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March 11, 2005


Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building March 11, 2005

The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University met in regular session on March 11, 2005, in Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building. The meeting was called to order at 9:40 a.m. by Chairman Walker.

The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Walker, Mr. Warren, Mr. Kiser, Mrs. Burda, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Phillips, Mrs. MacNeill, Mr. Worley, Mrs. Hyde, and Ms. List.

The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Plexico, Mr. Carlisle, and Mrs. Wyche.

Others present included: Chancellor Bardo; Provost Carter; Vice Chancellors Caruso, Metcalf and Wooten; Mr. Smith, Athletic Director; Mr. Kucharski, Legal Counsel; Mr. Troy Barksdale, Director of University Planning; Mr. Studenc, Associate Director of Public Information; Ms. Beck, Director of Health Services; Mr. Riouff, Chair of the Staff Forum; Dr. Smith, Chair of the Faculty; Mrs. Jeanine Newman, Associate Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance; Mrs. Linda Beja, University Controller; Mr. Haskett, University Photographer; Mrs. Ashe, Administrative Assistant, Chancellor’s Office; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees.

Mrs. MacNeill moved that the minutes of the December 3, 2004 regular meeting and the minutes of the February 8, 2005 telephone meeting of the Executive Committee be approved as mailed. Mr. Burgin seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Worley moved that the Board go into closed session to prevent the premature disclosure of an honorary degree, scholarship, prize or similar award and to establish or instruct the staff or agent concerning the negotiation of the price and terms of a contract concerning the acquisition of real property and to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. Mrs. Burda seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked that Mr. Smith and Mr. Wooten stay for the closed session.

Mr. Worley moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mrs. Hyde recommended that the fifteen candidates for tenure be approved. Mr. Warren seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (NAMES ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB C-3)

Mrs. Hyde reported on two presentations in the committee meeting. The first is an undergraduate research program focusing on the cultural, natural and historical resources associated with The Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians.

The second initiative is a B.S. Degree Program in Forensic Science which will be the first offered at any university in the State of North Carolina.

Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to expound on a report from Clark Nexsen Architects following their review and evaluation of Dodson Dining Hall. Mr. Wooten said the architects reported that the building was in need of a complete renovation including all major building systems. Furthermore, the completed product would only provide a renovated building that may be less functional overall once all life safety issues had been addressed. In addition, enrollment growth projections suggest that current capacity will not be adequate effective fall 2009. Alternate solutions for an expansion of the current facility and construction of a new facility were also provided. Anticipated cost of a renovated facility is approximately $9.5 million while an expanded or new facility that would accommodate 850 seats ranged from $14 to $15 million. It is the recommendation of the Administration and Finance Committee that the University consider the construction of a new, state-of-the-art dining facility and that Clark Nexsen work with the campus master planner, Woolpert Inc., to identify a building site in close proximity to Dodson.

Mr. Wooten introduced Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Beja and asked Mrs. Beja to present the highlights of the FY 03-04 annual financial report. Mrs. Beja noted that the University received a clean audit opinion without any reportable issues. Mrs. Beja mentioned that we did review four minor comments and action has been taken to address the issues that were noted. (FINANCIAL REPORT ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS)

Mr. Wooten commented on the FY 03-04 Intercollegiate Athletics Programs Financial Report that is required by the NCAA. He was pleased to report that everything is in order and there are no reportable conditions. (STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES AND REPORT ON AGREED-UPON PROCEEDURES ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS)

Mr. Wooten further reported on the status of the ongoing capital projects. He stated that we anticipate taking occupancy of the Fine & Performing Arts Center during the first week of April. Mr. Wooten stated that progress on the track, soccer and tennis facility is slow; however, the general contractor has committed to completing this project in time for Western to host the Southern Conference Track meet on April 30th and May 1st. Also, the negative impact increase in construction costs is having a negative impact on projects under bid. We will receive bids on Stillwell later this month and are very concerned about those costs. It could be necessary for us re-evaluate remaining projects as the Stillwell project is absolutely essential. Finally, a meeting with the designer of the student recreation center and North Carolina State Construction will take place on March 23rd and we anticipate receiving the go ahead on this project. (PROJECT STATUS REPORT ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS)

Mrs. Burda stated that in December 2004 this Board approved a $300 increase in local tuition for all students. In February 2005 the UNC Board of Governors denied all campus requests for local tuition increases for North Carolina undergraduate students Mrs. Burda asked the Chancellor to comment on this issue. Dr. Bardo stated that the administration does not believe it is reasonable to increase non-resident undergraduate tuition and recommends that we ask the UNC Board of Governors to remove that request. We do continue to support the local tuition request for graduate students. Mrs. Burda moved that the Board approve that the local tuition increase of $300 for non-resident undergraduate students be eliminated. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to comment on the issue of refunding outstanding bonds. Mr. Wooten stated that we are continually looking at outstanding bonds to identify possible refunding opportunities that would allow us to issue new lower interest debt to replace existing higher interest debt. The most current review suggests that we have two bond issues from 1998 and 2000 that could be refunded and would save approximately $96,500 of interest over the life of the loan. Mrs. Burda moved that the Board approve the resolution authorizing the issuance of special obligation bonds to refund existing debt. Mr. Worley seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (RESOLUTION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS)

Mrs. Burda reported on designer interviews for the Health and Gerontological Sciences Building. Interviews were conducted on Wednesday, March 8th for this building. Four of the twenty eight firms who submitted proposals for this projected were interviewed. The building occupants and Facilities Management Personnel are conducting due diligence interviews with other campuses to gather addition information about their experience with these firms. Contingent upon available funds, we anticipate conducting a conference call sometime in the next two weeks to discuss this issue further and to agree on a ranking for the designers. If this happens, the committee will call upon the Executive Committee of the Trustees to consider our recommendation for a designer for this building.

(NOTE: MR. BURGIN LEFT AT 11:00 a.m.)

Mr. Phillips reported that private contributions to the Foundation continue to exceed prior year numbers. At the end of February, gifts receipted totaled 36.8 percent more than for the same 8-month period last year. Capstone Advancement Partners has almost completed prospect interviews in its planning study for a capital campaign and has begun drafting its report. We may ask the board to convene a special meeting, along with the Foundation board, during the spring for briefings on findings and recommendations, and to participate in campaign familiarization and team-building programs. The Development staff continues to pursue its goals of increasing the percentage of alumni donors, increasing giving levels among individual donors, and identifying new donor prospects.

Mr. Phillips commented that the Advancement staff has won three awards for the production of outstanding materials in fund-raising and undergraduate and graduate recruitment in competition with universities and colleges throughout the Southeast. A new 30-second spot to promote undergraduate recruitment in target markets using television and movie theater mediums was shown.

Mr. Phillips mentioned that the Center for Regional Development has completed a study of the University economic and social impact on Western North Carolina counties, commissioned by the Division of Advancement and External Affairs, and is drafting its report. Findings will be released before the board next meets, and copies will be provided to you.

Mr. Phillips further reported that the Alumni, Honors and External Affairs Committee received a brief report on the Board of Governors’ 2006-2007 biennial budget proposal, highlighting priorities and areas of interest to Western. Mr. Phillips asked the Board to familiarize themselves with the one page summary to assist in advocating for the needs of the University system and Western as they communicate with legislators this spring.

Mrs. MacNeill reported that the Athletic facilities construction is going well. She stated that the women’s basketball tournament win was a great shot-in-the-arm for the school’s spirit. Mrs. MacNeill asked Mr. Smith to give an academic summary. Mr. Smith stated that the department’s academic health is very good and that eight teams had a 3.0 GPA team average or better. He also mentioned that the GPA average of all athletic teams was 3.03 and that sixty six student athletes made the Dean’s list.

Mrs. MacNeill further reported that the Board Executive Committee recently took action on a request from Dr. Caruso and Residential Living regarding policies and procedures for the new Norton Road residence hall. The Committee approved Norton as a coed, smoke free, 24-hour visitation hall.

Mrs. MacNeill stated that the Southern College Health Association conference, recently hosted by Western for the first time, was a big success. Mrs. MacNeill went on to say that Western will hold its first annual Women’s Leadership Conference on April 12.

Mrs. MacNeill also mentioned that Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Student Affairs and Administration and Finance partnered to host their first joint meeting this past week. The purpose of these meetings is to promote better communication across divisions, share information about programs and services, and encourage collaboration.

Mrs. MacNeill mentioned that this is Ms. List’s last Board meeting and that we are all proud of her. Mrs. MacNeill asked Ms. List to give a report from the Student Government Association. Ms. List stated that Student Government elections are next month, April 5. SGA activities to raise money include the president’s auction and Miss 91Èȱ¬Íø. Ms. List further stated that the goal this year is to donate $15,000 for an endowed scholarship. Ms. List mentioned that fifty students went to Washington and met with Congressman Taylor and several Senators. Ms. List thanked everyone and said that being on the Board was one of her favorite roles as Student Government President.

Mr. Walker thanked her and wished her well and said she has been a role model to the students. Mr. Walker then presented Ms. List with a gift of appreciation from the Board.

Mr. Walker stated that the June meeting of the Board may be moved to the Multipurpose Room of the UC due to remodeling of the Board Room. He also distributed Board meeting dates for 2005-2006.

Mr. Walker mentioned the presentations at breakfast and that our students are proud to be a part of Western. He also said that Western is getting the attention it deserves.

Dr. Bardo explained that the Chancellor’s office suite will be renovated, and the staff will move temporarily to the old Registrar’s Office. This year Western was named the top entrepreneurship program in the country with Chapel Hill second. He also mentioned that because of the changes in the nature of what we do on campus, we were able to apply for and be accepted as a member of Oak Ridge Affiliated Universities. What this does is open up partnerships with Oak Ridge National Laboratories and their libraries to our faculty.

Dr. Bardo reported that Ron Rash, our Parris professor, has been given the O’Henry award which is like the Pulitzer for short stories. Watauga Industries, a group in Boone that used to be called a sheltered workshop, approached the University about the possibility of helping them prototype a product. They primarily employ people who are disabled. Dr. Bardo further stated that we are engineering two prototypes for them and they have gotten a multimillion dollar contract and are returning jobs from China. As a result of that, the statewide association of these industries has awarded Western’s Engineering program their major statewide award for assistance. This award will be announced soon by Watauga. Congressman Taylor is continuing to invest in Western. We are creating a center for scientific instrumentation that will have the most advanced mass spectrometer in North Carolina. The center will also have a confocal microscope and other instruments. Finally, Dr. Bardo said he asked the Executive Committee to approve a restructuring of Information Technology, which now will report to the Provost. We need to improve the performance of that area. Dr. Bardo expressed that getting campus to be pervasive wireless and upgrading networks is a priority.

Dr. Bardo reported that enrollment applications are up about 2.5 % and deposits are running substantially ahead of last year. We are also seeing a major increase in the number of transfer applications. Spring enrollment is up 12% compared to spring a year ago. The freshman retention rate is up this semester; 91% came back for spring. For the first time, the number of students taking distance education exceeds the number of students taking classes in Asheville. Dr. Bardo stated that he believes that we will have 9,000-9,100 students in the fall, 1650 of those will be freshmen. Dr. Bardo thanked everyone who came to the millennial initiative announcement. He also mentioned using the millennial initiative language to engage with this region in teaching, research and service. Dr. Bardo suggested that Mr. Metcalf show the millennial initiative presentation at the next Board meeting.

Dr. Smith reported that things should have settled down on campus; however, that has not happened. The SACS review is here and committees are being formed. He stated that we are engaged in strategic planning, restructuring and polishing up our mission statement. Dr. Smith further stated that we passed the student evaluation form. We are close to closing on an intellectual property revisions policy. The millennial initiative has had a profound effect on the way the faculty is thinking. Dr. Smith encouraged everyone to come to the i7 conference that will be taking place April 13.

Mr. Riouff reported that he attended the system-wide staff forum conference at Winston-Salem. He further reported that they are trying to organize a system-wide staff assembly similar to Faculty Assembly and Student Government Association. Mr. Riouff expressed his appreciation to Chancellor Bardo for his continued efforts to locate funds for pay and merit raises. He also stated that Staff Forum is starting to push for a scholarship fund. Mr. Riouff reported that the election process is underway.

There being no further business, Mr. Walker moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Warren seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.