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NC Courier Mail Policies and Procedures

The State Courier Service is a low-cost mail system which serves the North Carolina university system, technical institutes and community colleges, all State government offices in Raleigh, field offices in State Agencies, city and county government. It is operated by the State in a non-profit basis. Courier rates are discounted from US Mail postage rates, starting at 22 cents for the first ounce. Courier Mail is distributed by vans, which are dispatched from Raleigh every night, Monday though Friday, to deliver mail on sixteen different routes in addition to all Raleigh area locations.

Each user may access the North Carolina State Courier Service website at . Here you will find information on basic mailing requirements and restrictions, Courier Service contacts and an on line directory of delivery numbers. The first two digits designate the route number, the second two digits represent the pick-up point, and the last two digits represent the specific agency to which the mail is directed at that stop. Mail addressed to Raleigh locations is to be delivered in the next working day, while city to city delivery, other than Raleigh, can be expected in two working days. The proper way to address mail to be distributed through the Courier Mail Service is as follows:


Operating procedures for preparation and distribution of COURIER MAIL through the campus mail system are as follows:

  • Courier Mail must be separated and banded in each department.
  • Courier mail will be picked up by University Mail Department personnel on the same schedule as the US and Campus Mail. Courier Mail will be consolidated in the University Mail Department and will be prepared fir the pick-up by the State Courier van. The Courier Service will pick up Courier Mail at approximately 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, from the University Mail Department.
  • University Mail Department personnel are responsible for affixing Courier Mail Postage for each department. A summary of monthly charged is compiled and sent to the Controller's Office for billing departments using the Courier Service.
  • The University Mail Department must receive courier Mail not later than 11:30am each day in order to be processed and sent out on that day.
  • The Courier Service will carry any package with weight not exceeding 50 lbs.
  • The 91Èȱ¬Íø Courier service box number (08-24-01) as well as the department address must be clearly legible on the outside of each package in the upper left corner.