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Dr. Keith Gibbs

William Gibbs

Assistant Professor

College of Arts and Sciences

Geosciences and Natural Resources

Contact Information

Email: wgibbs@wcu.edu
Phone: 828.227.3817
Office: 336 Stillwell Building


I grew up exploring the rivers and mountains of the southeastern U.S. During my academic and professional career, I've been fortunate to have mentors help me gain the knowledge and skills necessary to evaluate aquatic resources from our oceans to remote mountain streams. It is an honor to be able to call Western home and educate our students about the value and importance of protecting water and the astounding biodiversity within. Go Cats!


  • Ph D, Tennessee Tech University, Environmental Science

Teaching Interests

<sup>I have taught a variety of courses throughout my academic career and am truly excited about the field-based courses that I have the opportunity to teach at Western. Below are the courses I currently teach:</sup><br><sup>NRM 140 - Natural Resources Conservation & Management</sup><br><sup>NRM 210 - Methods in Natural Resources Management</sup><br><sup>NRM 320 - Soil Conservation</sup><br><sup>GEOL 455 - Wetlands</sup><br><sup>NRM 460 - Watershed Management</sup><br><sup>BIOL 476/NRM 493 - Contemporary Fisheries</sup>

Research Interests

My research endeavors to promote the protection and restoration of aquatic resources in Western North Carolina, including improved water quality and ecological integrity through collaboration with regional partners. My current research projects include:<br>Riverine Restoration Ecology<br>Effects of Land Use Alteration on Aquatic Resources<br>Rare and Imperiled Species Conservation<br>Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblage Response to Perturbation<br>Aquatic Fauna Sampling Efficacy and Efficiency