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MS(N) Nurse Educator Curriculum

The MS(N) in Nursing Education track is a two-year program consisting of 38-39 semester hours. All courses except the practicum are taught online, and practicum courses are arranged with a preceptor in a location and setting determined by your interest.
A Post-Graduate Nurse Educator Certificate Program is also offered.

Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester

NSG 501 (2) Roles/Issues

NSG 510 (2) Theory

NSG 517 (3) Pathophys

NSG 651 (3)
Teaching/Learning in Nursing Education

NSG 603 (2) Physical Assessment

NSG 511 (3) Research

NSG 653 (3) Test/Measure

NSG 583 (2) Clinical Specialty (Didactic plus 45 clock hr practicum)

OPTIONAL NSG 679/699 (see below)

Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester

NSG 652 (3) Curriculum

NSG 687 (2) Practicum
(120 clock hours)

NSG 516 (2) Econ/Organization

NSG 679 (1-2) Project
NSG 699 (3) Thesis (ONGOING, max repeat 6 until project/thesis completed & minimum credits for graduation)  

minimum 2 credit total 679 to graduate
minimum 3 credit total 699 to graduate

NSG 648 (3) Nursing Leadership in Health Care Organizations

NSG 654 (3) Nursing Informatics

NSG 618 (3) Pharmacology

NSG 679 (1-2) Project
NSG 699 (3) Thesis
(if needed)

Comprehensive Exam

NSG 679 (1-2) Project or NSG 688 (3) Thesis
(if needed)

Students will focus on current topics in advanced practice nursing:

  • NSG 501 Roles and Issues
  • NSG 510 Theory for Advanced Practice Nursing
  • NSG 511 Research for Advanced Practice Nursing
  • NSG 516 Economics of Healthcare in Organizations
  • NSG 517 Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Nursing

These courses prepare students for specific competencies required of nurse educators:

  • NSG 583 Clinical Specialty (45 clock hours)
  • NSG 603 Physical Assessment for Nurse Educators
  • NSG 618 Pharmacology
  • NSG 648 Nursing Leadership in Health Care Organizations
  • NSG 651 Teaching and Learning in Nursing Education
  • NSG 652 Curriculum Development
  • NSG 653 Testing and Measurement
  • NSG 654 Nursing Informatics
  • NSG 687 Practicum in Nursing Education

Students will have the opportunity to develop competencies in the area of academic faculty, staff development, or patient education:

  • NSG 583 Clinical Specialty (45 clock hours)
  • NSG 687 Practicum in Nusring Education (120 contact hours)

Student's scholarly project exam a significant problem in nursing education. Students may choose to do either an advanced nursing project or a traditional master's thesis:

  • NSG 679 or NSG 699

Student's success will be measured by a comprehensive exam at the end of their coursework, followed by a graduate project or thesis. An oral presentation and/or oral defense of the project/thesis is required, as well as submission of the project or thesis for peer-reviewed publication or presentation.

The online certificate prepares nurses who have a master's degree in another area of nursing to obtain knowledge and experience necessary to teach in a nursing program.

12 semester hours are required in this certificate program

Courses required for the certificate program are:

  • NSG 651 Teaching and Learning in Nursing Education
  • NSG 652 Curriculum Development
  • NSG 653 Testing and Measurement
  • NSG 680 Independent Study:  Trends in Nursing Education
  • NSG 687 Practicum in Nursing Education (120 contact hours)