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Innovative Scholarship Award


2024 Winners Cyndy Caravelis (not pictured: Katy Allen)

The Innovative Scholarship Award is designed to formally recognize unique scholarship of integration, engagement, or teaching and learning that is innovative in the type (per the Boyer model), form or dissemination process, The award includes a cash prize of $2, 000.





Award Criteria

The Innovative Scholarship Award honors ingenuity in scholarship at Western Carolina University
based upon the Boyer Scholarship model, which is composed of four related components:
Discovery: Scholarship to develop or test theory and empirically generate new knowledge
Integration: The process of making connections within and across disciplines/perspectives/
bodies of knowledge
Application: Information is first discovered, and then applied
Teaching: Practices intended to help students comprehend and synthesize information
The Innovative Scholarship Award recognizes outstanding achievements and creative
accomplishments in the scholarly activities of research, integration, application, and effectiveness
of teaching methods. Its recipients systematically investigate questions associated with learning
and the conditions under which it occurs in order to improve outcomes. Any full-time faculty
member or faculty team who has taught at Western Carolina University for at least one year may
be nominated by a faculty member, department head, dean, or by self-nomination. Priority
is given to projects completed within the last three year. You may nominate up to three people or
teams for this award.

Previous Winners

2023 Jane Eastman and Brett Riggs
2022 Travis Rountree
2021 Laura Wright
2020 Kathleen Brennan and Kim Gorman
2019 Erin Adams and Geoff Goehle