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June 3, 2011

Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building
June 3, 2011

The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University met in regular session on June 3, 2011 in Room 510 of the H.F. Robinson Building. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Warren.


The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Warren, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Broadwell, Mrs. MacNeill, Mrs. Wyche, Mr. Metcalf, Mr. Kiser, Mr. Little, Mr. Eaves, Ms. Saunooke, and Dr. Siegel.

The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Metcalf.

Others present: Chancellor Bardo; Mrs. Lynch, Chief of Staff; Vice Chancellors Metcalf and Miller; Interim Vice Chancellor Edwards; Mr. Fowler, CIO; Mr. Smith, Athletic Director; Ms. Lochner, General Counsel; Dr. Lofquist, Associate Provost; Mr. Studenc, Senior Director of News Services; Ms. Allen, Alumni Association President; Mr. Frady, Staff Senate Chair; Mr. Lavigne, Staff Senate Vice Chair; Dr. McNelis, Faculty Senate Chair; Mr. Haskett, University Photographer; Ms. Ellison, Smoky Mountain News; Mrs. Wong, Director of Human Resources; Mrs. Ashe, Administrative Assistant; Ms. Woody, Administrative Assistant; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board.

Mr. Warren welcomed everyone to the June Board meeting and stated that the Technology Commons tour was informative.


Mr. Eaves, the new Student Government Association President, was sworn in by Ms. Welch. Mr. Warren welcomed him and said the Board was pleased to have him here.

Ethics Statement

Mr. Warren read the following: 鈥淎s Chair of the Board of Trustees, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Board of their duty under the State Government Ethics Act to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this Act. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Board of Trustees鈥 meeting. If any Board member knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the Board of Trustees at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.鈥

There were no conflicts disclosed.

Approval of Minutes

Mrs. MacNeill moved that the minutes of the March 11, 2011 regular meeting, the minutes of the March 15, 2011 telephone conference, and the minutes of the April 18, 2011 telephone conference be approved as distributed. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Dr. Bardo asked Ms. Lochner, Mr. Metcalf, Mrs. Wong and Mrs. Lynch to stay for the closed session.


Mr. Worley moved that the Board go into closed session to prevent the premature disclosure of an honorary award or scholarship, to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the area served by this Board, and to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial appointment, of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.


Mr. Little moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Worley seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.


Mr. Worley recommended on behalf of the Committee that the Board accept the 4.0 changes to the tenure track appointment process in the Faculty Handbook. This will be an easier process with less paperwork. The motion was approved unanimously. (FACULTY HANDBOOK CHANGES ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB C-1)

Mr. Worley stated that there was a report on the recent Reduction in Force actions and quarterly reports of salary increases. He mentioned that there were relatively few names on those reports.

Mr. Worley explained that several departments are currently conducting a two-part, mandatory campus-wide safety training for all employees. Part one is to provide campus resources provided by Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Counseling Services and Human Resources. Part two is an active shooter video approved and provided by General Administration.

Mr. Worley reported that the State Health Plan has become law. The administration of the plan is moving to the state鈥檚 treasurer office and employees will have to pay a premium for the first time in the history of the system within the 80/20 option. The wellness initiatives are gone.


Mrs. MacNeill welcomed Mr. Eaves and asked for his report. She mentioned that the Student Government Association President is the most important person on the Board.

Mr. Eaves explained that his platform, when running for President, was that he would be a leader that the student body could trust to represent them as a whole through one united voice. He added that he promised that he would respond to student needs and concerns first and foremost and create a close tie with the new administration. Mr. Eaves also explained that he believes that he should not have a personal agenda going into his presidency; his agenda should be based off of what the student body wants the SGA to accomplish. Once elected, he began to ask students what they would like to see SGA accomplish in the next year. Most students would pause and then respond, 鈥渨ell I don鈥檛 know what SGA does.鈥 He stated that the SGA will be more visible to the campus than it has ever been in the past. He also stated that, for years, the SGA has been asking students to 鈥済et involved,鈥 when the SGA should have been getting involved themselves. By SGA becoming more engaged with students, he hopes that more students will come to SGA with concerns they need addressed.

Mr. Eaves mentioned that he is very honored with the opportunity to serve as Student Government President and as a member of this Board.

Mrs. MacNeill reported that the University has had two student deaths since the last meeting. She added that the Board appreciates what Student Affairs does for the families of those students.

Mrs. MacNeill thanked Mr. Metcalf for presenting a legislative update to the committee and briefly discussing the implications for the 91热爆网 budget.

Mrs. MacNeill thanked the 91热爆网 staff for all they have done to make the renovation of the Chancellor鈥檚 residence happen efficiently and quickly. She also thanked Mrs. Lynch and Mr. Kiser for working on the design and furnishings for the public space of the residence. Mrs. MacNeill stated that the Board will have a chance to tour the finished product.

Mr. Warren thanked Mrs. MacNeill for making our Chancellor鈥檚 residence a safe place to live. He also thanked Mr. Kiser for everything he has brought to the project.


Mr. Kiser moved on behalf of the committee to approve a Resolution authorizing Western Carolina University to participate in the Interlocal Purchasing System. This would be to obtain savings ranging from 15 to 40 percent on technology equipment to be purchased for the new Health and Human Science building and to meet the state鈥檚 bidding requirements on such equipment. The Finance and Audit Committee recommends approval of a resolution authorizing Dr. Bardo to sign and deliver any and all necessary requests and documents in connection therewith and on behalf of Western Carolina University as they relate to The Interlocal Purchasing System. The motion was approved unanimously. (RESOLUTION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB E)

Mr. Kiser stated that the latest budget forecast is that the University has a possible 14% reduction. He complimented the administration and staff who have been involved in the proactive nature of dealing with the budget cuts. Mr. Kiser added that we are well on our way in dealing with the tough issues.

Mr. Kiser reported that a lease with a University employee had been signed for one of the buildings owned by the University in the retail shops in the middle of campus. This lease was approved by University Counsel and no conflict of interest exists.

Mr. Kiser mentioned that the committee was presented the 2009 and 2010 audits by the State Auditor鈥檚 office. He also mentioned findings identified in the 2009 audit along with the University鈥檚 response. The 2010 audit was also discussed with no audit findings.

Mr. Kiser stated that there was a presentation of the 2010 Western Carolina University financial statements. There was also an update from the Internal Auditor who discussed findings concerning audits of the electronic cat card system, export control requirements and the pre-award process for grants.


Mr. Warren stated that Dr. McNelis is always careful to give accurate information to the faculty regarding the Chancellor Search. He also stated that the University owes her a great debt of gratitude as she has done her job par excellence.

Dr. McNelis stated that the 2010-2011 academic year now behind us, was like a rollercoaster ride with its rapid pace, plenty of ups and downs, and jolts along the way. She also stated that we have faced sizeable budget cuts, lost valued faculty and staff, restructured one college and some academic support units, and continue to review our academic programs in anticipation of leaner budgets and system-wide program changes in the future. She added that our community is excited about and invigorated by the possibilities for our future with the next chancellor, David Belcher. We have been trend-setters, creating program prioritization processes that other universities in the UNC system are starting to adopt and establishing a collaborative task force between faculty, staff, and administration to recommend a policy on restructuring within academic affairs, the first of its type in the UNC system. Dr. McNelis continued by saying that there is no doubt that the financial distress and budget cuts in the state and in the educational system are hindering our ability to provide the personal attention and timely student-centric curricula that has become a part of the 鈥淲estern Way鈥, but we are not abandoning those values. She mentioned that together we are working on innovative ways to revision ourselves and preserve the quality and character of the services we provide our students and our community.

Dr. McNelis thanked the Board of Trustees for making faculty an integral part of the Chancellor Search Committee and the search process, and truly listening to concerns and feedback. Although the faculty were disappointed that the final candidates were not openly invited to meet with the campus community, and have submitted a resolution to the Faculty Assembly requesting that all future chancellor searches be open, they are very pleased with the results of the search and are thankful for the hard work and discernment of the Search Committee.

Dr. McNelis further stated that since the last report to the Board of Trustees in March, the Faculty Senate received the much anticipated recommendations on the proposed Honors College Liberal Studies Path, which would establish a different Liberal Studies curriculum for Honors Students, and, after much debate, voted against approval of the Honors College proposal. We want one excellent program for all students.

Dr. McNelis reported that the Faculty Senate Planning Team proposed creation of a task force to suggest a policy on reorganization at any level within Academic Affairs. This proposal was passed by the Faculty Senate, and leadership from the Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and the Council of Deans jointly determined the membership and developed the charge and timeline for the task force. This task force, and the policy they will recommend, should assure fairness and representation of all involved parties in any reorganization issues for units in Academic Affairs in the future, and is likely to be a model adopted by other UNC institutions in these times of significant change and restructuring.

Dr. McNelis stated that she would like to continue the faculty鈥檚 efforts to broaden our communication and relationships with the university community by developing stronger direct ties with the Board of Trustees. She mentioned that her interactions with the Board have been very valuable, and she wants to extend these opportunities to all faculty. She would like to ask the Trustees to work with her, the Office of the Chancellor, and the Office of the Provost to develop avenues and opportunities for the Trustees and faculty to learn more about each other and our roles in making Western Carolina University the best engaged regional comprehensive institution for our community.


Mr. Warren stated that Ms. Allen was the best alumni president that we have ever had. He added that she is enthusiastic and passionate about the Cullowhee valley.

Ms. Allen said that she is thankful for the search committee experience. Ms. Allen reported that there are five new members of the Alumni board. She added that the Purple and Gold Reunion will be held in July and it will be a wonderful opportunity for the alumni classes of 1931, 1941, 1951, 1961, 1971. Ms. Allen stated that the Board is appreciative to the Bardos for all they have done and the Board has made them honorary Alumni Board members.


Mr. Warren stated that Mr. Frady was also a valued member of the Chancellor Search Committee, along with serving his community as a volunteer fire fighter. He also stated that Mr. Frady recently received the Paul A. Reid Award for Administrative Staff.

Mr. Frady mentioned that the Staff Senate is continuing to work on a Staff memorial. He also mentioned that they are looking at locations on campus and discussing how to memorialize staff. He added that the Senate believes this memorial will add beauty to our campus.

Mr. Frady reported that the staff are closely watching the news as the state budget works its way through the House and Senate. He added that many people are concerned about the final version of budget cuts. Mr. Frady also added that many staff have been encouraged by the recent addition of performance pay raises.

Mr. Frady stated that the Senate continues to raise funds for the Employee Assistance Fund. They will begin selling Staff Senate ornaments in the Catamount Clothing Store for $10.

Mr. Frady thanked everyone for the opportunity as the senate chair to be on the Search Committee. He has enjoyed serving on the Search Committee this past year and has enjoyed the search process. Mr. Frady introduced Jason Lavigne, the current Vice Chair, who will be the new staff senate chair for the upcoming year. He thanked Dr. McNelis for bringing the staff and faculty together to move the University forward.

Ms. Saunooke presented gifts to Dr. Bardo and Mr. Warren.


Mr. Warren commented that we are grateful for the lives of students Sean Braswell and Josh Fulcher, who passed away. He stated that the Western flag is flying at half staff in their memory. Mr. Warren also commented that the Western flag will be flying at half staff on Monday in memory of Dick Wood, a former 91热爆网 Board of Trustee Chair.

Mr. Warren thanked Betty Siegel, Rosemary Wyche, Charlie Worley and Jerry Kiser for their service to the Board and presented them with a token of appreciation from the Board.

Mr. Warren stated that Chancellor Bardo had a vision that Western would have a Fine and Performing Arts Center. The Trustees today honor Chancellor Bardo by naming the Fine and Performing Arts Center 鈥淭he John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center.鈥

Mr. Warren thanked everyone for his time on the Board.

Mr. Worley added that everyone is grateful for Mr. Warren and his service to the Board.


Dr. Bardo presented Mr. Warren with a token of appreciation for his service to the Board and thanked him.

Dr. Bardo gave an enrollment update. He reported that the Freshman class will be as good as last year or better. Dr. Bardo stated that applications are down slightly. He added that in regards to the budget, we have positioned the University well with the cuts that have happened.

Dr. Bardo stated that the past 16 years represented a quarter of his life. He also stated that being Chancellor was not just going to a job and looking for the next career move. It was about trying to make a difference in the lives of people. Dr. Bardo further stated that this is a great school and its best days are ahead of it. He added that Western is not about the buildings; it is not about the mountains; it is about the people who are here. Dr. Bardo further stated that nothing happens on a campus unless people buy in to where the institution is going. He mentioned that the buy-in here has been phenomenal. Dr. Bardo thanked the faculty and staff for doing a wonderful job. He thanked the Board and said that we have never had a 鈥渏ust average鈥 Board. We have always had a Board that can lead. Dr. Bardo continued by thanking the Executive Council and the Chancellor鈥檚 Office staff for making things work every day.


There being no further business, Mr. Little made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.