Frequently a professor will "reserve" books, articles, notes, past tests, etc. for
use by a class. Some of these materials are available online and others must be used
in the library. If you are an instructor who wants to put an item on reserve, please
see the instructions.
Search for reserves:
How to Find Reserves
- Search (enter your instructor's last name) OR or (enter the name of your course or the Course Number (e.g., PSY 650).
- Click on "Search by Instructor" and enter your instructor's last name OR click on "Search by Course" and enter the name of your course or the course code.
- There may be a list of several names or several courses Scroll to the item you need
and click on the underlined link.
If the item you need shows the phrase "Electronic Copy Available":
- Click the underlined title
- Enter in your name and ID number
- Click Submit
If the item you need shows an alpha-numeric code such as 91Èȱ¬Íø RESERVE--PC#34 or 91Èȱ¬Íø
- Make sure the status of the item is Not Checked Out. If someone has it, the date and
time that it is due to be returned will be displayed.
- Jot down the title and take it to the Circulation Desk. Present your ID card and
the item will be checked out to you.
Remember: overdue fines are high ($.50 per hour / $8.00 per day per item), so be sure
to return these materials when they are due!
See the Course Reserves Copyright Guidelines for details on copyright policies.