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University Policy 9

Implementation of Tenure Policies and Regulations of Western Carolina University

Formerly Executive Memorandum 76-20
Initially approved May 20, 1976
Under revision

Policy Topic: Academic Affairs
Administering Office: Academic Affairs

On April 2, 1976, the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina approved, as amended by UNC General Administration and the Personnel Committee of the Board, the "Tenure Policies and Regulations of Western Carolina University." Copies of the document in its final approved form are available in the Library and in the offices of the deans and the department heads. The policies and procedures contained therein will become effective at Western Carolina University on July 1, 1976.


In preparation for full implementation of the policies and regulations on July 1, 1976, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall arrange immediately for the completion of the steps outlined below.

I. Exercise of Five- or Seven-year Option (Section X-A)

All probationary faculty members currently employed shall receive letters informing them of (1) the number of years of probationary service they will have completed by July 1, 1976, and (2) the option they are being asked to exercise. They shall exercise their option in writing, and the record of the option selected shall be made a permanent part of their personnel records.

II. Review of Instructors (Section X, last paragraph)

In consultation with the University-wide Tenure and Promotion Committee a timetable shall be established for a review of all full-time faculty members at the rank of Instructor. Tenure and promotion committees and administrators at the departmental, school, and university levels shall consider each individual and recommend for or against promotion to the rank of assistant professor. The procedures outlined in Executive Memorandum 75-15 shall be observed in the consideration process.

III. Determination of Credit for Prior Service toward Fulfillment of the Probationary Period (Section III-L-7)

A. New Probationary Faculty Members

Persons receiving probationary appointments to the faculty effective July 1, 1976, or after shall be notified of the amount of prior service credit, if any, that is being awarded toward fulfillment of the maximum probationary period. This notification shall be contained in the initial letter of appointment and/or the faculty contract for 1976-77 and shall be made a permanent part of the personnel record of the faculty member.

B. Faculty Members on Fixed-term Appointments and Instructors

Instructors and other persons holding academic rank who are on fixed-term appointments and whose status is changed by the award of a probationary appointment effective on or after July 1, 1976, at the rank of assistant professor or above shall receive written notification at the time of the initial probationary appointment of the amount of credit, if any, that is being awarded toward fulfillment of the probationary period.