Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building
December 1, 2010
The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University met in regular session on December 1, 2010 in Room 510 of the H.F. Robinson Building. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Warren.
The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Warren, Mr. Worley, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Broadwell, Mrs. MacNeill, Dr. Siegel, Mrs. Wyche, Mr. Metcalf, Mr. Kiser, Mr. Little, Mr. Dorsey, and Ms. Saunooke.
Others present: Chancellor Bardo; Interim Provost Stanford; Vice Chancellors Metcalf, Miller and Wooten; Ms. Allen, Alumni Association President; Mr. Frady, Staff Senate Chair; Mr. Edwards, Internal Auditor; Mr. Fowler, CIO; Mr. Smith, Athletic Director; Ms. McNelis, Faculty Senate Chair; Mrs. Ashe, Administrative Assistant; Ms. Woody, Administrative Assistant; Ms. Lochner, General Counsel; Mr. Studenc, Senior Director of News Services; Mr. Morris, Reporter from the Tuckaseigee River; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board.
Mr. Warren read the following: 鈥淎s Chair of the Board of Trustees, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Board of their duty under the State Government Ethics Act to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this Act. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Board of Trustees鈥 meeting. If any Board member knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the Board of Trustees at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.鈥
There were no conflicts disclosed.
Mr. Worley moved that the minutes of the September 3, 2010 regular meeting, the minutes of the October 8, 2010 Executive Committee telephone conference, the minutes of the October 28, 2010 special meeting, and the minutes of the October 29, 2010 special meeting be approved as distributed. Mrs. MacNeill seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Closed Session
Mr. Worley moved that the Board go into closed session to prevent the disclosure of privileged or confidential information, or information not considered a public record within the meaning of the NC Public Records Act under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of the regulations or laws of the United States and to consult with our attorney to protect the attorney-client privilege to discuss a legal issue. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked Dr. Miller and Ms. Lochner to stay for the closed session.
Mr. Worley moved that the Board return to open session. Mrs. MacNeill seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mr. Worley stated that there were no action items. Mr. Worley reported on the Employee Service Recognition and Employee Appreciation Day activities. He said that the appreciation program now includes honoring faculty and staff retirees, combining 3 budgets and saving some dollars. EPA, as well as SPA, employees, will receive service recognition awards in five year increments.
Mr. Worley reported that there was a program review of low enrolled programs. He also reported that so many programs are inter-related, making this a very complicated process. Mr. Worley reported that we are also conducting an Academic Program Prioritization process. The first step: the deans will look at all their programs and determine what meets the mission, revenue, SCH production, etc. Step two will connect dollars to this prioritization process. He added that Dr. Stanford has communicated this process to the campus. An advisory committee will be initiated with faculty, deans, and administrators to continue the process once all prioritizations have been brought forth.
Mr. Worley stated that a consultant came in to review Educational Outreach. A report has been received and Educational Outreach is responding. Mr. Worley mentioned that this is a great revenue source for us, through contract courses, military, etc. He explained that we are limited to the number of students we can put in an online course 鈥 it costs us more.
Mrs. MacNeill stated that she appreciated the folks who spent the extra time with the committee during a review of the Chancellor鈥檚 residence with recommendations for renovations and upgrades. The residence is a multi-function-use facility for University entertaining. In keeping with the Board鈥檚 desire to make some changes and possibly move forward with a new facility to meet the University鈥檚 needs, the committee would like to recommend to the full Board to adopt a resolution to bring the house up to standards and make it livable and a place for entertaining. This will be a recommendation from the Board of Trustees and not put the burden on the new Chancellor. Mr. Warren added that the residence needs a lot of work and that we have an obligation to make the residence a place that is livable and safe. He continued by saying that the Board will own the project and take responsibility for it because it is the right thing to do. Mrs. MacNeill moved on behalf of the committee that the Resolutions be approved as distributed. Dr. Siegel seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. The Resolutions read as follows:
鈥淲HEREAS, the role of a chancellor in the University of North Carolina system has evolved to require much greater focus on external activities in addition to serving as the chief executive officer of the university, such as engaging local, state, and regional business, political and community leaders in matters of policy, and fostering and maintaining close relationships with alumni, donors, and other supporters of the university; and
WHEREAS, given the expanded responsibilities of a chancellor, the residential quarters of the chancellor must also be a multi-purpose facility that is appropriate for university-hosted meetings, receptions, events, and performances, consistent with the requirements of University of North Carolina Policy 300.1.5; and
WHEREAS, the current chancellor鈥檚 residential quarters (鈥淯niversity House鈥) was constructed in the 1950鈥檚, and has not been substantially renovated, including upgrades to HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems, in the past twenty-five years.
NOW, THEREFORE, after discussion and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried:
BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board of Trustees is committed to undertake immediate renovations of the current University House that address the facility鈥檚 deficiencies and are appropriate for the uses described above; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board of Trustees is also committed to conduct requisite feasibility studies, plan, and build, with proceeds derived from a capital fundraising campaign as well as donations of materials and services, a new multi-purpose facility that serves all of the needs and the mission of a twenty-first century university.鈥 (RESOLUTIONS ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS )
Mrs. MacNeill stated that Vice Chancellor Metcalf updated the committee on potential changes with the results of the November state-wide elections and asked for the Board鈥檚 help working with the new legislative leadership. Mrs. MacNeill asked Board members to speak with Mr. Warren or Chancellor Bardo regarding possible new Board members.
Mrs. MacNeill asked Mr. Dorsey to update the Board on SGA activities during the fall semester. Mr. Dorsey reported that 91热爆网鈥檚 OrgSync is up and running. He added that OrgSync is a website where student organizations can post information about themselves and upcoming events they may be hosting.
Mr. Dorsey stated that the SGA hosted 鈥淏eat App Week鈥 after they got back from Fall Break. He also stated that the SGA encouraged the students to 鈥減ack the stadium with purple.鈥 He added that the game was one of the most well-attended football games all season long. Mr. Dorsey mentioned that the annual SGA Halloween Party, co-sponsored by the National Pan-Hellenic Council, raised about $75 for Sickle Cell Anemia research and about 50 canned goods for the Community Table.
Mr. Dorsey explained that a forum for students was held for students to voice their opinions about the chancellor search process. He also explained that, although it was not as well attended as SGA was hoping, the students who were there were very passionate about what they had to say.
Mr. Dorsey stated that the SGA hosted a forum on Monday, Nov. 29, for students to express how they feel about wearing graduation regalia (or lack thereof). He also stated that currently Greek organizations are not allowed to wear cords or other regalia at graduation.
Mr. Warren complimented the Student Government Association on the Org-Sync. He stated that the students were great at the student forum and had a lot of important things to say.
Mr. Kiser reported that Robert Edwards, Internal Auditor, requested that the Audit Charter be amended to include language granting access to all contracts and grants entered into 91热爆网 in accordance with GS 147-64.7. The committee unanimously agreed with the proposed amendment.
Mr. Kiser stated that, over the last 12 months 91热爆网 and ConEdison Solutions have been working to identify energy savings projects that could be accomplished by issuing debt for construction and utilizing energy savings for the retirement of the debt . Mr. Kiser moved on behalf of the committee that Western Carolina University enter into an energy management contract with ConEdison Solutions for the implementation of energy savings projects in 8 different campus locations resulting in guaranteed annual utility savings of $457,340. Furthermore, the University would enter into a bank loan for the amount of construction and expenses estimated to be $5,359,954 to be repaid over a 16 year term at a projected interest rate of 4%. He added that our students will have the opportunity to participate in these practices. The motion was approved unanimously. (CONTRACT ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB E-4)
Mr. Kiser explained that Jackson County is developing a greenway project along the Tuckaseigee River and has asked for a 150 foot right of way across 91热爆网 property that was formerly used as a campus landfill. Mr. Kiser moved on behalf of the committee that Western Carolina University support the request to grant a 150 foot wide right-of-way to Jackson County for the greenway project in accordance with certified survey. The motion was approved unanimously. (RIGHT-OF-WAY ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB E-5)
Mr. Kiser reported that Mr. Robert Edwards has been appointed as Interim Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance effective January 1, 2010. Mr. Kiser moved on behalf of the committee approval of a resolution to authorize Robert W. Edwards, Interim Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, to act on behalf of the University to sell, assign, transfer or deliver any and all stocks, bonds, evidences of interest, rights, and all other securities effective January 1, 2011. The motion was approved unanimously. (RESOLUTION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB E-6)
Mr. Kiser stated that there was a great discussion yesterday on tuition and fees. The committee recommends that action on FY 11-12 Tuition and Fees be delayed until such time that additional information requested can be prepared and provided to the Trustees for review. Furthermore, the Committee would ask that a conference call be scheduled during the week of December 6-10 for the purposes of taking action on recommended increases. Mr. Warren added that we want to do our due diligence on this in terms of some questions that Board members have. He also stated that, to set the framework for the discussion, he was proud of the Board for asking questions born of a genuine concern about tuition increases and the balance it has with regards to the progress of this University. Mr. Warren explained that, if we pass this tuition increase, and the rest of the system does nothing then we are going to be third from the bottom in total costs. The other 16 campuses will pass tuition increases because they are in the same boat as we are. He stated that we are looking at a 10-15% budget cut even with the tuition increase. He further stated that nobody wants to raise tuition. He stated that our staff does more with less than any staff in the system. He also explained that we know how to manage money effectively and we are going to continue to do that under our next Chancellor. Mr. Warren charged the Board by saying 鈥渓et鈥檚 put our new Chancellor on the right path.鈥 (The teleconference regarding tuition and fees was scheduled for Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 8:00 a.m.)
Mr. Kiser stated that the Committee was updated on several audits that had been completed for the University Stewards Programs and Grants and Contracts. He added that the committee was also updated on the status for recruitment of a new Internal Auditor. Mr. Kiser mentioned that the Committee was updated on the status of Capital Projects highlighting the continued progress related to the Health and Human Sciences Building, Central Quad and MAHEC projects.
Mr. Kiser explained that the Committee was updated on the Athletic budget and the continued pressure for identifying sufficient funds to cover required costs. He also explained that there was a lengthy discussion and report on Athletic funding this has been really impacted by out-of-state scholarships being taken away.
Mr. Kiser personally thanked Chuck Wooten for his contribution to the committee and his 30 years of dedicated service. He stated that this committee, in particular, would have been hard-pressed without Chuck鈥檚 support.
Mr. Warren updated the Board on the progress of the Chancellor Search Committee. President-Elect Ross gave his charge to the committee on November 16 th, giving voice to what a complex job the chancellorship is. Mr. Warren mentioned that the committee had a great series of forums on November 22 nd; one hour with each: faculty, staff, students, and supporters of athletics/ community. The forums were valuable with both positive and constructive comments being made. Mr. Warren further mentioned that the people who came to the forums love Western; all of the comments that were made came from a real depth of feeling. Mr. Warren stated that we could have these forums once a year and have people speak their minds about where the University is. He also stated that the search committee will finalize the job description this afternoon. The job description will then be put in the hands of Jerry Baker, Baker and Associates, who has been a wonderful partner in this process. He explained that the committee will go into its quiet phase after today. Mr. Warren stated that everyone is welcome to go to the Chancellor Search web page to be apprised of its progress.
Mr. Warren stated that it is a great honor to be Chair and to get to express the appreciation of the Board. He asked Mr. Wooten to come forward so the Board could present him with the Trustees鈥 Award. He explained that Mr. Wooten has been at Western for 30 years and has always given 110%. Mr. Warren said that it has been written that 鈥渋t is the providence of knowledge to speak; but, it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.鈥 He added that what has made Chuck such a valuable member of the Western family is his ability to listen. Mr. Wooten has worked with numbers every day; however, his magic has been to understand that there are people behind those numbers. He also mentioned that there is no way that we are ever going to be able to replace Chuck Wooten; the least that we can do is present this award. Mr. Wooten said he has loved his time at Western and will continue to love being in the neighborhood and community. He thanked Chancellor Bardo for giving him the opportunity and he has enjoyed working with each Board member.
Dr. Bardo reported that we got started late with our Royall contract; however, we anticipate the same number of applications as last year with a slightly larger freshman class. Dr. Bardo also stated that he is encouraging everyone to continue raising standards. Dr. Bardo gave a review of initiatives that the Board may want to pursue once he has stepped down as Chancellor. He added that we need to streamline a number of the programs that we offer to get back to the core of what each of our programs should be about. Dr. Bardo also added that we need to look at the structure of degrees so that students can graduate in four years. He mentioned that we need to encourage working on knowledge interfaces between disciplines and professions. Dr. Bardo also mentioned that we need to think about how we can get great faculty into situations where they can cross-pollinate and move forward. He further mentioned that when the State of North Carolina created distance education, they treated it as a separate form of education. He explained that electronic education is a delivery system, not a different type of education.
Dr. Bardo stated that he sent a notice to campus regarding the budget. He also stated that there are a lot of unknowns right now and we can only surmise what the budget will look like. The unemployment rate is still high but collections are looking better. Dr. Bardo continued by saying that we don鈥檛 know where we are but are preparing as if we will have at least a 10% budget cut. Dr. Bardo reported that we will have a campus forum. He stated that we will try to minimize the damage to the University. Dr. Bardo mentioned that we would preserve the core by streamlining and that we will do this in a public way. He also mentioned that we are doing as much repair as we can while we have the money. Dr. Bardo continued by saying that we will try to minimize lay-offs. He also stated that we will be eliminating programs, whole areas of service, and outsourcing some things. Dr. Bardo asked the Board to please talk to their friends in the legislature about minimizing the cuts to higher education and to K-12.
Ms. Allen reported that they are reviewing candidates for the alumni board and the final candidates will be in the Western magazine for voting. She stated that it is a privilege and honor to be on the Chancellor Search Committee. Ms. Allen mentioned that the alumni calendar is coming out for fundraising in support of the alumni scholarship. She added that six new alumni clubs formed this year.
Mr. Frady stated that the Staff Senate recently participated in several events. First, Senate staffed an information table at the Employee Appreciation Day event, where $120 in donations toward the Staff Scholarship program was collected. Second, food was collected on campus for the Food for Kids Backpack program. Over 400 pounds of food and miscellaneous toiletries were collected.
Mr. Frady mentioned that the Staff Senate is moving forward with the Employee Emergency Assistance Fund. This fund will provide confidential, financial assistance in the form of small grants to eligible 91热爆网 employees during times of financial crisis. Mr. Frady further mentioned that what makes this fund unique is that it will be for all employees, both faculty and staff. He asked that Board members consider donating to this fund.
Mr. Frady explained that the Staff Senate is very pleased to have a representative on the Chancellor Search Committee. Senate is working to collect feedback from staff from across campus. Staff are very passionate about Western Carolina University, evidenced by the open forums last week. He added that the hope is to find a chancellor that cares as much about Western as Dr. Bardo has done for many, many years.
Mr. Frady mentioned that many staff are concerned with the talk of budget cuts looming in the news: they fear position cuts; they fear talk of a furlough; they are concerned about having a job during these tough times . He stated that the Staff Senate is working to provide staff with updates, dispel rumors and to help try and calm some fears.
Dr. McNelis began by saying that she has heard so many positive comments from faculty, staff and students regarding the openness of the Chancellor Search process. She is also hearing that they had positive experiences in the forums. She thanked everyone for instilling confidence and togetherness in the community regarding the search. She added that we can prevent fear by having openness. Faculty have expressed their pleasure and excitement about the search process as well as their respect for the members of the search committee, particularly its chair, Steve Warren. She added that she is thrilled with the passion in our faculty, staff, and students, and community from the forums and that she is very honored to be part of this process.
Dr. McNelis stated that Western Carolina University's Faculty Senate, and particularly its three councils (Academic Policy and Review Council, Collegial Review Council, and Faculty Affairs Council), have dealt with many issues since the start of the fall semester, and with the impending budget cuts and changes in administration, the faculty intend to be proactive and seize the opportunity we have to help shape the future of Western Carolina University, our home.
Dr. McNelis mentioned several Senate resolutions and actions including: updating the attendance policy to make adjustments for the state mandated excused absences due to religious observations; formalizing the decision to simplify the reappointment process by reducing first, third, and fifth year reappointment files to a collection of annual faculty reviews from the probationary period, and having a second and fourth year review of the full dossier showing progress towards tenure; bringing post tenure review (PTR) more in line with General Administration mandates; a resolution affirming the value of faculty participation in university governance and the value of university service; establishing a university task force on child care; recommendations to adjust faculty summer course load based on the discretion of the department head rather than a maximum credit hour model; and a resolution in support of a faculty member鈥檚 right to pursue disciplinary or corrective action towards students who knowingly disrupt the learning process (e.g. noisy electronic devices as well as other auditory, visual, or olfactory stimuli).
There being no further business, Mr. Kiser made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Worley seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.