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Political Science and Public Affairs Faculty

Our committed and highly respected faculty are dedicated to modeling how to research practical solutions for existing challenges. Professionally active and representing a diverse and broad range of interests and backgrounds, our faculty are determined to provide you with a world-class education that will prepare you to compete and find success in the fields of political science and public administration … anywhere!

Leading locally, within the Western community and across the region, our faculty members are committed to your education. Leaders in their disciplines, they are widely respected for their research and dedication to their fields.

Their real-world knowledge translates into the classroom by providing you with a depth of academic experience and practical understanding that will prepare you to excel in today’s world of politics and public administration.

Todd Collins

Steed Distinguished Professor

Department Head

Ingrid Bego

Associate Professor

International Studies Director

Bob Boylan

Director of Local Government Training Program (LGTP)

Christopher Cooper

Robert Lee Madison Distinguished Professor

Public Policy Institute Director

Jessica Hayden

Assistant Professor

Heather Rimes

Associate Professor

MPA Director

Jennifer Schiff


Director of Liberal Studies Assessment


Name Role
Part-Time Faculty
M.E.M.;  (MPA), Environmental Policy
John Connet MPA;  (MPA), Public Administration
Paul Dezendorf Ph.D.; (MPA), Public Administration
Ashley Fay MPA; Public Personnel Management
Brian Hardt PhD.; International Relations, Formal Theory
Laura Jeffords MPA; (MPA); Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Hayden Smith PhD; International Relations, Political Psychology
Emeritus Professors 
Don Livingston Ph.D.; Professor Emeritus; American Government
Gordon Mercer Ph.D.; Professor Emeritus; Public Administration