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Graduation Profile: Amber Hidalgo

1. What programs have you completed here?



Spanish and Social Work.

2. Where do you call home?

For the time being I call Franklin, NC home although I am originally from Conover, NC.

3. What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation I plan to spend the summer visiting family and exploring Chiapas, Mexico. Then I plan to attend graduate school to obtain my MSW (Master of Social Work). 

 4. Tell us a meaningful Spanish-related story.

This semester I have had the opportunity to complete a full-time internship with . This internship has provided me with the opportunity to utilize my Spanish and social work educational backgrounds and assist with the development of the new mental health program at Vecinos. I have had the opportunity to meet amazing professionals within the community and numerous members of the surrounding farmworker and Latino community.

5. Any advice for students learning Spanish right now?

Practice, practice, practice! It is important to step outside of your comfort zone and use every opportunity to practice conversing in Spanish. This semester during my internship at Vecinos I have pushed myself to step outside of my conversational comfort zone and my only regret is wishing that I had made this change earlier in my educational journey.
