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MATH 474 Syllabus

Introduction to Statistical Models

Revised: September 2020

Course Description

The foundation of this course is linear models, which are then compared to nonlinear approaches.  Topics include estimation and testing, simulation and resampling, introduction to linear models including simple linear, multivariate and generalized linear models, and introduction to model selection and performance. Prerequisite: MATH 270 or MATH 370. Three semester hours.

Student Learning Objectives

By the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Minimize a loss function in the estimation of model parameters
  • Estimate population parameters using intervals and testing
  • Compare statistical and algorithmic approaches to point and interval estimation
  • Construct a simulation to interpret model parameters
  • Choose a set of explanatory variables for a simple or multiple linear regression model using an appropriate model selection technique
  • Choose the best model based on a balance between prediction and parsimony


Determined by instructor, but one suggestion might be:

  • A Modern Approach to Regression with R, by Simon Sheather

Grading Procedure

Grading procedures and factors influencing course grade are left to the discretion of individual instructors, subject to general university policy.

Attendance Policy

Attendance policy is left to the discretion of individual instructors, subject to general university policy.

Course Outline

  • Chapter 1: Introduction (1 week)
  • Chapter 2: Simple Linear Regression (2 weeks)
  • Chapter 3: Diagnostics and Transformations for Simple Linear Regression (2 weeks)
  • Chapter 4: Weighted Least Squares (1 week)
  • Chapter 5: Multiple Linear Regression (2 weeks)
  • Chapter 6: Diagnostics and Transformations for Multiple Linear Regression (2 weeks)
  • Chapter 7: Variable Selection (1 week)
  • Chapter 8: Logistic Regression (1 week)