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Question 6 - Plagiarism Self Test


Source Material Used:

Hakim (1996) argues that those young women who planned on a career rather than being a homemaker were more likely to choose typically male jobs. However, her argument is that these women adapt their fertility plans to their work plans, not the other way around. In other words, she would reverse the order of the two stages that Corder and Stephan describe.


Looker, D. & Magee, P. (2000). Gender and work: the occupational expectations of young women and men in the 1990s. Gender Issues, 74-88.

Example Usage:

Women that do gain entry into a professional career often schedule their fertility around their work plans.

Is this plagiarism?

 Yes, uses writer's exact words without appropriate credit.
 Yes, rewords writer's original language without appropriate credit.
 Yes, uses writer's ideas, point of view, or argument without appropriate credit.
 Yes, uses information, percentages, or illustrations that are not common knowledge, without appropriate credit.