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December 2, 2005


H.F.R. Room 510 December 2, 2005

The Board of Trustees of Western Carolina University met in regular session on December 2, 2005 in Room 510 of the H.F. Robinson Administration Building. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Warren.

The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Warren, Mrs. MacNeill, Mr. Worley, Mr. Kiser, Mrs. Hyde, Mr. Grasty, Mrs. Burda, and Mr. Metcalf.

The following members of the Board were absent: Mrs. Wyche, Mr. Carlisle, Mrs. Little, Mr. Phillips, and Mr. Burgin.

Others present included: Chancellor Bardo; Vice Chancellors Metcalf, Wooten, Caruso and Carter; Mrs. Lynch, Chief of Staff; Mr. Kucharski, Legal Counsel; Mr. Studenc, Associate Director of Public Information; Mr. Smith, Director of Athletics; Mr. Riouff, Staff Forum Chair; Dr. Barksdale, Director of University Planning; Dr. Profitt, University Advisory Council Chair; Dr. Haggard, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs; Ms. Beck, Director of Health Services; Mr. Cooper, Alumni Association President; Mr. Grasty, Student Government Association President; Ms. List, former Student Government Association President; Mrs. Ashe, Administrative Assistant; and Ms. Welch, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees.

Mr. Warren commented that the minutes of the November 11, 2005 Executive Committee meeting should reflect the Kimmel gift as 10.4 million dollars instead of 10.6 million. Mr. Warren moved that the minutes of the September 2, 2005 regular meeting and the minutes of the November 2, 2005 telephone meeting of the Executive Committee be approved as mailed and that the November 11, 2005 telephone meeting of the Executive Committee be approved as amended. Mr. Worley seconded the motion and all three sets of minutes were approved unanimously.

Mr. Warren moved that the Board go into closed session to prevent the premature disclosure of an honorary degree, scholarship, prize or similar award and to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Dr. Bardo asked Dr. Carter to stay for the first half of the closed session.

Mr. Kiser moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Metcalf seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mrs. Hyde reported that the SACS accreditation is proceeding now. She read from the Research and Graduate Studies progress report. Mrs. Hyde also reported that the Information Technology department is undergoing a Banner implementation to enhance the campus network. She further reported that Western has adopted the Policy on Serious Illness and Disability Leave as set by the Board of Governors for the University of North Carolina system. Mrs. Hyde mentioned that the notification of appointments are available to view under TAB C of the Board materials.

Dr. Bardo said that Banner implementation is one of the serious issues we face as a University because it is a very difficult system. He also mentioned that the University is doing this implementation with existing staff so a lot of people are doing double duty to make this work. Dr. Bardo further mentioned that there are no additional state allocations for this implementation.

Mr. Warren asked about wireless technology on campus. Dr. Bardo explained that the standards are changing so rapidly there is no one standard for wireless that can go all around the campus; therefore, we are implementing in buildings as we go. He further explained that when a standard gets approved then we will place wireless all over campus.

Mrs. Burda explained that SPA employee salaries at Western are not at an acceptable level. She further explained that this subject had been discussed at the Board retreat extensively. Mr. Grasty moved to approve the proposed Resolution in Support of Salary Adjustments for SPA Employees. Mr. Worley seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (RESOLUTION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D-1)

Mrs. Burda mentioned a scholarship resolution for the re-classification of non-resident students. Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to speak briefly about the need for this resolution. Mr. Wooten explained that this resolution would be a cost savings from the standpoint of an agency that is providing a full scholarship. Mrs. Burda moved that the resolution to allow full scholarship, non-resident students to be classified as resident students for the purpose of assessing tuition be approved. Mr. Kiser seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (SCHOLARSHIP RESOLUTION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D-2)

Mrs. Burda reported on the proposed campus-initiated tuition and fees for 2006-2007. Mr. Wooten stated that these fees are within the ceiling established by the Board of Governors. Discussion of the proposed tuition and fees followed. Mrs. Burda moved that the proposed tuition and fees for the fiscal year 2006-2007 be approved. Mr. Worley seconded the motion. With one opposing vote, the proposal was approved. (COPY OF TUITION AND FEES ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D-3)

Mrs. Burda stated that the Administration and Finance Committee is recommending that the Board of Trustees request the R&D Corporation to select an architect. Mrs. Burda asked Mr. Wooten to speak briefly on this request. Mr. Wooten stated that as a part of our master-planning process to redevelop the central quad of campus, the R&D Corporation engage an architect to design and build two new residence halls with the least impact to the University, taking advantage of the efficiency of time and money. Mrs. Burda moved that the Board approve the request of the R&D Corporation to select an architect to prepare a design and budget for the replacement of the current Helder and Leatherwood residence halls. Mr. Grasty second the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mrs. Burda reported on the construction projects currently in construction or design. A full report of the status of bond projects will be presented at the next Trustee meeting in March 2006.

Mrs. Burda updated the Board on actions being considered by the Board of Governors that, if adopted, will require the Trustees to take a more active role in the reviewing and monitoring of the internal controls and systems of the University. Mrs. Burda discussed recent changes in accounting standards related to fraud and the detection of fraud.

Mr. S. Metcalf stated that the committee did not meet yesterday since there was not a quorum. He further stated that the kind of contribution that we received from Kimmel makes a real difference.

Mr. S. Metcalf asked Mr. C. Metcalf to make a comment on the investment summary. Mr. Metcalf reported that the University, through the Foundation, received $1,800,000 for Distinguished Endowed Professorships during the month of August. That completes full funding for four (4) new Distinguished Endowed Professorships 鈥 one at the $1.0 million level and three at the $500,000 level 鈥 plus private funding for two additional professorships at the $500,000 level. He further mentioned that a state match of $250,000 is expected for one of the latter two within the next month; the state match for the second is expected during the next fiscal year.

Mr. S. Metcalf mentioned that the fiscal year fund-raising receipts, through the end of October, were 2.3 million.

Mr. S. Metcalf asked Mr. C. Metcalf to explain the details surrounding the naming of a second box in the Fine and Performing Arts Center. Mr. C. Metcalf explained that Jo and Henry Durham have contributed $25,000 to the Foundation for the right to name the box beside the Chancellor鈥檚 Box. Mr. S. Metcalf moved that one of the three remaining unnamed box seating areas in the Fine and Performing Arts Center auditorium be named 鈥淭he Carolina Box鈥 and that the name be affixed to the designated box in an appropriate manner, along with the name of the donors. Mrs. Hyde seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Mrs. MacNeill mentioned that it was great to see Heather List visiting the campus.

Mrs. MacNeill asked Mr. Grasty to report on the Student Government Association. Mr. Grasty reported that SGA is working on constitutional amendments for the judicial branch. Mr. Grasty further reported that SGA is tackling two main issues with security. Mr. Grasty stated that SGA would like to see lighted cross-walk signs and cameras in outlying parking lots. The second issue is mandatory health insurance. He stated that most students are for it. Mr. Grasty reported that the student emergency fund for disasters is in the preliminary stages. He further reported that he will make his third State of the University address in March and invited all to attend.

Mrs. MacNeill asked Ms. Beck to explain the proposed mandatory health insurance. Ms. Beck reported that Western has worked hard to get a policy for students that would be affordable and give accessibility to health care. Mr. Grasty asked for an annual report on health insurance to see how many students will be affected. Ms. Beck replied that Health Services plans to give an annual report to the Board. Mrs. MacNeill moved that the Board approve the Mandatory Hard Waiver Student Health Insurance Program as proposed. Mr. Worley seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. (MANDATORY HARD WAIVER STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM INFORMATION ON FILE WITH MINUTES MATERIALS IN TAB D)

Mrs. MacNeill further reported that the radio reception on campus has been problematic; therefore, there has been an application for an FCC construction permit for an on-channel booster to strengthen and sharpen the on-campus signal.

Mrs. MacNeill stated that all athletic facilities recommended by the Task Force have come to fruition.

Mr. Warren pointed out that the tentative schedule for 2006 Board of Trustee meetings has been made available to everyone and asked them to put the dates on their calendars now. He welcomed Heather List to the meeting. Mr. Warren stated that we are a different university today, because of what happened yesterday. He expressed gratitude to John Bardo, Clifton Metcalf, and Brad Sims for what they have done managing and developing relationships with the Kimmel family and his business. Mr. Warren further stated that it is a significant day in the life of this University thanks to these gentlemen. He also stated that the gift reflects good judgment and thanked them for their efforts.

Dr. Bardo stated that we are now fourth in the UNC System for state-recognized endowed professorships. He further stated that Mr. Bowles鈥 appointment is probably the second most important decision made in the history of the UNC System, with the most important being putting the system together. Dr. Bardo mentioned some of Mr. Bowles鈥 concerns include educating North Carolina, the school calendar and early intervention for girls in math and science. He also mentioned the Mr. Bowles will make a difference because he understands what needs to happen for higher education.

Dr. Bardo reported that the University of Tennessee is negotiating to let Cherokee students pay in-state tuition to attend. He further reported that this will create a hardship on Western because it will open up a competitor who was not there before. Dr. Bardo has asked Mr. Wooten to begin the conversation about in-state and out-of-state waivers and looking at this in terms of economic development questions and labor shortages. He also stated that he is trying to encourage the conversation, not in an education frame, but in an economic development incentive frame. Dr. Bardo mentioned that we have natural linkages to Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson and to Atlanta-North Georgia.

Dr. Bardo mentioned that we have an opportunity to do some things in certain areas of athletics that can give us a positive national presence where we can become national players to generate revenue.

Dr. Bardo explained that our QEP committee will meet and will most likely adopt some version of career education. He said that if this happens he will request the Board of Governors to seek funding from the legislature for a Big 鈥渃鈥 Center for Career Education. Dr. Bardo further explained that this will encourage international experiences in co-op.

Dr. Smith stated that the Kimmel gift is very important to the faculty and congratulated the Chancellor and Mr. Metcalf for obtaining the gift. He further stated that the gift focuses the attention on providing graduates to the State of North Carolina in the construction management industry, engineering firms and technology. Dr. Smith mentioned that practically every department across the university is looking to see how their majors can contribute to the region and state, cultural and economical development. Dr. Smith read part of the new proposed mission statement saying 鈥淭he mission of Western Carolina University is to provide educational programs, research and creative activities and cultural opportunities that will improve the lives and enhance the quality of life in this region of the State. As a major public resource for North Carolina, the University commits the expertise of its faculty, its staff and its students to education outreach, research and creative activities, regional and economical development and service to the region.鈥 He further stated that this is not an ordinary mission statement.
Dr. Smith stated that the Faculty Senate will be dealing with graduate academic integrity and faculty tenure and promotion. He also mentioned that there is an intellectual property document that will go before the Faculty Senate for approval. Dr. Smith reported that there is a committee examining our college structures which will be presenting a proposal in January. He further reported that a consulting company will be guiding them through a web design and re-structuring.

Mr. Riouff thanked the Board for passing a resolution on SPA salary increases. He mentioned that he would like to share the resolution with the staff forum and with the system-wide staff group. Mr. Riouff stated that the Staff Forum has solicited by e-mail ideas about how to improve staff morale. He mentioned that the Staff Forum hopes to get a system-wide staff assembly recognized by President Bowles. Mr. Riouff further mentioned that the Staff Forum hopes to get free tuition for staff children approved.

Mr. Cooper reported that he became President this summer and has been working on the by-laws of the organization. He further reported that the association has gone back to the central core of the constitution and by-laws with working committees. Mr. Cooper mentioned a scholarship fund for continued undergraduate education. He further mentioned that the goal is $250,000 and they are struggling with the amount. Mr. Cooper stated that Asheville-Buncombe is one of the least active alumni clubs in this region. He further stated that he is exploring ideas to generate interest and touch some deeper pockets and let everyone know what is going on here at Western. Mr. Cooper also mentioned that the Purple and Gold is being upgraded. He further mentioned that the association is working on qualifications for the awards they give.

The being no further business, Mr. Worley made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Burda seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously at 12:15 p.m.