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July 16, 2010


July 16, 2010

The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University met by telephone on July 16, 2010. Chairman Warren called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.


The following members of the Board were present on the call: Mr. Warren, Mr. Kiser, Mr. Worley, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Little, Mr. Metcalf, Mrs. Wyche, and Dr. Siegel. Also present: Chancellor Bardo; Vice Chancellor Wooten; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board.


Chancellor Bardo reported that the legislature gave President Bowles the power to approve tuition increases without the approval of the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees. This is a very unusual circumstance. He explained what occurred. The legislature made a base cut to the system budget but allowed the universities to come back with proposed tuition increase to cover the base cut so that the impact on the classroom is not as great. This shifted the cost to the students. Erskine allocated cuts to each institution and then allowed each to supplement the cut with a tuition increase to cover the base cut plus an additional 20% to cover need-based financial aid. We received word on Wednesday that our proposal was approved, and we have notified students of the increase. The fundamental theme was preservation of quality. We do not know what will happen next year. The total increase is $793.80 or 17.5% for undergraduate students.

Mr. Little asked about the impact on Western of the cut to athletic scholarships approved by the legislature. Dr. Bardo stated that this will hurt us tremendously. Mr. Chip Smith has decided that football and basketball are the two men鈥檚 sports and that soccer and basketball are the two women鈥檚 sports that we will try to protect. Loss of scholarships will fall to other sports. Athletics is also reducing staff members.

Mr. Warren thanked the Chancellor for taking care of this. This has been a very difficult process. He stated that Western took a bad situation and made the best possible outcome.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.