the CEAP Director of Assessment , Associate Dean, and Dean in assessment matters. The Committee will review assessment practices and measures for suitability and effectiveness when requested by programs within the college. The Committee will review all curriculum maps and assessment plans (or equivalent documents) within the college on a rotating basis and review new or changed documents; these reviews will provide formative feedback to their respective programs and unites. The Committee will plan and lead the Strategic Planning and Assessment Days held in the college. The Committee will ensure professional development is available for college faculty and staff on effectice assessment practices. 

Section 4. Botner Superior Teaching Award Committee
V. 4.1 The purpose of the Botner Superior Teaching Award Committee is to solicit nominations and select a recipient in accordance with the document: "Botner Superior Teaching Award."

V. 4.2 The Botner Superior Teaching Award Committee shall consist of the Dean of the College of Education and Allied Professions as Chair and shall include one faculty member from the School and each department in the College elected by the School or department and two student representatives selected according to procedures outlined in the document: "Botner Superior Teaching Award."

V. 4.3 Meetings of the Botner Superior Teaching Award Committee shall be called by the Chair.

Section 5. Curriculum Committee
V. 5.1 The purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to review and act on curriculum proposals that pertain to programs in the College of Education and Allied Professions.

V. 5.2 The Curriculum Committee shall be composed of two full-time faculty members from the School and each department in the College elected by the College. All terms shall be for three years on a staggered basis with no limitation on succession or number of terms. The Associate Dean shall serve as an ex-officio member. The dean may appoint additional members for unspecified terms as needed.

V. 5.3 The Curriculum Committee shall be led by a Chair who is in the third year of their term and a chair-elect who is in the second year of their term.  The chair-elect will be elected at the first meeting in the fall semester each year.

V. 5.4 Meetings of the Curriculum Committee shall be called, as needed, by the Chair.

Section 6. Community Connection Committee
V. 6.1  Updates Coming Soon

Section 7. Faculty Advisory Committee
V. 7.1 The Faculty Advisory Committee shall advise the Dean on any matter of concern to the Dean or to any member of the Committee.

V. 7.2 The Faculty Advisory Committee shall be composed of the Dean of the College, who shall serve as Chair, and two full-time faculty members from the School and each department in the College elected by the College. Additional members may be nominated by department.

V. 7.3 Term of Membership

Terms shall be for three years with succession only after one year off the Committee. Terms will be staggered among the members.

V. 7.4 The Faculty Advisory Committee shall meet at least once each semester, at the call of the Dean, or upon a request addressed to the Dean by at least three of its members.

Section 8.  Partnership Advisory Council

V. 8.1 The Partnership Advisory Council (PAC) is a standing committee of the College of Education and Allied Professions (CEAP). The primary purpose of the PAC is to advise leadership on current trends in education and participate in discussions of how to more effectively enhance the knowledge and experiences of teacher and principal candidates as well as other school professionals, as well as to increase overall competence and performance in the field. The PAC will contribute to the development and continuous improvement of the curricula, policies, partnership activities, and community outreach initiatives of the 91热爆网 educator and school professional preparation programs. In addition, council members will serve as a liaison between academia and their respective organization.

V. 8.2 The PAC is composed of the Director of the Office of Field Experiences, the Director of Teacher Education; School of Teaching and Learning Director; and the Director of Student Success; and an additional OFE member will serve as the Secretary. To be elected by the School of department, at least one member from the School of Teaching and Learning, Human Services, and Psychology, elected by the School of department; one member from both the colleges of Arts and Sciences and Fine and Performing Arts; at least one professional education student. The council will also include membership from our regional partners: two members (one central office and one school-level representative) from Cherokee Central, Jackson, Haywood, and Macon counties; at least one member (central office of school-level representative) from Asheville City, Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, and Yancey counties; and at least two members to represent local charter school partners. School and department members will be elected and others will be appointed by the Dean of the College of Education and Allied Professions in consultation with the Director of Field Experiences and the Director of Teacher Education.

V. 8.3 Meetings of the Partnership Advisory Council shall be called by the co-chairs. The Director of the Office of Field and Clinical Experiences and the Director of Teacher Education shall serve as co-chairs of the council.

V.8.4The Director of Field Experiences and the Director of Teacher Education will be the standing co-chairs of the council.  All elected council members for the respective 91热爆网 departments will fulfill a two-term year; with the exception of the CEAP professional student, who will serve a one-year term. Council members from regional partners will be invited to remain on the Council as long as the individual contributes positively to the purpose of the Council, attend meetings regularly, and desire to remain a member. The CEAP reserves the right to add and delete members as necessary to keep the Council current and productive.

Section 9. Nominations and Elections Committee 

V. 9.1 The Committee shall be composed of two full-time faculty members, both considered CEAP members at large, both elected by the College. The longest-serving member will be considered the chair until their final year on the committee (year 4), in which they will mentor the new chair.

V. 9.2 Term of Membership
All members will serve staggered four-year terms and be eligible for re-election. Members should be comfortable using the University鈥檚 online survey tool to conduct elections.

V. 9.3 The Committee shall conduct all elections for College representatives to the Faculty Senate; Graduate Council; University Collegial Review Committee; University General Education Monitoring Committee; all committees and councils of the College that have members elected from the college as a whole, according to the University Faculty Governance Document and the Bylaws of the College.

It shall devise and distribute appropriate and uniform election procedures and shall maintain a record of all elections for the previous five years. In addition to the duties specified in the Faculty Constitution with regard to some elections, the Committee shall promulgate its own rules of procedure.

The Committee shall ensure that all nominations for elections conducted under its supervision are open. Questions of eligibility for nominations shall be resolved by the Committee. Committee decisions may be appealed to the Dean.

On occasion when only one nomination is offered for a vacant position the chair of the Nominations and Elections may declare that position filled by acclamation.

The person who receives the highest number of votes without being elected shall be the alternate for each position decided by the election. The alternate shall be named by the Committee to fill, until the next general election, any vacancy which may occur. Should the naming of the alternate violate a rule of representation, the Committee shall select the most appropriate person receiving the highest number of votes in the most recent election to fill the vacancy.

V. 9.4 The Committee shall meet at the call of its Chair. All meetings shall be announced and scheduled in such a way that both members are able to attend.

Section 10. Leadership Council
V. 10.1 The Leadership Council is directly responsible to the Dean. The purpose of the Leadership Council is to advise the dean on policy and of matters related to the operation of the College of Education and Allied Professions.

V. 10.2 The Leadership Council shall consist of the Dean as Chair, Associate Dean, Director of Teacher Education, Department Heads, and Directors of Divisions, Centers, and Offices. The Executive Assistant to the Dean is secretary of the Leadership Council. The Dean, at his or her discretion, may appoint additional members to the Leadership Council.

V. 10.3 The Leadership Council shall meet at a time determined by the Dean.

Section 11. Student Advisory Committee
V. 11.1 The purpose of the Student Advisory Committee shall be to advise the Dean on matters of mutual interest.

V. 11.2 The Committee shall be composed of the Dean, who shall serve as Chair, and two students from each department of the College. All terms shall be for one year with members eligible for successive terms.

V. 11.3 Each department shall select one student who is a junior or senior and one graduate student majoring in the department as its representative to the Committee. Every effort shall be made to involve students in the selection process.

V. 11.4 The Committee shall meet at least once each semester at the call of the Dean, or upon a request addressed to the Dean by at least three of its members.

Section 12.  CEAP Scholarship and Awards Committee

V.12.1 The purposes of the CEAP Scholarship and Awards Committee are to select and to approve departmental selections for scholarships and awards for the College of Education and Allied Professions.  The CEAP Scholarship and Awards Committee will select recipients for the general college scholarships from all qualified applicants. Academic programs will review scholarships requiring special selection criteria with recipient selections reported to the CEAP Scholarship and Awards Committee chair.

V. 12.2 The CEAP Scholarship and Awards Committee shall be appointed by the Dean with the advice and consent of the CEAP Leadership Council. There shall be a minimum of six committee members; at least one full-time faculty member from each department and at least one staff representative. All terms shall be for three years on a staggered basis with no limitation on succession or number of terms.

V. 12.3 Meetings of the CEAP Scholarship and Awards Committee shall be called by the Chair who is appointed by the Dean. 

Section 13. Collegial Review Committee

V. 13.1 The purpose of the Collegial Review Committee is to review and make recommendations to the Dean on all candidates for tenure, promotion, and reappointment within the College, following the procedures in the 91热爆网 Faculty Handbook.

V. 13.2 The Committee shall be composed of the Dean as the nonvoting Chair and two tenured, full-time faculty members from the School and each department in the College elected by the College. The committee shall also include four full-time tenured faculty members at鈥搇arge from the College elected by the College.

V. 13.3 Term of Membership
All members will serve staggered three-year terms and be eligible for re-election or re-appointment

V. 13.4 The Committee shall meet at a time determined by the Dean.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the College in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws and any special rules of order the College may adopt.


Minor changes to these Bylaws may be made by the unanimous approval of the Leadership Council and the Dean, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to each member of the Leadership Council at least two weeks in advance of the meeting or at the previous meeting. All changes will be communicated to the membership of the College following their approval by the Leadership Council and the Dean.

These Bylaws can also be amended at any called meeting of the College by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting or voting by proxy, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to each member of the College at least two weeks in advance of the meeting or at the previous meeting.

Revised April 2023