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March 11, 2011

Room 510, H.R. Robinson Building March 11, 2011

The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University met in regular session on March 11, 2011 in Room 510 of the H.F. Robinson Building. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Warren.


The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Warren, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Broadwell, Mrs. MacNeill, Mrs. Wyche, Mr. Metcalf, Mr. Kiser, Mr. Little, Mr. Dorsey, and Ms. Saunooke.

The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Worley and Dr. Siegel.

Others present: Chancellor Bardo; Interim Provost Stanford; Vice Chancellors Metcalf and Miller; Interim Vice Chancellor Edwards; Ms. Allen, Alumni Association President; Mr. Frady, Staff Senate Chair; Mr. Smith, Athletic Director; Ms. Lochner, General Counsel; Mr. Studenc, Senior Director of News Services; Ms. Ellison, reporter from Smoky Mountain News; Mrs. Lynch, Chief of Staff; Ms. McNelis, Faculty Senate Chair; T.J. Eaves, Student Government Association; Mr. Fowler, CIO; Mrs. Ashe, Administrative Assistant; Ms. Woody, Administrative Assistant; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board.

Ethics Statement

Mr. Warren read the following: "As Chair of the Board of Trustees, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Board of their duty under the State Government Ethics Act to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this Act. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Board of Trustees' meeting. If any Board member knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the Board of Trustees at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time."

There were no conflicts disclosed.

Approval of Minutes

Mrs. MacNeill moved that the minutes of the December 1, 2010 regular meeting, the minutes of the December 8, 2010 Executive Committee telephone conference, and the minutes of the February 2, 2011 telephone conference be approved as distributed. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Closed session

Mr. Kiser moved that the Board go into closed session to consider and give instructions concerning an existing lawsuit titled The Estate of Smalls v. 91Èȱ¬Íø and to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial appointment, of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. Mr. Forsyth seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Chancellor Bardo asked Ms. Lochner and Dr. Stanford to stay for the closed session.


Mr. Little moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mrs. Williams asked for a motion for approval of the minutes from November 30, 2010. Mr. Little moved that the minutes from the November 30, 2010 Academic Affairs and Personnel Committee be approved as distributed. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (COMMITTEE MINUTES ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB C-1)

Mrs. Williams requested a motion on the tenure and promotion recommendations mentioned in closed session. Mr. Little moved that the tenure and promotion recommendations be approved, as presented in closed session. Mrs. MacNeill seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (TENURE AND PROMOTION RECOMMENDATIONS ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB C-2a – C-2d)


Mrs. MacNeill asked the Board to entertain the motion of approval of the committee minutes.

Mr. Broadwell moved that the minutes from the November 30, 2010 Administration, Governance and Trusteeship Committee be approved as distributed. Mr. Forsyth seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. (COMMITTEE MINUTES ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D-1a and TAB D-1b)

Mrs. MacNeill asked Mr. Dorsey to give a report on the Student Government Association. Mr. Dorsey thanked the Board members for allowing him to work with them.

Mr. Dorsey reported that the SGA has been working with the Commencement committee to allow students to wear stoles, cords, or other graduation regalia to represent student organizations from which they are a member. Organizations with a 3.0 G.P.A. can wear regalia. Mr. Dorsey further reported that this gives incentive for organizations to strive academically so their members may represent the organization at graduation.

Mr. Dorsey stated that the SGA is currently participating in Service NC, a month-long community service project sponsored by the University of North Carolina Association of Student Governments. The school with the most hours will win first place.

Mr. Dorsey mentioned that the Student Senate is in the process of being restructured, reducing the number of senate seats from 23 to 17 and adding another position in the executive branch. Mr. Dorsey further mentioned that the SGA is also in the process of updating its Constitution. These changes will hopefully make things run much smoother in the future.

Mr. Dorsey reported that the SGA has been working with Dean Brian Railsback on an A+ policy. Currently, professors can give an A+ to a student, but it is not weighted in the student's G.P.A. He stated that SGA hopes to change this. Mr. Dorsey added that other schools in the UNC system have adopted a similar policy. As of right now, our students are at a disadvantage when applying for graduate school compared to other UNC institutions that do have the policy.

Mr. Dorsey explained that SGA elections will be on March 23. The elections are much earlier this year than in years past. This will allow for a transition period for the next administration to "get their feet wet." Mr. Dorsey stated that he asked both SGA presidential candidates to come today but only one, T.J. Eaves, was able to attend.

Mrs. MacNeill thanked Mr. Dorsey for his service on the Board and said that it has been really fun getting to know him.

Mrs. MacNeill gave an update on the chancellor's residence. She mentioned that there are delayed maintenance issues that they are dealing with. She added that Mr. Kiser, representing Ethan Allen, has given assistance with the design work in the public spaces. Mrs. MacNeill stated that she and Mr. Kiser have been meeting and are hard at work at accomplishing this goal. She also stated that everyone will be pleased and proud with the results that the hard working staff has done at keeping things as economical as possible.

Mr. Warren thanked Mrs. MacNeill for her work on the chancellor's residence safety issues and stated that this is a hard task. Mr. Warren also thanked Mr. Kiser for his alliance and insight into the project.


Mr. Kiser requested a motion on the minutes. Mrs. MacNeill moved that the November 30, 2010 minutes of the Finance and Audit Committee be approved as distributed. Mr. Broadwell seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (COMMITTEE MINUTES ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB E-1)

Mr. Kiser reported on the Resolution for the Special Bonds Obligation. He mentioned that the Board has talked on several occasions about the renovation of Harrill Hall. Mr. Kiser reminded everyone that we are upgrading all of the systems – HVAC, electrical, and plumbing. He added that these upgrades will qualify us for LEED certification at the silver and maybe at the gold levels based on the roof-top collections and the geo-thermal system that will be in place. Mr. Kiser stated that authorization for the project was approved in 2003 and 2010 session laws of the North Carolina General Assembly and the Board of Governors at $15,000,000 to be financed from indebtedness to be repaid from housing receipts. He added that, until that time, we need a bridge loan to get started in May. The Resolution would authorize Mr. Edwards, the Chancellor and Mr. Warren to sign the necessary paperwork to get a bridge loan. Mr. Little moved that the Resolution for the Special Bonds Obligation be approved. Mr. Forsyth seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (RESOLUTION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB E-2)


Mr. Warren reported that the Chancellor Search committee is making great progress in filtering through the nominees in meeting our goal to present President Ross with an array of candidates. He added that, in terms of the quality of the candidates, they are outstanding. Mr. Warren stated that they are outstanding because of John Bardo's devotion to excellence. Everyone wants the chance to play on a winning team, and we have a winner. Mr. Warren thanked Ms. Welch for her tireless work and impeccable judgment.

Mr. Warren mentioned that this is Mr. Dorsey's last meeting with the Board of Trustees. He also mentioned that Mr. Dorsey has taken his responsibility very seriously. Mr. Dorsey had broad insight on the search committee and has been remarkable. He explained that no one wanted a tuition increase, but Mr. Dorsey went back to his constituencies and obtained a favorable vote for a tuition increase. Mr. Warren went on to say that this is an extraordinary work of leadership on Mr. Dorsey's part. Mr. Warren thanked Mr. Dorsey for his service on Board and to the students and to the University.


Dr. Bardo reported that we are fourth in the nation in number of undergraduate students presenting at the undergraduate research conference. Dr. Bardo mentioned that there is no news on retention but the enrollment is stable. He added that the number of students coming to open houses has increased by 40%. The quality of students is the same as last year and the class is likely to be about the same as last year.

Dr. Bardo mentioned that there are no audit comments this year. He also mentioned that the College of Business was accredited.

Dr. Bardo explained that he and others are spending a lot of time in the legislature. He added that we have a team making a presentation to the western delegation in the legislature next week. Dr. Bardo stated that we have been working on the assumption that there would be budget reductions and he has asked the campus to prepare scenarios up to a 15% reduction. He also stated that cuts are taken to put us in a position to minimize damage to the institution. He also mentioned that this is not the first year of budget reductions so we have cut almost everything we can. He added that most of our budget is in personnel so we have done some Reduction in Force. Dr. Bardo stated that there is no good way to do this and that it is very difficult. He continued by saying that we will be in the legislature until the education budget is settled. Dr. Bardo asked the Board to talk to legislators to ask that cuts be minimized.


Mr. Frady reported that the staff is now calmer regarding the budget cuts. He added that the changes that were made, had to be made. Mr. Frady also stated that he appreciates the budget updates that have been going out to the campus.

Mr. Frady indicated that the Staff Senate elections were just completed. The Staff Senate is conducting a month of service with a food drive. Senate is collecting all the donated food on campus and will tabulate it before taking it to our local charity.

Mr. Frady stated that the Staff Senate is finalizing a profit sharing venture with our campus clothing store to provide funds for our Employee Emergency Assistance Fund, Staff Scholarship fund, etc. He also stated that we have ordered the ornaments that will be sold to the public and we are looking forward to seeing how this collaboration turns out.

Mr. Frady reported that he was very pleased to be selected to participate in the Chancellor Search Committee process and it has been a very rewarding experience for him.

Mr. Frady stated that the Staff Senate will again participate in the on-campus yard sale that will be held on April 9 th. Funds from this yard sale will benefit the Staff Senate Scholarship program.


Dr. McNelis thanked the trustees for their confidence in faculty, staff, students, and the community in making them a part of the search process for the new Chancellor. Dr. McNelis thanked Mr. Warren for the tremendous job he has done as Chair of the Chancellor Search Committee and stated that he set a wonderful example.

Dr. McNelis reported that the challenges presented to Western Carolina University over the past seven months have been more than ever imagined. She added that, not only have we been trying to anticipate and prepare for potentially sizeable budget cuts; we are experiencing the sadness and anxiety of losing members of our university community, we are facing the unknown that comes with restructuring to promote institutional efficiency and effectiveness; and we are all anxiously awaiting the resolution of the Chancellor Search as we deal with current and pending vacancies in valuable offices of our university administration. Dr. McNelis also reported that these challenges can be and have been frustrating at times, but they have provided opportunities for us to work together to identify and address our strengths and weaknesses as an institution, and to choose the path we will take to make Western a stronger and more solid institution.

Dr. McNelis stated that, from a faculty perspective, she believes this is the most unified and vocal our faculty has been since her arrival at Western. She also stated that this could also be the most actively engaged we have been in the processes and planning that will determine our future. Dr. McNelis further stated that we may not always be happy with the results, but the mechanisms are in place for us to take a part in these decisions. Dr. McNelis also thanked Chancellor Bardo, Provost Stanford, and the deans who have made it a point to involve faculty in the discussion and decisions regarding university prioritization.

Dr. McNelis mentioned that much of the Senate's attention has been on issues relating to budget, to program prioritization, and to the collegial review process. She also mentioned that our requests for budget transparency have been addressed through regular budget updates from Chancellor Bardo, the creation of university budget websites and perhaps most importantly, through valuable university forums with Provost Stanford and Mr. Wooten in December, and with Chancellor Bardo, Provost Stanford, and Interim Vice Chancellor Edwards in January. Dr. McNelis further mentioned that the Faculty Senate has faced two other difficult issues in the past two months that are also related to budget concerns. The issues were reappointment decisions and program prioritization. She explained some of the issues surrounding these topics.

Dr. McNelis explained that difficult times bring difficult decisions, and Western has had their fair share this year. Dr. McNelis further stated that when reading the nominations for the Paul A. Reid Distinguished Service Award for Administrative Staff and Faculty recently, she realized once again the amazing and selfless contributions the staff and faculty of Western Carolina University make to our university and the community. She mentioned that it is an honor to represent our faculty and to work towards their best interests as well as the best interests of the university.


Ms. Allen reported that the Alumni are appreciative for all that trustees, faculty, staff, and administration do to raise the bar. She stated that the next alumni board member elections are coming up in the Western magazine. Ms. Allen explained that the finalists for alumni awards are being identified.


There being no further business, Mr. Broadwell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.