The WaLC provides in-class, interactive workshops on the topics listed here. Please allow two weeks between the date of your request and your preferred workshop date. Once your has been submitted and scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email containing the name and email address of the presenter(s). Should you need to make changes to the date, time, or location of your workshop, please email or call 828.227.2274.
To request a workshop, please submit the form below.
For math workshops, please contact Sibley Bryan or call 828.227.3830.
WaLC General Class Visit (~15 minutes)
In this concise, 15-minute in-class presentation, your students will learn about the
Writing and Learning Commons' wide array of services and how to access them.
Walk the WaLC (~30 minutes)
This workshop combats the remedial stigma associated with tutoring and helps students
define realistic expectations for services offered by the Writing and Learning Commons
and the Mathematics Tutoring Center.
Study Skills (~30-45 minutes)
Have you ever heard students say that they studied for hours only to realize that
they don't understand the class material as well as they thought they did? If so,
they might not be using the best study strategies for them. This workshop will inform
students about the most effective and efficient strategies for long-term learning.
Time Management (~30-45 minutes)
Students who arrive late for class, fail to turn in assignments on time, or tell you
they don't have time to complete assignments and readings will benefit from this workshop.
"Time Management" helps students to analyze how their time is spent, define goals,
and prioritize activities that lead to academic success.
Effective Listening and Note-Taking (~30-45 minutes)
Without an effective method for taking notes in class, students can miss out on important
information. "Effective Listening and Note-Taking鈥 provides students with strategies
for identifying important information during lectures and for organizing lecture notes
into a useful study tool.
Reading Strategies (~30-45 minutes)
Do your students miss out on important information from reading assignments because
they haven鈥檛 developed effective reading habits? Participants in this workshop will
learn helpful strategies for making meaning out of reading assignments.
Plagiarism: Get your Own Bright Idea (~30-45 minutes)
Plagiarism can be a big problem for students--especially incoming freshmen who aren't
yet familiar with the process of researching and composing a college paper. This workshop
will familiarize your students with both intentional and unintentional plagiarism;
explain proper citation; demonstrate how to quote, summarize, and paraphrase; and
direct students to the Writing and Learning Commons for further assistance.
How to Cite in APA (WaLC, 2014) (~30-45 minutes)
Students often need extra help with research and citation regardless of style, and
APA can be demanding in its attention to detail. This workshop walks participants
through formatting a paper according to the 6th edition of the APA Style Manual (title
page, running head, and page numbers), how to find and save sources using the Hunter
Library website, how to correctly format in-text citations, and how to cite a journal
article in the references list. At the end of the workshop, students will have developed
a template to use for their future APA papers.
Foot-things and Something-Notes... How to Cite in Chicago/Turabian (~30-45 minutes)
As historians, we have come to cherish our beloved Kate Turabian and her wonderful
citation style. But sadly, many students have not had the pleasure of learning this
style nor have they come to realize the awesome power of the footnote. Do not fret
and do not worry, for the facilitators of this workshop will provide all the tools
and knowledge your students need to become Turabian experts.
Starting the Write Way: The Writing Process (~30-45 minutes)
"Starting the Write Way" takes students through the steps of the writing process.
WaLC writing tutors will discuss brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and revision,
and will present strategies that students can use to discover which writing process
works for them.
Group Work! A Headache Waiting to Happen? (~30-45 minutes)
Learn the ins and outs of group projects and presentations: During this workshop,
your students will find out how group members potentially work together based on personality,
learn strategies for setting and developing goals together, and peruse tactics for
handling difficult or reluctant members. This is a collaborative effort in the making!
Grammar Glitches: How To Avoid Common Grammatical Mistakes (~30-45 minutes)
Do your students struggle with rudimentary English grammar rules? The Grammar Glitches
workshop will cover the basics, from the definition of nouns and verbs to frustrating
word choice blunders (is it there, their, or they're?!) to the most common punctuation mistakes... no more stressing over commas and semicolons!
Professional Communication (~30-45 minutes)
For many students, college is a time to build professional relationships and begin
networking within their intended fields. Written communication is highly valued by
both the collegiate and professional worlds. This workshop introduces students to
communicating with faculty, staff, students, and potential employers. We'll cover
tone, brevity, email etiquette, social media, and campus resources. With this workshop,
we encourage students to practice professional writing to build relationships in college
and beyond.
Thesis Writing 101: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Thesis (~30-45 minutes)
This presentation gives an overview of the thesis writing process from choosing an
advisor and a topic to writing and revising a long written project. Participants will
actively brainstorm and discuss their ideas, fears, and writing habits. After the
workshop, students should have a basic understanding of the components of a thesis
and the tasks they should prepare for as they begin their research.