鈥ulti-focus, cross-disciplinary approach to standard and novel techniques for applying advanced measurement techniques to all academic fields, with a primary focus on education and educational psychology<br>鈥pplications of item response theory, structural equation modeling, factor analysis and other psychometric techniques to issues concerning student learning, motivation, self-efficacy and retention; equity education; and issues concerning advanced learners<br>鈥pplication of the generalized graded unfolding model (GGUM) of item response theory to survey research and development<br>鈥nterdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to student retention and advancement, reading & literacy teaching methods<br>鈥nvestigation into the phenomenon of slut-shaming as an independent form of extreme bullying <br>鈥ixed-methods approaches to educational research, analysis and interpretation<br>鈥tandard-setting techniques and applications<br>鈥ssessment creation and curricular alignment using principled item design techniques<br>鈥ssues of validity as they apply to current educational testing, assessment, policies and programs at all levels<br>鈥pplication of cognitive diagnostic models and classification models in educational settings