Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building March 17, 2004
The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University met in regular session on March 17, 2004 in Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building. The meeting was called to order at 9:25 a.m. by Chairman Walker
The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Walker, Mrs. MacNeill, Mr. Burgin,
Mr. Warren, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Kiser, Mr. Plexico, Mrs. Burda, and Ms. List.
The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Carlisle, Mrs. Wyche, Mr. Worley, and Mrs. Hyde.
Others present included: Chancellor Bardo; Vice Chancellors Wooten, Caruso, Metcalf and Interim Vice Chancellor Vartabedian; Executive Assistant to the Chancellor Ms. Lynch; Dr. Smith, Chair of the Faculty; Mr. Compher, Director of Athletics; Dr. Franke, CIO; Mr. Kucharski, Legal Counsel; Dr. Barksdale, Director of University Planning; Mr. Studenc, Associate Director of Public Information; Mr. Benson, Chair of the Staff Forum; Ms. Beja, Controller; Mrs. Newman, Associate Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Warren moved that the minutes of the December 5, 2003 regular meeting, the February
4, 2004 telephone meeting of the Executive Committee, and the February 25, 2004 telephone
meeting of the Executive Committee, be approved as mailed. Mrs. MacNeill seconded
the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mr. Warren moved that the Board go into closed session to prevent the premature disclosure
of an honorary award or scholarship; to establish or instruct the staff or agent concerning
the negotiation of the price and terms of a contract concerning the acquisition of
real property; and to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition
of appointment of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee.
Mrs. Burda seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked
that Mr. Wooten, Dr. Vartabedian and Mr. Metcalf stay for the closed session.
Mrs. MacNeill moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Kiser seconded the
motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mr. Kiser moved that the fourteen candidates for tenure, as discussed in closed session,
be approved. Mrs. Burda seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mrs. Burda reported that Western Carolina University and the Jackson County Sheriff鈥檚
department have had a mutual aid agreement in place for many years that allows the
University police to provide back up at off campus locations in the event of emergency
and investigatory situations. With the election of a new sheriff, a new mutual aid
agreement is required. A proposed resolution and procedure for handling this situation
was presented to the A&F committee that would eliminate the need to bring this before
the Board in the future when a change takes place in the office of the sheriff. This
resolution would also allow mutual aid agreements with other law enforcement agencies
when the need arises. Discussion of this issue followed. Mrs. Burda moved that the
Board adopt the resolution supporting the proposed mutual aid agreement and recommended
procedures for amending and executing mutual aid agreements. Mr. Burgin seconded
the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (RESOLUTION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS,
TAB D-2).
Mrs. Burda requested that Dr. Franke update the committee on activities involving information technology. Dr. Franke reported that these included a recent response to the Office of State Budget and Management for information related to campus technology resources as well as an update on the information technology infrastructure project that is funded with proceeds from the Higher Education Bond.
Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to brief the Board on campus construction projects. The new residence hall and the Greek village are moving along very nicely and are on schedule for completion prior to fall semester. The contract for the first phase of the campus road relocation project has been approved and the initial stages of this project will begin immediately following commencement with completion prior to fall semester. Unfortunately, wet weather and poor soils have put the track, tennis and soccer complex behind schedule. Phase I of this project, the track and soccer field, should be completed by June 1, and the tennis complex is scheduled for completion during fall semester. We will take beneficial occupancy of the fine arts wing of the Fine and Performing Arts Center following graduation and the entire facility is scheduled for completion early in fall semester. Construction will begin on the Stillwell Science Building in August and will be staged over two academic years. Finally, some temporary repairs have been made to streets on campus to eliminate some of the mud and dust and others repairs will take place within the next few weeks. Actual curb to curb paving will not start until early summer.
Mr. Walker asked about the merchandise license agreement and discussion of this issued followed.
Mrs. Burda reported that we received a clean audit from the State Auditor. Mr. Wooten asked Mrs. Jeanine Newman, Associate VC for Administration and Finance, to review the FY 02-03 financial report for the Board. Mrs. Newman did a powerpoint presentation explaining, in further detail, this report. (FINANCIAL REPORT AND STATE AUDIT ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS.)
Mr. Wooten presented the financial report on intercollegiate athletics at Western Carolina University for the year ended June 30, 2003 and reported that it was a clean audit. This report is prepared for the Chancellor in a format prescribed by the NCAA and is presented for information purposes only. (NCAA REPORT ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS.)
Mr. Phillips reported that the university is experiencing an extraordinary increase
in private support of cash and in-kind contributions. As of Feb 28 we are up 232%
in giving. One-half of the Board of Trustee members are contributors to the Loyalty
Fund. The university is engaged in a campaign to publicize graduates who have made
a difference. This is being carried out by placing posters in their high schools
commemorating their achievements. The Chancellor鈥檚 Roundtables have been going well.
Mr. Phillips asked that everyone attend when possible.
Mrs. MacNeill asked Ms. List to give an SGA report. Ms. List reported that SGA is
working on safety issues on campus. They are raising money towards an emergency call
box. To help raise money for the call box, SGA plans a Miss 91热爆网 contest. SGA will
have a team in the Relay for Life. SGA has been working on amendments to their constitution.
SGA elections will be held this month. SGA has been attending the Sylva Town Hall
meetings in an attempt to get more involved with the Town of Sylva. SGA will be working
on a senior class gift for the first time in several years.
Mrs. MacNeill reported that Jackson County transit started a pilot program to shuttle students to/from Sylva. Ridership has not been good and the program is being evaluated to see if it will continue. Student Affairs has hosted several, successful conferences on campus. Student Affairs has been developing and moving forward on a preliminary agreement to collaborate with the North Carolina Outward Bound School. There are two new orientation surveys being tested.
Mrs. MacNeill reported that Debbie Hensley is the new Senior Woman鈥檚 Administrator in Athletics. The NCAA Self-Study is moving along and the team will be here in November. She mentioned two fundraising projects in progress: the football locker program and the baseball clubhouse program.
Mr. Walker reported on a letter from Senator Basnight concerning local tuition and
fee proposals. Discussion of the tuition request process followed, including what
is happening with Board of Governors on this issue. Mr. Wooten explained the results
of a telephone meeting of the system Chief Financial Officers that had taken place
this morning. Dr. Bardo spoke on the inequity for SPA-class employees. This is a
very serious situation. Mr. Walker suggested that Board of Trustee members contact
Board of Governors finance committee members.
Mr. Walker reported the dates for Fall 2004 Board meetings will be September 2 and 3 and December 2 and 3. The annual Board retreat will be held November 5.
Dr. Bardo commented on the State of the University address. He stated that the provost
search is going well. We may have as many as 60 applicants. The spring enrollment
is at record high this spring being up by 410 students this year. Graduate and distance
education enrollments and potential freshman retention are looking solid. Applications
for fall are not as high as we would like. Because of our transition state, trend-lines
are hard to judge. As of this morning, our deposits are at the same level as the
total freshman class was two years ago. The anticipated freshman enrollment for Fall
of 2004 is between 1,650 鈥 1,750 with a gross enrollment of 8,300. SAT scores will
probably be up as many as 7 points. If we get the enrollment we anticipate, we will
move on construction of another residence hall, perhaps an international residence
Congressman Taylor is continuing to act on our behalf by obtaining approximately $1.3 million for biotech equipment. Dr. Bardo reported about his appearance on the 鈥淣orth Carolina People Show鈥 with President Bill Friday. He also mentioned several outstanding achievements of athletic teams.
Dr. Smith updated the Board on what has happened this year at Faculty Senate. Dr.
Smith will be asking for reports on funding and strategic planning twice a year and
will be putting together information about what is expected of new faculty when they
arrive. Mr. Walker asked Dr. Smith to give an updated report on actions taken concerning
the Gretchen Bataille letter. Dr. Smith reported that issues on the salary task force
are still being considered. The Senate is putting together information to submit
to Information Technology concerning faculty needs. Faculty Senate elections are
coming up. Dr. Smith reported that the faculty is nervous about how a new provost
will affect the university.
Mr. Benson reported that the Forum elections will be held electronically this year.
Mr. Benson stated that the Forum has completed two resolutions. The first concerns
a parking fine proposal and the second is a joint resolution with the other fifteen
campuses concerning employee benefits. In January, all of the staff leadership within
the university system met with President Broad and Vice President and General Counsel
Winner. It was apparent at this meeting that staff morale is down across the system.
Vice President Winner stated that a high-low insurance plan for dependants is being
considered. Mr. Benson reported that the executive committees of the staff leadership
will meet monthly by teleconference.
There being no further business, Mrs. Burda moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Mr. Burgin seconded the motion, and meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m.