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Name Phone Email Title
Bryce Ammons 828.227.7324 bammons@wcu.edu  Student Accounts
Lynn Ammons 828.227.2427 ammons@wcu.edu Temporary Cashier
Jan Beegle 828.227.3094 jabeegle@wcu.edu Business Officer
Neely Bennett 828-227-3108 nbennett@wcu.edu Investment Accountant
Morgan Burnett 828-227-3793 cmburnett@wcu.edu Interim Controller
Janet Cabe 828.227.2736 cabe@wcu.edu Acct Receivables Accountant
Cal Digeso 828.227.7324 digesoc@wcu.edu  Student Accounts
Lacy Ensley 828.227.2583 lensley@wcu.edu Fixed Assets Accountant/Check Stop Payment
Ben Marr 828.227.2585 bcmarr@wcu.edu CI and Payroll Accountant
Steve Marr 828.227.3106 smarr@wcu.edu General Accounting
Hillary Matthews 828.227.2753 hmatthews@wcu.edu Director of Financial Reporting
Wilma Nations 828.227.2427 wnations@wcu.edu  Temporary Cashier
Brady Proffitt 828.227.3102 bproffitt@wcu.edu Bursar
Heather Warriner 828.227.7324 hwarriner@wcu.edu Student Accounts
Savannah Wells 828.227.3095 wellss@wcu.edu Student Accounts Accountant