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Andrew Adams

Andrew Adams


David Orr Belcher College of Fine and Performing Arts

School of Music

Contact Information

Email: aadams@wcu.edu
Phone: 828.227.2756
Office: 463 Coulter Building


Dr. Andrew Adams is a Professor of Piano. He earned the Bachelor of Music in Piano from the Kansas City Conservatory of Music and the Master of Music in Vocal Coaching and Accompanying from the University of Illinois. He completed his Doctorate in Piano Performance at the University of Colorado. Dr. Adams served as Vocal Coach and Director of Collaborative Piano at Iowa State University from 2003 to 2006. He served on the editorial board of <i>The Journal of Singing</i>, the official publication of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, for twelve years. He has published articles and reviews in<i> Piano Professional </i>(England), <i>The American Music Teacher</i>, <i>The Journal of the International Alliance for Women in Music</i>, and the <i>North Carolina Music Educator</i>. Andrew served on the Board of the American Conference of Academic Deans (ACAD) in Washington, DC, and edited the fourth edition of<i> The Resource Handbook for Academic Deans</i> published by the Johns Hopkins University Press in 2023.


  • DMA, University of Colorado at Boulder, Piano Performance and Pedagogy
  • MM, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Vocal Coaching and Accompanying
  • BM, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Piano Performance