Source Material Used:Because the abstract quality of Faulkner’s language causes the reader to be more aware of the language itself than of its referent, we do not engage fully with the objects of description or reference but, rather, ‘watch’ the language perform or experience it in passing, like the shifting imagery upon the film screen. CitationLurie, Peter. " 'Some Trashy Myth of Reality's Escape': Romance, History, and Film Viewing in Absalom, Absalom!" American Literature. 73 (2001): 563-597. Print. |
Example Usage:Faulkner's use of language forces the reader to disregard that which is referred to, and focus, instead, on the language itself. Consequently, the described objects become part of a transient experience that shift, as with imagery in film. |
Yes, uses writer's exact words without appropriate credit.
Yes, rewords writer's original language without appropriate credit.
Yes, uses writer's ideas, point of view, or argument without appropriate credit.
Yes, uses information, percentages, or illustrations that are not common knowledge, without
appropriate credit.