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Summer Graduation Information

No, students must be eligible to complete all graduation requirements by the end of the graduating term.  For this reason, students enrolled in summer courses would be considered for summer conferral and invited to walk in December.

If you have to complete any requirements in summer, you should plan to apply for summer graduation.  You will not be permitted to walk in May if it is not possible for your degree to be conferred in May.

There is no separate commencement ceremony for summer.  All students who graduate in the summer are invited to walk in the following December ceremony.

You should apply for summer graduation and you will *not* need to complete a separate application to participate in the December ceremony.  All students who have degrees officially conferred for summer are automatically invited to participate in the following December ceremony.

No one officially graduates on graduation day, so you will *not* have to wait until you walk in the December ceremony to get your diploma if you've graduated in the summer.  Diplomas are ordered every Friday as degrees are conferred and take 4-6 weeks to be delivered.  Anyone graduating in August should expect to receive a diploma by mid-October.

Degree conferral for summer begins by the second week of August and continues for approximately 15 days. 

The Office of the Registrar will send an email to your Catamount email address once your degree has been officially conferred.  Until you receive your "Congratulations!" email, your degree has not been officially conferred.

The Office of the Registrar can only confer degrees three times per year, at the formal end of each academic semester.  Degree conferral for summer does not begin until the second week of August when most summer parts of term have officially ended. 

The summer graduation application opens when summer and fall registration open.  If you intend to graduate in the summer, you should apply for graduation before the end of the preceding spring semester.