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March 23, 2007


University Center Multipurpose Room March 23, 2007

The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University met in regular session on March 23, 2007 in the Multipurpose Room of the University Center. The meeting was called to order at 9:40 a.m. by Chairman Warren.

The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Warren, Mrs. Burda, Mrs. MacNeill, Mr. Carlisle, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Kiser, Mrs. Hyde, Mr. Grasty, and Mr. Metcalf.

The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Little, Mr. Phillips, Mrs. Wyche, and Mr. Worley.

Others present included: Chancellor Bardo; Provost Carter; Vice Chancellors Caruso, Metcalf and Wooten; Mrs. Lynch, Chief of Staff; Mr. Smith, Director of Athletics; Mr. Kucharski, Legal Council; Mr. Riouff, University Advisory Council Chair; Mr. Studenc, Senior Director of News Services; Dr. Beam, Faculty Senate Chair; Mr. Stewart, Staff Forum Vice Chair; Mrs. Ashe, Administrative Assistant; Mr. Johnson, University Police Chief; Mr. Justice, University Controller; Mrs. Newman, Associate Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance; Dr. Dunlap, Interim Dean of the Kimmel School; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees.

Mr. Warren read the following: 鈥淎s Chair of the Board of Trustees, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Board of their duty under the State Government Ethics Act to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this Act. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Board of Trustees鈥 meeting. If any Board member knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the Board of Trustees at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.鈥

There were no conflicts disclosed.

Mrs. Burda moved that the minutes from the December 1, 2006 regular meeting be approved as mailed. Mrs. MacNeill seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Burgin moved that the Board go into closed session to prevent the premature disclosure of an honorary degree, scholarship, prize or similar award and to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked that Dr. Carter and Mr. Metcalf stay for the closed session.

Mr. Kiser moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Metcalf seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Kiser moved that the Board approve all recommendations for tenure and promotion. Mrs. MacNeill seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. (TENURE AND PROMOTION RECOMMENDATIONS ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB C-2)

Mr. Kiser gave an update on the SACS Review. He stated that the off-site evaluators have conducted an evaluation of 91热爆网鈥檚 responses to the 75 Principles of Accreditation and the written response of their findings was presented. Mr. Kiser further stated that there were only five areas of non-compliance, which is quite small in comparison with other institutions of our size and complexity. He also stated that the five areas are: student support services, assessment, liberal studies assessment, student complaints, faculty credentials and finance audit. Mr. Kiser mentioned that the on-site review in April, 2007 will be focusing on the areas that were cited for non-compliance. He also commended Carol Burton on doing a great job with this process.

Mr. Kiser reported that career banding eliminates the use of traditional salary grades to budget SPA positions. He further reported that the State Personnel Commission has approved career bands identified by groups of occupational families to replace the current system of classification. Mr. Kiser stated that the current classification and compensation system has been in place since the 1950鈥檚 and has failed to keep pace with labor market rates and recruitment competencies necessary to meet today鈥檚 job needs. He further stated that the bigger issue is where does the funding come from to actually influence salaries. Mr. Kiser mentioned that the University has addressed the gap by moving funds. He also mentioned that this Board has been worried about SPA salaries for a long time. Mr. Warren commended the University for caring about this. Mr. Kiser further mentioned that this issue is being put on the legislature as a campus concern of the individual campuses.

Mrs. Burda reported that there are proposed changes in the campus parking regulations. She mentioned that, for the most part, the majority of the changes eliminate duplications, define terms, and provide further clarification to parking regulations. Mrs. Burda further mentioned that the schedule of fines has been revised, a habitual offender section has been added, and the areas and policies for utilizing wheel locks have been expanded. Mrs. Burda moved that the Board approve the proposed Western Carolina University Parking-Traffic Rules and Regulations and make effective with the FY 07-08 Academic Year. Mr. Grasty seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (PARKING RULES AND REGULATIONS DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D-2)

Mrs. Burda reported that a request to lease space on the roof of Walker Residence Hall for the placement of a cell phone antenna has been received from the leasing agent for Sprint/Nextel. She further reported that the proposed location will not require any roof penetrations and the placement of the antenna systems will not be unsightly. Mrs. Burda also reported that the lease agreement will generate at least $15,000 annually for the housing system and negotiations are continuing. She stated that if the Board approves the lease of space on the roof of Walker Residence Hall, the proposal will be submitted to the Office of State Property for completing a formal lease agreement. Mrs. Burda moved that the Board approve the lease of space on the roof of Walker Residence Hall for the placement of a cell phone antenna for Sprint/Nextel. Mr. Grasty seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (TELECOMMUNICATIONS DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D-3)

Mrs. Burda updated the Board on audits that have been performed since the last meeting. Copies of these audits are provided to each member of the Board of Trustees.
Mrs. Burda reported that the Office of State Auditor reviewed the FY 05-06 annual audit report and included a discussion about minor audit comments. She further reported that the committee reviewed the University鈥檚 response and is satisfied that corrective action has and is being taken to correct the deficiency.

Mr. Wooten introduced Jeanine Newman, Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services, to review the highlights of the FY 05-06 annual financial report and Mrs. Newman gave an overview.

Mrs. Burda stated that the audit report for the Catamount Clothing and Gifts and the NCAA financial statement were prepared by external auditors and received overall clean opinions.

Mrs. Burda mentioned that the Board of Trustees resolution establishing the full scholarship provisions requires an annual report of the number of full scholarship awards that were made to non-resident students that were eligible for resident student classification for the purpose of assessing tuition. She further mentioned that the funds had been identified to provide 31 full scholarships and 24 were awarded. Mrs. Burda concluded that based on the current differential between resident and non-resident tuition; this resulted in a savings to Athletics in the amount of $229,992.

Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to give a construction update. Mr. Wooten stated that the final 2000 higher education bond projects are either under construction, out for bid or in the final stages of design. He further stated that the student recreation center project has begun and a bid date for the new dining facility is set for April 10th. Mr. Wooten went on to say that the work is continuing on the residence hall replacements for Helder and Leatherwood. Presently, the designer and contractor are reconciling differences in cost projections.

Mr. Carlisle reported that there was one action item in closed session that will require a full Board action in June. He further reported that the Capital Campaign fund-raising is going well.

Mr. Carlisle reported that the campus Office of Public Relations won five awards this year in CASE (Council for the Advancement and Support of Education) competition among universities throughout the Southeast, a record number for Western in a single year.

Mrs. MacNeill asked Mr. Grasty to give the Student Government Association report. Mr. Grasty stated that this is his last Trustee meeting and that he has enjoyed being on the Board. He also stated that the SGA voted last night to give some money to the Graduate Student Association, so they will have funds. He mentioned that the SGA will support clubs and organizations more. Mr. Grasty also mentioned that distance education students can now vote in SGA elections. He further mentioned that the SGA will fully fund the $10,000.00 scholarship. He thanked the Board for creating the health services task force. Mr. Grasty stated that he is working with Mr. Wooten and Dr. Caruso on establishing a new tuition and fee process. He also stated that the ASG has pushed through an initiative to the Board of Governors for some form of book rental policy at each campus. Mr. Grasty further stated that the SGA passed a sustainability resolution asking UNC campuses to move to a more ecologically friendly environment. Mr. Grasty stated that it has been a distinct honor to serve on the Board and it has been the greatest experience of his life. Mrs. MacNeill thanked Mr. Grasty and stated that the Board is very proud of him.

Mrs. MacNeill reported that there is now a Campus Mediation Program in effect. This program is a unique collaboration among the Department of Student Judicial Affairs, the Advising Center, Business Law faculty, BLAW students, and the surrounding community. She further reported that by encouraging students to go through the mediation process, they will self-reflect on their actions, learn how their actions affect others, modify their behavior to prevent future disputes, and learn how to prevent future disputes through good communication skills.

Mrs. MacNeill stated that John N. Gardner will make a campus presentation on
March 27 at 7 pm. She also stated that Dr. Gardner is an educator, university
professor and administrator, author, editor, public speaker, consultant, change
agent, student retention specialist, first-year students鈥 advocate, and initiator and
scholar of the American first-year and senior-year reform movements.
Mrs. MacNeill mentioned that we have a Task Force on the Safety of the Campus Community. The Campus Safety Committee has been charged with conducting the following:

1. Campus Threat Assessment 鈥 to identify sources from which significant threats to campus safety are most likely to occur
2. Campus Safety Inventory 鈥 to identify current safety practices, procedures, and resources; and
3. Safety Climate Survey 鈥 an annual survey of students, faculty, and staff

Mrs. MacNeill reported that the Health Services Study Group has met several times already to address its original charge, namely to study current health services and fees to ensure that the needs of the overall student body are being met.

Mrs. MacNeill gave an update on athletics and stated that both the Men鈥檚 and Women鈥檚 Indoor Track teams finished second. She further stated that the Men鈥檚 Basketball team won their first Southern Conference tournament game in approximately six years. Mrs. MacNeill stated that the Women鈥檚 basketball team finished the season at 24-10 and was co-champion of the Southern Conference. The team lost in the finals of the SoCon tournament; however, they played and won the first-ever post-season game at the Ramsey Center, losing in the second round to VA Tech. Mrs. MacNeill also stated that Kellie Harper was named SoCon Coach of the Year.

Mrs. MacNeill asked Mr. Smith to update the Board on the Football Task Force. Mr. Smith stated that the Football Task Force was formed and has begun its work. He further stated that it is being chaired by former Board Chair Jim Moore and that the task force plans to present their report in July, 2007. Mr. Smith thanked Mr. Wooten, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Grasty, and Mr. Kiser for their help on task force. Mr. Smith reported that the task force met with different constituent groups for four hours with four subcommittees being formed: funding, facilities, recruiting, and the culture of coaching a winning team. Mr. Smith stated that a final report will be presented to the Chancellor. Mr. Smith further stated that everyone seemed to be pleased with the direction of committee.

Mrs. MacNeill reported that Western has started a weekly basketball coaches鈥 luncheon in January and it has been well received. She further reported that the athletics website has been relaunched and has 鈥渁 new look, better functionality, video and audio streaming capabilities.鈥

Mrs. MacNeill stated that a recognition ceremony was held at a basketball game for all student athletes with a 3.0 GPA and above. Over 210 people achieved this level of success.

Chairman Warren stated that Mr. Smith has every confidence of the Board.

Mr. Warren stated that it has been a privilege and an honor for everyone to be on the Board with Mr. Grasty.

Mr. Warren remarked that the largest delegation at the Association of Governing Boards Conference was from North Carolina. He further remarked that we are an actively involved Board. Mr. Warren reported that he and Chancellor Bardo gave a roundtable presentation regarding higher education and economic development at the AGB conference. He stated that Western is a thought leader in this area. Mr. Warren also stated that sustainability of the board鈥檚 relationship with the faculty is on the forefront of campuses in America. He further stated that they had a great experience at the AGB meeting and encouraged everyone to go next year.

Dr. Bardo stated that Dr. Rob Young received a 1.6 million dollar grant from the National Science Foundation to underwrite his study on developed shorelines. He also stated that Dr. Burton has done a wonderful job with the SACS visit. Dr. Bardo mentioned that the PACE study is important and that we will need some funding to create things that we must do to be successful.

Dr. Bardo asked the Board to thank the legislature for their continuing support. He stated that there are three issues that we need support for; health and aging center, base budget funding, and faculty and staff salaries.

Dr. Bardo reported that we will bring back a modified plan for the Millennium campus to account for where the downtown should be located.

Dr. Bardo mentioned that the leadership has changed in the admissions area. He also mentioned that the application rate is fine but that we will struggle to meet enrollment this year. Dr. Bardo further mentioned that he would like for the admissions director to do a workshop with the Board regarding our new efforts. He stated that the MGT report found that we have lost our branding; therefore, we will go through a re-branding of the University.

Dr. Bardo reported that the five-year enrollment goals include a retention rate of no less than 76%, and four-year graduation rate of no less than 30%, and a six-year graduation rate of no less than 55%. He further reported that we will take several key actions to affect our enrollment and retention. 1) Summer Bridge boot camp program; 2) converting a current position in the Provost鈥檚 office to Assistant Vice Chancellor for undergraduate studies and possibly a Dean of a University College whose primary responsibility will be the first-year college experience; 3) engaged learning and co-op internships; 4) undergraduate research; 5) re-structuring organization; 6) there will be no budget allocations made on permanent basis; all new funding will be for one-time activities; 7) all Vice Chancellors will be asked to re-establish their priorities and to re-allocate funds to those priorities.
Dr. Bardo stated that the University is in the process of hiring new deans, and a new Vice Chancellor. He further stated that we will be having public forums and that the Trustees are encouraged to come. Dr. Bardo also stated that the University will be putting ads in the Asheville-Citizen Times announcing individuals who are interviewed for the College of Business Dean.

Dr. Bardo added that the Board has been given a copy of Dr. Bruce Henderson鈥檚 new book which he believes is the best work done on our type of University.

Dr. Beam reported that the Senate has been busy and that several curriculum items have been proposed and approved. He also reported that the intellectual property policy is almost ready. Dr. Beam further reported that the Senate is close to the end of significant revisions to the TPR section of the faculty handbook. He stated that the rules committee is working on revisions to the constitution and by-laws. He also stated that the Senate passed a resolution on sustainability. Dr. Beam mentioned that they have asked the Chancellor to consider changes in the procedures for establishing University policies and guidelines for establishing the Madison professorships. He also mentioned that the Senate is working on recommendations concerning the status of non tenure-track faculty.

Mr. Stewart introduced himself as the Vice Chair of the Staff Forum. Mr. Stewart reported that President Bowles had asked UNC Staff Assembly to put out some ideas for improving the current state personnel system. He further reported that President Bowles stated that he will not move forward with legislation to create a separate human resources system for the University. Mr. Stewart thanked the Board on behalf of the Staff Forum for all that they do to support the SPA employees. He reported that their organization raised money from a yard sale for the Staff Forum Scholarship and that soon they will exceed the $10,000 goal. He also reported that they are working on a proposal for potential locations of park benches and picnic tables across campus.

Mrs. Hyde asked Dr. Carter how things were progressing with Terrence Mann, the new Phillips Professor of Musical Theatre. Dr. Carter asked Ms. Welch to comment. Ms. Welch reported that he is an amazing director. She further reported that The Music Man was a great success. Ms. Welch also reported that Mr. Mann will be participating in a videoconference next week with Western students and the New York cast of A Chorus Line.

Mr. Warren read the Alumni Association report from Billy Cooper. The report stated that their election process has been reinvigorated by dividing the State into four districts and establishing one district out-of-state. Further, the Alumni Association is going to have three Purple and Gold reunions this summer. Dr. Tony Johnson, Dean of the College of Education at the Citadel, is the recipient of the Alumni Association鈥檚 Academic and Professional Achievement Award.
Mr. Warren additionally reported that one of the things brought to the table at the AGB meeting was to provide Trustees with a briefing book each year which contains substantive information regarding the University. He stated that he and Ms. Welch will be working on preparing this book, along with a 鈥渨alking around鈥 card for each trustee.

There being no further business Mr. Grasty moved to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon.