July 8, 2011
The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University met by telephone in special session on July 8, 2011. Chancellor Belcher called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
The following members of the Board were present on the call: Mr. Broadwell, Mrs. MacNeill, Mr. Metcalf, Ms. Saunooke, Mrs. Coward, Mrs. Kaemmerling, Mr. Little, Mr. Townsend, Mr. Eaves, Mrs. Williams, and Mr. Forsyth.
Others present on the call: Chancellor Belcher, Ms. Lochner, General Counsel; Ms.
Lynch, Chief of Staff; Mr. Justice, Acting Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial
Services; Mr. Corzine, Director of Residential Living; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary
to the Board.
Mrs. Carolyn Coward, Mrs. Pat Kaemmerling, and Mr. Wardell Townsend, newly appointed
members of the Board of Trustees, and Mrs. Teresa Williams, re-appointed member of
the Board of Trustees, were sworn in by Ms. Welch.
Chancellor Belcher read the following: 鈥淥n behalf of the Board of Trustees, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Board of their duty under the State Government Ethics Act to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this Act. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Board of Trustees鈥 meeting. If any Board member knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the Board of Trustees at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.鈥
There were no conflicts disclosed.
Chancellor Belcher called for nominations for Chair of the Board. Mrs. Williams nominated Joan MacNeill for Chair of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Little seconded the motion and moved that the nominations be closed and that Mrs. MacNeill be elected by acclamation. Mrs. MacNeill was elected Chair of the Board of Trustees by acclamation. Mrs. MacNeill stated that it was her pleasure to serve as Chair. She told the new trustees that they were joining an amazing group of men and women. She thanked everyone for their service. She stated that it was a new era at Western Carolina University.
Mrs. MacNeill called for nominations for Vice Chair of the Board. Mr. Broadwell nominated Teresa Williams as Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees. Ms. Saunooke seconded the motion and moved that the nominations be closed and that Mrs. Williams be elected by acclamation. Mrs. Williams was elected Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees by acclamation.
Mrs. MacNeill called for nominations for Secretary of the Board.
Mr. Forsyth nominated Ed Broadwell as Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Little
seconded the motion and moved that the nominations be closed and that Mr. Broadwell
be elected by acclamation. Mr. Broadwell was elected Secretary of the Board of Trustees
by acclamation.
Chancellor Belcher explained that Mr. Justice and Mr. Corzine were joining the call to brief the Board on the situation with room rates. He explained that our enrollment may be up this fall. We have taken Harrill Hall down and may need to use Madison and Robertson Halls for students. Mr. Corzine explained that we took 390 beds offline. There has been a late surge in transfers. Robertson Hall is normally used for efficiency apartment housing but has room for 20 additional students. Madison Hall could be used for 40 students. We have used these spaces in the past but did not establish occupancy rates. If our no-show rate is less than expected, these spaces could become long-term temporary space. Mr. Corzine explained the rates as proposed. These rates have been previously approved by the Board for other residence halls. (OCCUPANCY RATE INFORMATION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIAL). Discussion of these issues followed.
Dr. Belcher explained that we are competitive with off-campus housing. Freshman have to live on campus their first year. They are housed together in communities with other freshmen. Mr. Eaves stated that he feels it is important to keep freshmen together. He stated that everyone is aware that students becoming part of a community is very important, even in residence halls that may not accommodate them that well.
Mr. Little moved that the Board adopt the occupancy rates for Madison and Robertson Halls as proposed. Mrs. Williams seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mrs. Williams moved that the Board go into closed session to consider the qualifications,
competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions
of initial appointment, of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer
or employee.
Ms. Saunooke moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Little seconded the
motion, and it was approved.
Mrs. MacNeill reminded everyone that the New Trustee Orientation will be on August
4. She encouraged all members of the Board to attend.
There being no further business, Mrs. MacNeill adjourned the meeting at 2:45 p.m.