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September 1, 2006


University Center Multipurpose Room September 1, 2006

The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University met in regular session on September 1, 2006 in the Multipurpose Room of the University Center. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Warren.

The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Warren, Mrs. MacNeill, Mrs. Burda, Mr. Carlisle, Mr. Metcalf, Mr. Kiser, Mr. Little, Mr. Burgin, Mrs. Hyde, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Grasty, and Mr. Worley.

The following members of the Board were absent: Mrs. Wyche.

Others present included: Chancellor Bardo; Provost Carter; Vice Chancellors Caruso, Metcalf, and Wooten; Mrs. Lynch, Chief of Staff; Dr. Beam, Faculty Senate Chair; Mr. Kucharski, Legal Counsel; Mrs. Ashe, Administrative Assistant; Mr. Studenc, Associate Director of Public Information; Mr. Smith, Director of Athletics; Mr. Edwards, Internal Auditor; Dr. Dunlap, Department Head and Professor of The Kimmel School; Mr. Frady, Staff Forum Chair; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees.

Mr. Little, a newly appointed member of the Board of Trustees, was sworn in by Ms. Welch. Mr. Warren stated that we share in his sorrow over Tina鈥檚 passing and are so grateful that he accepted the invitation to join the Board. Mr. Little stated that he deeply appreciated the honor.

Dr. Bardo called for nominations for Chairman of the Board. Mrs. MacNeill nominated Mr. Steve Warren; Mr. Burgin seconded the nomination. Mr. Little moved that the nominations be closed. Mr. Warren was elected Chairman of the Board by acclamation.

Mr. Warren called for nominations for the Vice Chairman of the Board. Mr. Grasty nominated Mrs. Joan MacNeill; Mrs. Hyde seconded the nomination. Mr. Worley moved that the nominations be closed. Mrs. MacNeill was elected Vice Chairman of the Board by acclamation.

Mr. Warren called for nominations for the Secretary of the Board. Mr. Worley nominated Mrs. Genevieve Burda; Mr. Phillips seconded the nomination. Mr. Little moved that the nominations be closed. Mrs. Burda was elected Secretary of the Board by acclamation.

Mr. Worley moved that the minutes of the June 2, 2006 regular meeting be approved as mailed. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Warren nominated Mrs. MacNeill to serve another three-year term. Mr. Worley seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Warren moved that the Board go into closed session to prevent the premature disclosure of an honorary degree, scholarship, prize or similar award and to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. Mr. Phillips seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked that Dr. Carter stay for the beginning of the closed session.

Mr. Worley moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Warren stated that the Board had a thorough discussion in closed session of the Cordelia Camp School issue and has adopted a resolution that Chancellor Bardo will read:


WHEREAS, the name of Cordelia Camp has long been synonymous at Western Carolina University and in North Carolina with excellence in public education; and

WHEREAS, Miss Camp served on the staff of Western Carolina University, then known as Western Carolina Teachers College, for a period of twenty-three years as professor of educational methods, social studies for elementary grades, and North Carolina history, and as Director of Student Teaching; and

WHEREAS, before her appointment to the Western Carolina Teachers College faculty in 1927 Miss Camp had taught in the public schools of North Carolina and had served as Supervisor of Schools in both Forsyth County and Burke County; and

WHEREAS, through these endeavors and others throughout her professional career and retirement, including the writing of important textbooks on the settlement of North Carolina and pioneer women teachers, Miss Camp left an indelible imprint on teaching and teachers in the state鈥檚 public schools; and

WHEREAS, Miss Camp not only taught the ideals of democracy to a generation of students in a young and developing Tar Heel state but exemplified them in her own life; and

WHEREAS, the former Cullowhee Public School for grades one through twelve, was dedicated, on May 16, 1965, 91热爆网, as the Cordelia Camp Laboratory School; and

WHEREAS, upon closure of the Laboratory School and in order to reflect changing use of the building Western Carolina University named the building the University Outreach Center; and

WHEREAS, Western Carolina University, to perpetuate its recognition of Miss
Camp for her untiring devotion to the profession of teaching, her high standard of personal and professional ethics, and her service to the University, the State of North Carolina, and residents of the state;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University hereby names the building formerly known successively as Cullowhee Public School and the University Outreach Center the Cordelia Camp Building, and directs that a suitable likeness of Miss Camp be appropriately displayed in a prominent location in the building.

ADOPTED on this, the 1st day of September, 2006.

Mrs. Hyde mentioned that there are personnel items for notification in the materials.
Mrs. Hyde stated that there has been discussion across campus concerning the college reorganization. She asked Dr. Carter to explain the reorganization in detail. Dr. Carter stated that the proposal creates a streamlined organization to better support the university鈥檚 mission. With the university鈥檚 rapid expansion of enrollment and programming over the last five years, the current organizational structure has become increasingly cumbersome and, in some cases, actually stifling programs because they are within units that have dissimilar goals and values. The proposed restructuring places a high priority on an organization that groups similar programs into the same unit. It is our reasoning that homogeneous groupings create synergies among faculty, conserve resources and maximize program visibility for marketing and fundraising. Another priority of the proposal is to establish an organization that is more nimble and responsive to both internal and external needs. Our current structures have become increasingly bureaucratic and unwieldy.

Dr. Carter further explained that we will be moving from units that have four deans to units that have six. Discussion of the reorganization followed. Mrs. Hyde moved that the Board approve the college redesign as set out in Tab C-1. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Warren thanked Dr. Carter for his efforts in the college reorganization. (COLLEGE REORGANIZATION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB C-1)

Mrs. Hyde asked Dr. Carter to address the amendment to the Trustee by-laws. Dr. Carter recommended that the By-Laws of The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University that involve personnel actions be revised to be in compliance with management flexibility. Dr. Carter stated that the Board of Governors delegated certain things to the Board of Trustees with provisions that the Chancellor could have the delegation. Mrs. Hyde moved to approve the Amendment to the Trustee By-Laws to allow the Chancellor delegation authority. Mr. Little seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (AMENDMENT TO TRUSTEE BY-LAWS ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB C-2)

Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to explain the items concerning the sale of beer and wine. Mr. Wooten stated that the 2005 General Assembly authorized campuses of the UNC system to sell beer and wine in fine and performing arts centers. Western proposes to request its food contractor to obtain the ABC permit and assume responsibility for purchasing and selling beer and wine. Guidelines will be developed to address when the sale is appropriate and approval will be obtained in advance for all sales. Mrs. Burda moved to approve the request to modify the university alcohol policy to allow the sale of beer and wine in the Fine and Performing Arts Center. Mr. Carlisle second the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Wooten further explained that the Staff Forum has recommended an amendment to the parking and traffic regulations to allow new full time and part time employees to receive free parking privileges until they receive their first paycheck at which time they would purchase a parking permit with a current cost of $50.00. This request is supported by University management. Mrs. Burda moved to approve to amend the parking-traffic rules and regulations to allow first-time, new employees free parking for a 30-day period or until the date of the employees鈥 first paycheck, whichever comes first; at which time the new employee will be responsible for obtaining their permanent parking permit. Mr. Warren stated that this recommendation is a great reflection of the Staff Forum helping to address an issue of importance to the staff. Discussion followed. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (MEMORANDUM ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D-2)

Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to explain a land lease regarding residence halls. Mr. Wooten showed drawings of the proposed residence halls. Mrs. Burda moved to approve a land lease between Western Carolina University/State of North Carolina and the R&D Corporation to construct two new residence halls to replace existing residence halls. Mrs. Hyde seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to explain the indebtedness authorization resolution. Mr. Wooten explained that the General Assembly has approved an additional indebtedness authorization for the student recreation center and new dining facility. He also explained that the Board of Trustees has approved an earlier resolution authorizing the issuance of special obligation bonds. He further explained that this project probably will not start until end of the semester. Mrs. Burda moved for approval of the resolution approving the issuance of special obligation bonds in support of the construction of a new dining facility, a new student recreation center and the North Carolina Center for Health and Aging. Mr. Worley seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (RESOLUTION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D)

Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Edwards to report on some audit issues. Mr. Edwards reported that an audit schedule and audit charter are required by the Board of Governors. Mr. Edwards additionally reported that the internal audit office has been proactive in its mandate, and is ahead on these issues. Mrs. Burda moved to approve the audit charter as submitted. Mr. Carlisle seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (AUDIT CHARTER ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D-4-B)

Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to give an update on capital projects. Mr. Wooten stated that we would like to give a tour of the Phase I Stillwell Science Building completion in December, the new windows in Belk, and two new residence halls. Mr. Wooten added that the two new halls will have 48% single rooms and 52% double rooms. He also stated that we are looking at steel structure since it will be in the center of campus and that hopefully we will start construction in the Spring of 2007. Mr. Wooten further stated that these areas will be as green as we can make them in balancing costs with efficiencies. Mr. Wooten mentioned that the legislature allocated funds for the planning of the health and gerontological sciences building and that a campus committee will be activated to begin the planning process.

Mr. Wooten explained that the Chancellor鈥檚 Suite renovation is not moving along as quickly as we had hoped, but we will hopefully be in the Board Room by the December meeting.

Mr. Wooten stated that we are also are fast-tracking the second floor renovation and that we would like for the construction to begin in the Spring of 2007.
Mr. Phillips stated that private fund-raising has continued to set records. He further stated that the university has accepted appointments to the Foundation Board of Directors.

Mr. Phillips moved that the Board approve the Resolution for Memorializing Named Spaces. Mr. Warren asked the Chancellor to explain the resolution which modifies the naming policy of the Board. Dr. Bardo stated that this resolution requires that the University, upon demolition of an existing facility or of a unit, memorialize such a space. He further stated that we have done this in the past with the Joyner Building and Memorial Stadium. Mr. Carlisle seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.


WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has established procedures and has standing policies whereby the University accords special recognition for outstanding contributions to the University by affixing the name of the contributors to buildings, spaces, or units of the University; and

WHEREAS; such recognitions are not transferable to other buildings, spaces, or units upon the demolition or removal of the named building or space, or the discontinuance of the activity for which the unit was named;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in the event of such demolition, removal, or discontinuance the person for whom the building, space, or unit was named shall be appropriately memorialized by the University in another manner.

ADOPTED on this, the 1st day of September, 2006.

Mrs. MacNeill asked Mr. Grasty to speak on the status of the Student Government Association. Mr. Grasty reported that he had spent a lot of time at the legislature. He further reported that the budget is better this year. Mr. Grasty mentioned that the SGA started a reserve fund. He further mentioned that the SGA is extending external outreach to people like the county manager, etc. Mr. Grasty stated that the SGA wants to be a part of student retention. He also stated that the SGA will be represented in the faculty senate. Mr. Grasty mentioned the healthy campus 2007 lifestyles for students. He also mentioned that the historically black universities now feel included with the Association of Student Governments. Mr. Grasty stated that SGA would like to create a web-site for upcoming events on campus.

Mrs. MacNeill stated that the Student Affairs move-in day went well. She further stated that student athletes contributed as volunteers, as did staff, and that families appreciate what we do. Mrs. MacNeill mentioned that we now have electronic access to buildings. She further mentioned that the disc golf course at the University is very well received. Mrs. MacNeill said that the mentoring program is very important. She also stated that family weekend/Mountain Heritage Day were upcoming and it should be a big weekend. Mrs. MacNeill reported that as the result of our recent grant cycle, our Educational Talent Search program is now in the top 10 percent nation-wide. Only ten percent of programs are awarded 5-year grants. There are approximately 350 programs funded from over 2,000 grant applications so there are only about 35 5-year programs in the country. In previous grant cycles, we have been funded only for 4 years.

Mrs. MacNeill mentioned that there were 21 student athletes with 4.0 GPA鈥檚, 130 student athletes on the Dean鈥檚 list, and 63 student athletes on the SoCon All-Academic Team. She further mentioned that we have opened our facilities for practices. Mrs. MacNeill relayed that some of the goals for the upcoming year will be an emphasis on athletic fund raising and working on athletic branding. Mrs. MacNeill mentioned that the softball coach has gone to LSU and that coaches鈥 salaries are a concern. Discussion of coaches鈥 salaries followed.

Mr. Warren stated that he went to the Chancellor鈥檚 Opening Address. He further stated that what the Trustees do around this table is important to this campus. Mr. Warren commended the Chancellor for what he does for the University.

Dr. Bardo asked the Board that if they see any member of our staff, to thank them for what they are doing for the Banner conversion. He stated that he will have lunch for the campus as a 鈥渢hank you鈥 for Banner work

Dr. Bardo stated that because of Banner we are not sure about enrollment numbers. He further stated that net enrollment, as of today, is 9,054; however the numbers are not reliable because of Banner. Dr. Bardo also stated that, at this time, our best guess for fall enrollment is between 8,890 and 8,950. He reported that our goal was 9,087. Dr. Bardo further reported that we should be within the band and enrollment will be better in the spring. He also said that we have gotten permission to have an extension for freezing our files.

Dr. Bardo stated that the legislature was good to us this year, with 5 陆 percent raises for SPA employees and 6 percent raises for EPA employees. He asked the Board to thank our legislators personally.

Dr. Bardo reported that the impact of President Bowles has been great. He stated that former President Spangler told him to grow the university, to make it better, and to do something for the region. Dr. Bardo said that President Bowles reaffirmed the core charge from former President Spangler. He stated that retention and graduation are President Bowles鈥 core issues. Dr. Bardo mentioned that we have to set internal goals for graduation and retention and they will be approved by the Board of Governors and become our outcomes measures. He further mentioned that we are managing outputs, not inputs. Dr. Bardo stated that we will look at graduation requirements and review when courses are offered to make sure that they are offered enough times and at the right times. He further stated that all classes will be reviewed to see if they are being taught at reasonable levels. Dr. Bardo also stated that the goals will be set by mid-October.

Dr. Bardo reported that the PACE study is reducing bureaucracy in the University System. He further reported that Mr. Bowles has cut 10.4 percent of General Administration鈥檚 budget. Dr. Bardo stated that each chancellor has to do a similar review inside their university. He further stated that we will find ways to simplify the processes.

Dr. Bardo stated that the SACS review report is due next week on September 7. He further stated that our Quality Enhancement Plan is very good in terms of its actual potential impact on students. Dr. Bardo also stated that we have asked President Bowles to fund the fundamental costs of our QEP.

He further stated that he has convened and is chairing an enrollment management task force. We need to implement the marketing concept of: price, product, performance, position.

Dr. Bardo stated that Dr. David Shapiro is one of the most recognized people in speech and hearing. He further stated that Dr. Shapiro just won a career international award for contributions to speech and hearing.

Dr. Beam reported that the Faculty Senate is in the process of finalizing organizations, councils, etc. He further reported that the Faculty Senate is working on the university handbook. Dr. Beam also reported that they will be looking at effects of restructuring colleges in the faculty governance.

The new chair of the Staff Forum, Mr. William Frady, was welcomed. Mr. Frady stated that the Staff Forum has had some good years. Mr. Frady thanked the Board for their help with pay raises. He said that the Staff Forum is looking at what it can it do on campus for the staff that does not have to do with salaries. Mr. Frady stated that this year they have the largest staff forum ever and that they are looking forward to a good year.

Mr. Warren reminded the Board that they can fill out the disclosure of substantial interest form on-line.

There being no further business Mr. Warren moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Worley seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 12:35 p.m.