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Chunyang (C.Y.) Wang

C.Y. Wang faculty photo


Name:  Chunyang (C.Y.) Wang, Ph.D., CFS
Department: Health Sciences
Program: Nutrition and Dietetics
Rank: Professor
Title: Associate Dean
Work Phone: 828-227-7171
Work Email: cwang@wcu.edu
Office address:  HHS 201

Ph.D. in Food Science & Technology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. 
M.S. in Food Technology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. 
B.S. in Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang, China.

Licenses & Specialty Credentialing:
Certified Food Scientist (CFS)

Experience:  More than 30 years of experience in higher education;  8 years as Department Head; 8 years as Associate Dean and other university research, teaching and outreach leadership.

Area of Expertise:  Chemistry, processing and potential health benefits of phytochemicals; Health and nutrigenomics, proteomics and metabolomics

Primary Teaching Responsibilities:
ND 310 Food, Nutrition and Culture
ND 331 Food Science

Scholarly Interests:  Chemistry, processing and potential health benefits of phytochemicals; Health and nutrigenomics, proteomics and metabolomics

Recent Publications and Presentations: 

  • Bai, W and C. Wang. 2019.  Impacts of Selected SNPs on Lipid Profiles in U.S. Adults: Findings from NHANES III.  In preparation to be submitted to Atherosclerosis.
  • Bai, W and C. Wang. 2019. Lipid Profiles in U.S. Adults and the Effects of Flavonoids on Lipids: Findings from NHANES III.  Article number: ATH-D-12-01290 submitted to Atherosclerosis.
  • Turkistania, A, C. Wang, and G. Djira. 2015. Associations of Macronutrients Consumption with Cancer Risks from a Global Prospective.  International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 23, No 2, pp 183-195
  • Li, X, C. Wang, F. Lu, L. Zhang, Q. Yang, and X. Li. 2015.  Effect of Bonding Forces on Corn Starch Isolation  Cereal Chemistry  92: 4 , Page 418
  • Li, X., Wang, C., Lu, F., Zhang, L., Yang, Q., Mu, J., & Li, X. (2015). Physicochemical properties of corn starch isolated by acid liquid and l-cysteine. Food Hydrocolloids, 44, 353-359.
  • Wang, C. Y. 2014. Nutrigenomics: Hope for Personalized Nutrition. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 42(4), 309-312.
  • Bai, W and C. Wang. 2014.  Intakes of Total and Individual Flavonoids by U.S. Adults.  International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition Feb 2014, Vol. 65, No. 1, Pages 9-20
  • Bai, W and C. Wang. 2012, Flavonoids in Health and disease, Current Topics in Phytochemistry, Vol.11, 1-25.
  • Lin, J., P. Krishnan and Wang, C. 2006. Isoflavones and Saponins in Soy Protein Isolates JOACS 83 (1) 59-63.
  • Lin, J. and Wang, C.   2004.  An Analytical Method for Soy Saponins by HPLC/ELSD.  J. of Food Science 69 (6) C456-CC462.  . 
  • Wang, C. 2004.  Effects of Processing on Soy Isoflavones.  INFORM, 15 (1): 16-19.
  • Lin, J.  and C.Wang.  2004.   Saponins:  Chemistry, Analysis, Processing and Potential Health Benefits of Soyasaponins.  In Soybeans as a Functional Food.  A book edited by K. Liu and published by AOCS Press, Champaign, IL.
  • Mebrahtu, T., A. Mahamed, C. Wang, and T. Adberrhan.  2004.  Analysis of Isoflavone Content in Vegetable Soybeans.  Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 59: 51-61.
  • Wang, C., and L.A. Johnson and L.A. Wilson.  2003.  Calcium Coagulation Properties of Hydrothermally Processed Soymilk, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 80 (12): 1225-1229
  • Sonee, M., T. Sum, C. Wang, and S. Mukherjee.  2003.  The Soy Isoflavone, Genistein, Protects Human Cortical Neuronal Cells form Oxidative Stress.  Neuro Toxicology 25 : 885-891
  • Wang, C.  2002.  Effects of Processing and Quantity and Quality of Soy Phytochemicals.  Page 144-145 in Proceedings of China & International Soy Conference & Exhibition 2002.  CCOA, Beijing, China and AOCS Press, Champaign, IL.
  • Akula S., D. Hueley, R. Wixon, C. Wang, and C. Chase.  2002.  Effect of Genistein on Replication of Bovine Herpevirus Type 1.  AJVR 63 (8): 1124-1128.
  • Wang, C., and L.A. Johnson.  2001.  Functional Properties of Hydrothermally Cooked Protein Products, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 78:189-195 (2001).
  • Pesce, Noel, Kathleen M. Eyster, John L. Williams, Regina Wixon, Chunyang Wang, and Doug S. Martin. "Effect of genistein on cardiovascular responses to angiotensin II in conscious unrestrained rats." Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 36, no. 6 (2000): 806-809.
  • Wang, C., M. Sherrard, and R. Wixon.  2000.  Isoflavones Content Among Maturity Group 0 to II Soybeans.  JAOCS 77 (5):483-487.  SD Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 3037
  • Wang, C. and R. Wixon.  1999.  Phytochemicals in Soybeans and Their Potential Health Benefits.  INFORM 10 (4): 315-321(1999).  SD Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 3086.
  • Wang, C., J. Ning, P.G. Krishnan and D. Matthees. 1998.  The effects of Steeping Conditions During Wet-Milling on the Retention of Tocopherols and Tocotrienols.  JAOCS 75(5):609-613.
  • Wang, C., Q. Ma, S. Pagadala, M. S. Sherrard and P. Krishnan.  1998.  Changes of Isoflavones During Processing of Soy Protein Isolates.  JAOCS 75(3): 337-341.
  • Wang, C.  1997.  Oilseed Proteins: Chemistry, Nutrition, Processing, and Edible Applications.  In Proceedings of International Symposia on Functional Cereal and Oil.  CCA, Beijing, China
  • Wang, C.  1997.  Oilseed Phytochemicals and Their Potential Health Benefits.  In proceedings of International Symposia on Functional Cereal and Oil.  CCA, Beijing, China
  • Wang, C.  1993.  Hydrothermal processing of soy protein products.  Ph.D. Dissertation,  Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
  • Wang, C. and Johnson, L. A.  1991.  Wet‑milling characteristics of propionate‑treated high‑moisture maize.  Yields and compositions of products.  Cereal Chem. 69(1):43‑46.
  • Wang, C. and Johnson, L. A.  1991.  Wet‑milling characteristics of propionate‑treated high‑moisture maize. II. Qualities of starch and gluten. Cereal Chem. 69(1):47‑49.
  • Steinke, J. D., Johnson, L. A. and Wang, C.  1991.  Steeping maize in the multiple enzymes: II. Continuous counter‑current steeping.  Cereal Chem. 68(1):12‑17.
  • Wang, C.  1989.  Wet-Milling Characteristics of Propionate-Treated High-Moisture Corn.  Master Thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

Service Interest:  Community health and faith-based organizations

Nominated for SDSU Excellence in Graduate Advising Award (2016);
SDSU Global Engagement Award (2013);
Fellow, Food System Leadership Institute (2009);
Collaboration Award from the USDA-ARS Northern Agricultural Research Laboratory (2006); 
South Dakota Board of Regents Award for Research Excellence (2000);
Dean’s Recognition for Leadership of Value-Added Team Effort (College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, South Dakota State University) (1999);
Nominated for SDSU excellent teaching award (1998); 
Sewrey Distinguished Lecturer (South Dakota State University) (1998);
Graduates of Class 8 of the ESCOP/ACOP Agricultural Research and Education Leadership Program (1999);
Edna Page and Russell Anderson Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship (The College of Family and Consumer Sciences, South Dakota State University) (1996);  Membership of Sigma Xi (The Scientific Society) (1994);
Honor Student Award from American Oil Chemists Society (1993);
Teaching Excellence Award from Iowa State University (1991);
Best Paper Award from the Corn Refiners Association and the American Association of Cereal Chemists (1988); 
Member of Gamma Sigma Delta (Agricultural Honor Society) (1987); 
Academic Excellence Award from Shenyang Ag. University (1985).

Dr. C.Y. Wang serves as the Associate Dean of College of Health and Human Sciences and a tenured full professor of Nutrition and Dietetics.  He was the Associate Dean of Research and Extension for the College of Education and Human Sciences (EHS), Assistant Director of South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (SDAES), South Dakota State University (SDSU).  He was also a professor in Human Nutrition and Food Science.  He served as Head at the Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Hospitality at SDSU for 9 years.  He also served as the Interim Director of SDSU Technology Transfer Office, the Acting Dean of Family and Consumer Sciences, as well as Interim Associate Dean and Interim Associate Director of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agricultural and Biological Sciences.  He once was the Coordinator of the SDSU Agriculture Value-Added Research (AVAR) Program.  Besides being an administrator with diverse experience, he is accomplished scientist with active research program in chemistry, processing and potential health benefits of phytochemicals, and more recently in genomics, proteomics and metabolomics.  Dr. Wang won many awards, including the Regent Award for Excellence in Research by the South Dakota Board of Regents. Dr. Wang grew up in China and is a naturalized U.S. citizen.