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An image of the heart of wcu's campus including the iconic alumni tower and "catafount"


One of the best ways to find great items to fill the blank space in your life is through 91热爆网's Surplus. When offices all across campus find themselves with unused or extra items, they send them to surplus for your gain! 

If you need more information or have a question about how this works, contact Western's Surplus Property Manager, Regina Cowan at 828.227.2760.

You can also review the  website for opportunities to bid on items to purchase from other universities and state organizations.

Surplus Request Forms

Should you find yourself with additional items you would like removed, you may use the declaration forms below to schedule a pickup of your surplus property. Please be sure to include your number generated below.

Please follow the instructions below, starting with clicking the button. You will be assigned a number.

Your number is:

  1. Copy and paste this number into the number box on the form below.
  2. Fill out the requisition - hit enter to add more lines of text.
  3. Print.

IT and Computer Surplus

If you have Surplus Computer or IT equipment which you would like removed, you will need to .

Policies and Procedures

You can read and review our Surplus Policies and Procedures below.
Fixed Asset Coordinators

Surplus Policy

Fixed assets become surplus property when the owning department no longer needs them. Surplus property cannot be sold directly to individuals. It can be sold to certain educational institutions and non-profit organizations with the permission of the . Disposal or transfer of surplus property must be handled according to University and North Carolina State Surplus Property procedures.


  1. Departments having non-IT surplus property, property needing disposal, or property they wish to cannibalize must submit the proper completed request form.

    The appropriate form (surplus, disposal or cannibalization) must be completed with all information requested, signed by the appropriate departmental staff member (items with an original value less than $5000 by the Departmental Surplus Coordinator, items with an original value of $5000 or greater by the Department Head) and forwarded to Surplus by email at surplus@wcu.edu or faxed to ext. 7068. Each department has a Departmental Surplus Coordinator. You can locate your Departmental Surplus Coordinator on the Fixed Assets webpage. Only items submitted on one of these forms will be processed by surplus. If additional items are found that are to be surplused, disposed of or cannibalized, another form must be submitted. If the department has any questions concerning disposal vs. surplus, please contact the Surplus Property Coordinator at ext: 2760 for guidance.

    1. The  (Log In Required) must be used to surplus all computer/IT equipment.
    2. It is the responsibility of the owning department to remove any software from computer equipment before it is picked up by IT for surplus.
    3. All documents should be removed from any surplus or disposal item (file cabinet, desk, etc.) to prevent disclosure of potentially sensitive information (social security numbers, student addresses, etc.).
    4. All surplused items must be stored in a secure location until they are picked up by surplus. They must not be stored in an area accessible by the general public.
    5. All surplus items awaiting pick up must be identified by attaching a notification containing the request number and labeling the item as surplus. This must be completed by the department. Items requested for disposal or cannibalization will be tagged by the Surplus Property Coordinator.  The request number, quantity and description of the item(s) to be picked up must match the work order received by the scrub team. If these do not match, the item(s) will not be picked up.
    6. Requests for surplus or disposal of items that contain or have come into contact with any bio-hazardous material must be decontaminated and have all bio labeling removed after decontamination is complete. Contact the Office of Safety and Risk Management (ext. 7443) for instructions on decontamination procedures. Following completion of decontamination, a written approval must be obtained from the Office of Safety and Risk Management before item(s) can be surplused or disposed of. This approval must be forwarded to the Surplus Property Coordinator. Items will not be picked up for surplus or permission granted for disposal without this approval.
  2. Once the appropriate form (surplus, disposal or cannibalization) has been submitted, arrangements will be made to have items deemed 鈥渦seable surplus鈥 picked up and taken to the warehouse (THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE). Useable surplus items will remain in the warehouse until they are either needed by another department, sold at a warehouse sale (Yard Sale), or recycled by an approved vendor on State Contract. Any surplus items not needed by another department with a value of $150.00 or more must be placed on bid through the State Surplus Property Agency in Raleigh. The Surplus Property Coordinator makes this decision based on factors such as condition, age and current value after depreciation.

  3. Request for 鈥渄isposal鈥 or 鈥渃annibalization鈥 of items will require inspection by the Surplus Property Coordinator before pickup.  If approved, disposable items will be picked up and taken to the warehouse where they will be stored in a separate location from useable surplus until removed for disposal off campus. Cannibalized items will remain in the department to be used. When all desired components have been removed from these items, the remaining part(s) must be surplused / disposed of using the same procedure listed above.

  4. Any asset to be traded in must be preapproved by the State Surplus Property Officer in Raleigh. Therefore, the Surplus Property Coordinator must be notified before any transaction is made. The Coordinator will request approval from the State Surplus Property Officer. Once approval / rejection has been received, the department making the request will be notified.  If approval is granted, the department must notify the Fixed Asset Accountant (Controller鈥檚 Office) by completing the Equipment Return Form so the asset exiting campus can be removed from the Fixed Asset System. This form can be found on the Controller鈥檚 Office web page under Fixed Assets. The form must be completed, printed, signed by the appropriate department head, and sent to the Fixed Asset Accountant. A copy should be retained in the department or administrative unit. All 91热爆网 tags must be removed from the trade-in asset and returned to the appropriate personnel (purple and red tags 鈥 Fixed Asset Accountant, Lacy Ensley; green tags 鈥 IT Asset Coordinator, Jason Pry).

  5. If it is feasible and practical, the State Surplus Property Agency will transfer surplus property between and among agencies at values it deems reasonable, appropriate and in the best interest of the State. If other agencies have no need for the asset, the State Surplus Property Agency attempts to sell the asset for the highest price possible. This is generally done by offering the asset to the public through sealed competitive bids, or a way determined to be preferable by the State Surplus Property Agency . Transfer(s) may also be made directly to local government agencies, such as county or city agencies, or a qualified non-profit organization at a fair market price based on actual high bids awarded at public bid openings on similar surplus property.

  6. Bidders are urged to inspect all surplus property prior to submitting bids. Bids are subject to rejection unless submitted on the bid form and properly executed. Lump sum bids will not be accepted--bidders must bid on individual items. The bids are opened at 1:00 p.m. on the designated date at the State Surplus Property Agency warehouse in Raleigh with the award going to the highest responsible bidder. The State Surplus Property Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids. No guarantee or warranty is offered as to condition or quality of the property offered for sale. All surplus is sold "As Is" and "Where Is", and any cost of weighing, packaging, loading, or hauling shall be assumed by the bidder. After the item is sold, State Surplus Property notifies the owning agency of the selling price and bidder. If the item was transferred, State Surplus Property will notify the owning agency as to which agency received the item and at what cost. All payments must be in the form of a cashier's or certified check or money order made out to the State Surplus Property Agency.  Payment in full for all property purchased must be made within ten (10) calendar days from date of award, and all property purchased must be removed within ten (10) calendar days from date of award.

  7. If the purchaser does not remove the property purchased within ten (10) calendar days after date of award, the Surplus Property Coordinator will contact the winning bidder as to their intent to pick up. If the purchaser has a valid reason for not picking the item up, the Surplus Property Coordinator may set a particular time and date by which the item must be picked up. If the item is not picked up within this time frame, the item will be submitted to the State Surplus Property Agency to be bid out once again. Any monies already collected for this item will NOT BE REFUNDED. The Surplus Property Coordinator will make every effort to work with bidders in making arrangements to pick-up surplus property they have purchased. Warehouse space is limited and it is in the best interest of the University to have equipment sold and removed from campus as soon as possible.

  8. The Surplus Property Coordinator deposits monies from warehouse sales (yard sales) into the general surplus fund. The Coordinator prepares a check request from this fund for the amount collected at a yard sale payable to the State Surplus Property Agency and mails the check to the Agency. The Agency deducts 8% from the total and returns the remainder by check to the University for deposit into the appropriate designated fund. The Surplus Property Coordinator deposits monies collected in the surplus bid process into the departmental fund from which the asset was originally purchased for items purchased with non-state funds and into the general surplus fund if purchased with state funds. If a departmental fund cannot be identified or is closed, the monies will be deposited into the general surplus fund.