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Ms. Haden Boliek


Appointed by the Board of Governors
July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2021
July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2025


Peace College (Now William Peace University) 1987-1989
• Two-year Associates Degree

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1989-1991
• B.A. Psychology

Western Carolina University 1991-1994
• M.S., Communication Disorders


Cape Fear Valley Medical Center 1994-1997
Speech Language Therapist

Founder: Pediatric Developmental Therapy, Inc. , 1997- Present
Began Pediatric Developmental Therapy in 1997 as a solo practice that has since developed into a multi-disciplinary practice including: Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy. Her practice employs more than 50 professionals working at various clinic sites in Fayetteville - Southern Pines, NC.

Host of "The Working Therapist Podcast" , 2013-Present
Hosts twice a month Podcast on Issues dealing with Developmental Therapy.

Founder of "The Christmas Child Project" , 2001-Present
Instead of hosting an annual Christmas Party for the Pediatric Developmental Therapy Team, Haden founded the Christmas Child Project. The Team adopts 100+ children each Christmas who we show Christ's Love by providing them with a Christmas. The PDT team gathers on a Friday afternoon before Christmas and shops, wraps and shares fellowship as they prepare the gifts for adopted Children. Through the years, PDT has adopted and provided that Love to nearly 5,000 children.

Boards and Other Interests

Cumberland County Partnership for Children (Has served in various capacities including Executive Committee, and Chair of different committees)
Highland Presbyterian Church (Served as Chair of Daycare Board and in various other capacities)
Served on the Board of the North Carolina Augmentative Communication Association
Served as Supervising Clinician for Speech Therapy Students from across the nation
Presented at numerous conferences and symposiums


Haden is the mother of 4 children, ages 24, 22, 17 and 12-years-old. She has been married for 27 years to David Boliek Jr., a partner at Williford, Boliek and Frangakis, LLP in Fayetteville, N.C.