Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building June 4, 2004
The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University met in regular session on June 4, 2004, in Room 510, H.F. Robinson Building. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Walker.
The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Walker, Mrs. MacNeill, Mr. Warren,
Mr. Kiser, Mrs. Burda, Mrs. Wyche, Mr. Worley, Mrs. Hyde, Mr. Carlisle, and Ms. List.
The following members of the Board were absent: Mr. Burgin, Mr. Plexico, and Mr. Phillips.
Others present included: Chancellor Bardo; Vice Chancellors Caruso and Wooten; Interim Vice Chancellor Vartabedian; Mrs. Lynch, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor; Dr. Smith, Chair of the Faculty; Mr. Stiles, Chair of the University Advisory Committee; Mr. Benson, Chair of the Staff Forum; Dr. Grube, EEO; Mr. Cantler, Associate Athletic Director; Dr. Franke, CIO; Mr. Kucharski, Legal Counsel; Ms. Tvedt, Associate Vice Chancellor for Public Relations; Mr. Studenc, Associate Director of Public Information; Dr. Barksdale, Director of University Planning; Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees; and Ms. Ashe, Administrative Assistant in the Office of the Chancellor.
Mr. Kiser moved that the minutes of the March 17, 2004 regular meeting and the April
21, 2004 telephone meeting of the Executive Committee be approved as mailed. Mrs.
MacNeill seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mrs. Hyde moved that the Board go into closed session to prevent the premature disclosure
of an honorary degree, scholarship, prize or similar award and to consider the qualifications,
competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee
or prospective public officer or employee. Mrs. Burda seconded the motion, and it
was approved unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked that Dr. Vartabedian stay for the closed
Mrs. Hyde moved that the Board return to open session. Mrs. Burda seconded the motion,
and it was approved.
Mrs. Hyde moved to approve two distinguished professorships: David Strahan (Taft B.
Botner Distinguished Professorship) and John LeBaron (Jay M. Robinson Distinguished
Professorship). Mr. Worley seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Mrs. Hyde stated that there was a series of information items and asked Dr. Vartabedian to mention those. Dr. Vartabedian reported there were five administrative appointments, twenty four faculty appointments, three staff appointments, two department head changes, two title changes and one recommendation for emeritus status.
Mrs. Burda reported on the following informational items:
Information Technology Report - in response to a legislative study requirement, the IT Division has submitted a report of technology expenditures related to Western Carolina University. This report will become part of a larger report to be submitted to the Legislature during the short session. At the State level, there appears to be great interest in micro-managing technology expenditures across all state agencies by implementing a system that would require expenditure requests to clear an approval process before commitment of funds. The UNC system is opposed to this proposal. The IT Division will monitor the status of this project and report back to the Board when and if our efforts are needed to contact legislators.
Information Technology Infrastructure Project – a draft report has been received from the consultant who has studied and evaluated our existing IT systems and equipment. Hopefully, the final report will be available at our next meeting. This study will serve as a strategic plan for improvements to the campus information technology systems and equipment.
Update on Construction Projects – a copy of the construction project status report is in the Board materials. There are problems including contractor bankruptcies at the Fine and Performing Arts Center and delays in a couple of other projects. On the positive side, there are several projects that will be completed in the next couple of months.
FY 04-05 Budget – The Governor has presented his budget to the Legislature and the House is currently preparing their budget for consideration. A summary of the Governor’s recommendations is in the Board materials. There is a great deal of uncertainty at the present time. As things currently stand, Western Carolina University would receive full funding for its enrollment growth; however, a portion of that funding would be lost as the result of proposed across the board reductions. The Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance will provide us with future updates so we can contact our legislators about the effects of the budget on Western.
Architect Interviews for Dodson Renovations – The A&F committee will interview designers for this project on July 1st. The Committee will then submit recommendations to the Chancellor and ask that the Executive Committee consider the recommendations to allow this project to move forward.
Dr. Bardo reported that fund-raising efforts are better due to a knowledgeable staff.
Also, there is an increase in legacy gifts and trusts. Public Relations is looking
at branding the University. Roundtables have been held in eighteen counties and have
been one of the most important functions the chancellor has done. Also, the public
relations value has been extremely important. Dr. Bardo stated that a couple of major
grants came in – one is for biotechnology-based equipment and the other a joint grant
with Furman and UNCA to create a biotech center among the institutions. Mrs. Burda
stated how much the roundtable visit meant to Madison County. Mr. Walker and Dr. Bardo
mentioned there could be other possibilities of partnerships. Mr. Walker stated that
the roundtables are a wonderful initiative.
Mrs. MacNeill asked that Ms. List give an update from the Student Government Association.
Ms. List reported that with the completion of the Miss 91Èȱ¬Íø pageant, SGA raised $1,001.00
toward a new call box which costs $4,500.00. SGA will donate the remaining money needed
for the call box. Ms. List was re-elected as President of the SGA. Freshman leadership
programs will be coming to campus next year. The programs will accept 50 freshmen
to teach them leadership skills and get them to want to stay at Western. SGA is planning
an Executive Staff retreat this summer to teach skills to make the staff more productive.
SGA will be working on recycling next year.
Mrs. MacNeill reported that the NCAA Self-Study project is ongoing. She also stated that the Board needs to approve the Gender Equity and Minority Issues plan. The NCAA team will visit 91Èȱ¬Íø in November. Mrs. MacNeill moved to approve the plans for Improvement (Gender Equity and Minority Issues) as presented in the 2003-2004 NCAA Self-Study. Mr. Carlisle seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (PLANS FOR IMPROVEMENT [GENDER AND MINORITY ISSUES] ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB F-1). Mrs. MacNeill stated that the baseball field is now complete. The GPA for student athletes is better this year. We are struggling with the completion of the tennis/track complex due to construction delays. Also, the football locker room project is 50% funded.
Mrs. MacNeill further reported that the first-year student mentoring program is going well with a tremendous response from faculty and staff. An academic integrity conference is being planned for August 19, 2004 sponsored by Student Judicial Affairs. Student Affairs is looking into options to cut down on plagiarism.
Mr. Walker asked about the NCAA initiative on academic standards. Mr. Cantler explained what this initiative is about and stated that NCAA has made a significant increase in the standards. The goal for student athletes is to graduate by the fourth year. This program has just started. Discussion of this program followed.
Mr. Walker asked the Board to review the memo from President Broad concerning the
2004-2005 house budget recommendations. Fundraising for the university is going well.
Dr. Bardo asked board members to contact the legislature regarding house budget recommendations
in a memo from Molly Broad. The proposed cuts are very serious. Our enrollment growth
funding could be cut by as much as 17%. He requested that the Board members please
ask legislators to minimize the damage. There is a proposal from the subcommittee
to take all vacant positions out of the universities. This would take away our ability
to be flexible with our own vacancies and to use the money for other needs. Taking
vacant positions out of Western would be a devastating thing for us. He does not
normally ask the Board to call legislators, but this is quite serious.
Dr. Bardo stated that we have 1517 paid deposits. We anticipate getting 100-180 more freshmen than last year, hopefully 1650 freshman. The gross headcount will probably be 8,200. Residence halls will probably be 93% full. There may be another recommendation brought before the Board to build another residence hall. The Board will be hearing a lot about SACS. We will start a large study this summer beginning with a campus retreat discussing a plan for improvement with measurable outcomes.
Dr. Bardo mentioned the regional report prepared by our Center for Regional Development. Op ed pieces drawn from this report are appearing in the Asheville Citizen-Times. Dr. Bardo mentioned the Catamount Club auction this weekend.
Dr. Bardo stated that he had been put on two national commissions: NCAA has confirmed his membership representing all Division I CEO’s on the Minority Interests Committee. The other is the President’s Advisory Council on the national commission to improve graduate education in engineering.
Mr. Benson reported that three resolutions had been passed: support of the parking
fine increase, using flex time when possible and a joint resolution with the other
universities encouraging the State legislators to help out with pay issues. Two things
that were looked at were increasing the pay cycle for students and a Christmas holiday
amendment. Staff Forum created a new web-page this year which would enable employees
to vote on-line for the first time. There were several speakers this year at forum
meetings to give construction updates.
Dr. Bardo gave an update on the provost search. The committee was not satisfied with the two candidates brought to campus. Future candidates will be prescreened during the summer, then brought before the committee.
Dr. Smith reported that it has been a year of tipping points, tipping over into something
completely new this year. For the first time we have witnessed a significant increase
in the number of students with a higher SAT. The faculty saw evidence that the chancellor
and this Board were committed to raising faculty salaries. The faculty was encouraged
by this. The faculty was also encouraged by activity regarding local tuition for
SPA salary increases. The Board voted for it, but the Board of Governors did not
approve it. Dr. Smith thanked the Board for that support. Senate restructuring happened
this year. The Senate approved engineering planning degree and we approved planning
for two new doctoral programs. The Senate also approved a Masters degree in Social
Work and Construction Management. Also approved for planning is a Bachelor’s degree
in High Definition Television and Motion Picture production. The Senate has established
a foundation for a campus-wide curriculum committee. The Senate raised issues concerning
intellectual property and academic computing. Dr. Smith mentioned goals for next
year. We are committed to engagement in the region. Mr. Walker said he appreciates
Dr. Smith’s leadership.
Mr. Stiles presented the UAC annual report. The council empanelled a committee to
examine the UAC’s governing document. They felt they were not publicizing what they
were doing. The council is trying to get a feel for what we need for training for
faculty and staff. The Office of University Planning has located dedicated room for
the training coordinator. The issue of zoned parking is being looked at, giving the
option to park farther from the building and pay less. UAC requested better signage
for Motor Pool key pick-up. Mr. Stiles will be returning as chair.
Mr. Walker stated that it is an exciting time to be a part of Western.
There being no further business, Mr. Warren moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.