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Filming/Photography Policy

Persons filming or photographing must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • No alteration to the physical space of any part of the Library is permitted. This includes the application of tape to walls or surfaces.
  • No activity will take place that could interfere with the usual activity of Library personnel or patrons.
  • No activities may take place that might create conditions that are hazardous to the facility, its users, or materials.
  • Noise, disruptive to the normal course of Library activities, is not permitted.

It should be understood that failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the termination of permission to proceed with filming/photographing in the Library. It should also be understood that the person or persons who agree to the terms of this request are responsible for any damage or complaints that might result from this activity.

The privacy of patrons must be respected. Photographers/videographers must receive permission to photograph or film patrons and/or Library staff prior to capturing an image. The Library accepts no liability for the use of photographs or film resulting from this activity.

Created: 3/10/2017